Part Twenty-One: The Problem With TV People

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"Alright everyone, I just got off the phone with HellVison Production Studios and the television crew are on their way here.." Charlie declared after pulling everyone together in the bar lounge for a staff meeting. While the rest were sitting Alastor remained stood near her with his detached smile and both hands behind his back for the time being. "Are we ready for them?" The blonde princess suddenly cringed as flashbacks of her time in 666 News studio came to mind.

"Of course we are my dear. Don't worry, Niffty has been cleaning round the clock. Haven't you my little darling?" Alastor's head snapped around to where the tiny one-eyed woman dressed in a light pink top with deep pink hoop skirt. She nodded viciously.

"Uh-huh. Not a single thing dusty or out of place.." She sounded before suddenly whipping her head around to the bar where Husk was leaning his elbows on and Angel was lounging lazily in front of. "Oh. Which reminds me, I meant to thank you two for the other night. I'd been struggling with writer's block for days but now it's gone!"

"What the fuck has that gotta do with us?" Angel asked her clearly not following but the small demon with the bob-haircut merely giggled lightly in response.

"Oh for fuck sake.." The demon cat behind them hid his face in a large hand understanding what she meant immediately then pulled it away to reach for his bottle of booze and took a large swig to try and cope with this new information.

"Don't worry, it's not about you. It's about this show I've been watching on Nabflix. I wrote what I saw in the lobby but swapped out your names.." Niffty replied before turning away once more.

"Wait, what?" Angel frowned, finally cottoning on.

The next moment there was the sound of knocking coming from the main doors of the hotel.

"Oh. That will be them! Everyone play it cool.." Charlie said with a big grin of excitement and immediately the tall spider got up off his stool.

"Fuck that! I don't wanna be on some shitty ad.. It will hurt my persona's credit.." The pale pink spider cried out.

"Whatever. Then go hide in your fucking room and we'll call you when the TV people are gone! What did you even come to this meeting for anyway.." Vaggie replied from her sprawled out sitting position on the couch near front desk.

"Hey! I was at this bar first, yous guys came t'me remember?" Angel retorted folding his arms looking somewhat affronted.

"We can't leave the TV people outside. I'll get the door you get rid of him.." Charlie said to Alastor.

"Fine by me.." The Radio Demon drawled before summoning a fiery wormhole above Angel to which both the spider and Husk looked up at in the same moment with matching expressions of concern, the latter gripping the bar tightly.

"Aw, not this again—" Was all that was heard before Angel was transported out of the bar and the demon cat retracted his claw-like fingers from their vice-like grip on the bar, his expression relaxing back to indifference.

At the same moment Charlie approached the door and opened it before her warm smile  dropped into one of shock at the incredibly tall demon looking down at her with an evil neon smirk and large bright red eyes.

"Oh shit.." She uttered in disbelief before turning around and calling, "Uh, Alastor.. M-Maybe you better come deal with this.." The next moment the tall Radio Demon casually walked up to the door to find that the TV demon himself was standing there with a small crew of minions behind him. The large rectangular screen he had for his face was glowing softly as his emoji-like face was contorted into a look of jesting.

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