Part Five: One For One

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Jumping in surprise the tiny one foot red-haired cyclops demon in a hoop skirt zipped from where she had been dusting picture frames down to where Alastor had called her to.

"Ah! There you are my little darling. Would you be a dear and clean up this mess.." The Radio Demon purred to the tiny cyclops with the bob haircut.

"Oh my, oh my, oh my.." Niffty squeaked seeing the litter of bottles and spills. "Husker had a relapse.." She tisked shaking her head repeatedly then began to instantly clean up the discarded and broken bottles. "Whatta mess.. I'll have it cleaned up in no time, don't you worry! Do you need me to check on him later?" She paused flashing a sweet smile at the Radio Demon blinking.

"No-nono.. I have made other arrangements this time.." Alastor grinned wider, his eyes narrowing in deep dark amusement.

For a nanosecond Niffty looked unhappy before she grinned widely.

"Ok.." She trilled then resumed cleaning like the little speed demon she was. Satisfied Alastor began humming a slow rendition of 'Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile' as he walked off with his hands behind his back.

"Oh! Alastor, I'm I glad I found you.. I have the most amazing idea and I just had to share—" Charlie appeared in front of him, bouncing on the spot in her excitement. Vaggie frowned suspiciously as she looked towards the empty bar as Niffty scooted around cleaning up.

"What happened to Husker?" The moth demon asked plainly, looking at the Radio Demon with a slight frown.

"He's running a little errand for me Vagatha dear.." Alastor flashed her a charming smile but she only growled in annoyance.

"It's Vaggie!" She shrieked back but he merely covered her mouth with his hand.

"Use your indoor voice darling.." Alastor responded brightly as she smacked his hand away harshly. "Now be a sport and man the front desk while I'm pitched what can only be an engaging idea from your treasure of a demon belle."

"Really?" Charlie squealed in delight clasping her hands together.

"WHAT!" Vaggie yelled out.

"Well we do need someone to fill in until Husker returns and you are the only one available.." Alastor replied as if stating the obvious.

"Come on Vaggie, be a team player!" Charlie added brightly making the moth demon sigh heavily, caving instantly to her girlfriend.

"Fine.." She exhaled and sagging heavily and sat at check in scowling deeply. She refused point blank to sit near the misplaced bar and poker table since she didn't agree with their presence in the hotel. She put her elbow on the front desk and rested her chin in her hand. Vaggie's expression soured further when the Radio Demon slid up to her girlfriend with that never wavering grin.

"Now why don't we step into the office my dear and talk about this marvellous idea of yours." Alastor began leading her away and Charlie made a high pitched noise of joy.

"Oh my gosh! Yes! Shall we get tea?" The blonde Princess of Hell replied. "I have all these herbal blends. You should try one!"

"Haha, no. Not my thing just coffee in its purest form for me, no additives and the stronger the better.."

"Oh.. Ok. Well that can be arranged.."

Their voices faded as they turned into the manager's office and closed the door leaving the moth demon alone...

"Satan damn that shit lord.."


When those bleak yellow eyes with black sclera first opened the entire room around him was spinning as they shut immediately a low groan escaped him before the sound of something eyes made one of his long ears twitch. It sounded... like cooing? Then he heard it, that voice..

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