Part Eleven: Finding Out What's Real

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"So your my sponsor, huh?" Angel flashed a playful smirk, leaning one elbow on the bar top and setting his pale pink furred head in his pink gloved hand. Both brows were raised up in intrigue towards the tall grey and white furred demon cat.

"I didn't volunteer." Husker growled, his black lips forming a grimace as his shoulders hunched, clearly unimpressed.

"Heh. I figured. Don't worry about it." The spider demon drawled then glanced around the bar before turning back. "I'm actually glad it's you. When Charlie told me I was gonna have a sponsor I for sure thought it was gonna be Miss Psycho Bitch. She's a real drag.." He exhaled heavily reaching into the 'bust' of his fluffy chest and pulling out his red Hellphone. He had got as far as to turn it on and see a voice message and a few missed messages but had not inspected any of them yet, nervous about what he would find waiting there.

Husk merely grunted vaguely in response, returning to his single player card game.

"So..... Any chance of a drink? Preferably somethin' stiff, I may need it." The cat demon gave him an odd look so the effeminate spider demon exhaled, "Yeh, yeh.. I know I would usually make some kinda sex joke but this no time for that.."

"Whatever you say." Husk replied unemotionally getting a glass and casually pouring him out a drink from the bottle he had been drinking from then slid the glass over.

"Oh. By the way Charlie thinks it's a good idea if we switch numbers, that way we can contact each other if we think we're gonna 'slip'.." Angel added casually deciding to be open the messages in his HarassApp first feeling it would be safer since he wouldn't actually have to listen to any voices. One of his gloved hands accepted the glass of cheap booze and lifted it to his lips. He took a slow but shaky sip as another hand rubbed his facial fluff nervously, those odd sclera eyes gazing at the screen as his pink pupils ran over the text.


CherriB: Hope your not dead Bitch, hit me up when you get this!


A smile curved the spider's lips for a moment at his best friend's message, she was always looking out for him. It vanished when he realised the rest were from 'Big Val'. The first couple were angry messages, written in all capitals uttering profanities and threats. This was the usual 'rage phase' that was the Pimp Demon's first reaction. The rest were sweet messages, or at least they would be if Angel didn't already know about Valentino's 'bullshit phase' this was always the tactic he used when intimidation and fear didn't work. These messages were filled with phony apologies and false promises of things being better. In times before this had been enough to win the spider back but he wanted to be better than this.. He needed to be strong.

"Hah! Good luck.. I don't have one.." Husk's rough response made the spider blink in shock as he came back to the present, looking up from his Hellphone.

"Excuse me?" Angel blinked again in disbelief. "You don't have a Hellphone? How is that possible? Everyone has a Hellphone!" Two of his four arms stuck out expressing his surprise at this information.

"Not me.. Never had use for one." The cat demon replied unperturbed by the spider demon's shock.

"So how am I supposed to contact ya if I need ya?" Angel Dust frowned in a slight deadpan expression. This was ridiculous.

"You don't.." Husk smirked making the spider demon roll his eyes.

"Well then, I'll just have to come find ya then, won't I?" Angel purred in a sultry voice reaching over to pet Husk, only to have his hand slapped away.

"Bite me.." The tall winged cat snapped back with a deep furrowed glare, he wasn't in the mood to be flirted with at this moment.

"Is that an invitation?" The spider demon smirked unable to resist the teasing, there was something very sweet about watching the tall winged demon in front of him get flustered by him. There was definitely an attraction there. Angel had always liked guys that were taller than him and a little heavier built but not too big. Husk definitely ticked those boxes for him and despite his rough edges and difficult to know persona Angel liked the fact that he didn't just fall at his feet and just want to screw him. He actually had to work hard to get noticed. It was refreshing.

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