Part Six: Traped In The Water Spout

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...Several Days Later...

"Any sign of him..." Charlie's eyes widened hopefully as Vaggie returned from pounding the sidewalks, checking alleyways and other places she knew that the Drugs vending machines were. The grey-skinned moth demon shook her head sadly and the blonde Princess of Hell sighed heavily, her hopeful smile vanishing as she collapsed back onto the red couch in the lobby.

"Where could he be..." Charlie whined out frustrated. "You don't think—"

"—Valentino got to him. Yeh, I do.." Vaggie responded grimly, "He's probably holed up somewhere and cloaked so we can't find him. And we can't go waltzing up to the Sleazeball Scumbag and rat Angel out, we're his safe house away from that monster!" She frowned.

"Maybe Alastor would—"

"You really think the Radio Demon is gonna give a flying fuck what happens to Angel!" The white blonde moth demon scowled putting her hands on her hips and glaring angrily.

"Ok.. So it's a bad suggestion but what else can we do?" Charlie leaned back, closing her yellow eyes to reveal dark smokey grey eyeshadow on her eyelids. Softening slightly Vaggie sat down next to her girlfriend taking her hand in hers.

"We trust Angel to find a way back to us. He's done it once already.. He could do it again."

"Your right.." Charlie smiled feeling better, leaning in and pecking Vaggie on the lips before getting up. "Besides, I better go and help Alastor with the preparations. The show starts and seven.." She grinned looking more like her optimistic self before dashing off to find the Radio Demon.

"Oh yeh... Almost forgot about that.." Vaggie exhaled, she was not looking forward to this..


"....Itsy bitsy spider, climbed up the water spout...." A sad sorrowful voice sang softly in the dimly lit room as he rocked himself on the floor. "Down came the rain and washed the spider out..." A single tear rolled down the fuzzy pale pink cheek passing the small fuses dots under his black sclera eye. The yellow sclera one sporting a large bruise as Angel uncovered it with a make up remover wipe. "Out came the..... sunshine to dry up all the rain.." He sighed heavily and wiped this tear away along with a second that had started to form. "Then itsy bitsy spider...." He broke off to sniff and forestall a sob. "—went up the spout.. again.." He leaned back gently against the wall where he had been crouched down behind the bed breaking down in tears.

He was back in this fucking hell hole, back under Valentino's blue thumb and at the mercy of his cane, again. The spider demon ached all over, not just from the beating he had endured days ago for daring to escape from his studio prison but also from the sheer exhaustion as he had been forced back into the degrading world he had tried to escape.

He couldn't remember how he arrived making him suspect that the 'sicko pimp jagoff' had found him high off his box and lured him back with those 'fucking false promises' of it being better. Angel scowled deeply. It wasn't, in fact this was worse than last time.. This room was smaller, had less stuff so it was obvious he wasn't Valentino's favourite anymore.. That in itself was a small blessing, it meant Valentino didn't keep him with him at all times but he was cursed with being the most recognised face of his operation so he was still expected to 'perform' when called despite his cane whipped back and smack about face. The only small blessing was that he was given top dollar studio make up that was able to hide the full extent of his bruising so it didn't show up on camera.

He'd just been dumped in here after live streaming a new porno. After spending these last few days in isolation he was feeling emotionally broken by this point and was slowly removing his make up as he sung the only rhyme he knew that described himself and his situation to a tee.

He was in that metaphorical spout now..

Dumping the filthy wet wipe after uncovering the rest of his bruising the demon spider sighed heavily feeling like he had no more tears to shed. He spotted his striped jacket hanging innocently on the corner. He pulled it down and put it on, purely so he didn't have to look at the numerous bruises on his back and shoulders that still smarted from Valentino's wrath. He sighed, feeling better now that he didn't have to look at the sore spots on his body for a little while then his ungloved fingers brushed something hard in his pocket.

His Hellphone.

He quickly pulled it out hoping that it had survived the torturous beating from the Pimp Demon. His smile faded at the smashed screen and he growled. That was going to cost him to fix but he'd worry about that when he got outta here. He tried the side switch power button praying to anyone that cared in the hopes he could still work his phone, maybe he could get a buddy to bust him out if he was lucky.. By some miricle the phone turned on and fortunately it was still on silent. He tested the screen to see if the touchscreen was doable and fortunately he could work around the cracks..

For the first time in days Angel Dust smiled a genuine smile, not a forced one he needed for acting purposes..


AngelD~~: Sugar tits I need ya to come bust me out again..

CherryB~~: For fucks sake Angie, what shit have you got yourself into this time!

AngelD~~: The jagoff has got me locked in some shitty dressing room. He's pissed off about me runnin' off.. Just come get me. I'll do you another solid, ya know I'm good for it..

CherryB~~: ....

CherryB~~: Fine.. But you so owe me fucking big! Turn on your phone's location so I can see where you are..

AngelD~~: Ok, but only for 10 seconds, I don't want fuckface figuring out I'm planning another break out..

CherryB~~: K


The spider demon exhaled heavily and with trembling fingers he slowly went into his settings slowly, pulled up the location settings and felt a pit of worry. He always kept this off so Valentino wouldn't be able to track him when he wasn't in the studio, fear swept over him as he carefully slid the switch that would turn on his location. The heart in his fluffy chest drummed rapidly as he count back from ten and immediately flicked the switch to off sighing with relief as everting was still quiet..

At the sight of a message popped up he jumped in fright, ramming a hand in his mouth to stifle a squeak of terror before realising it wasn't Valentino..


CherryB~~: Gotcha! Lock and load bitch, at the sound of the 2nd boom you smash the fucking window! Meet me at the corner on Scream St

AngelD~~: Count on it!!


Immediately Angel Dust turned off his phone again to save the almost done with battery and stuffed it into his pocket. Happy that his oldest friend in Hell was coming to the rescue he smiled summoning his tommy gun and climbing up onto the bed. Poised to wait for the sound of the promised blast..

Hopefully he would be out of here before they came looking to film another badly scripted porno film..

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