Part Twenty-Three: Oh, What A Night

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Husk exhaled slowly as he stood outside Room 69.. He wasn't surprised when he had learnt that Angel had apparently requested to be in this room. He knocked unsurely, still in doubt that this was a good idea. He would have much preferred to sleep in his own room but he suspected that Angel Dust would just come in his window again and probably be unhappy he had ducked out..

After a moment the door opened to reveal the slim spider dressed in what appeared to be nothing but a silky pink dressing robe and his usual thigh high boots.

"Ciao mi amore.." He cooed fluffing his fluffy fringe before pushing the door fully open and straightening. "C'mon in, I wasn't sure if ya was gonna show.." The pale pink spider demon then grabbed his much larger grey furred hand and pulled him inside the large suite, shuttling the door behind them. His top arms wrapped immediately around Husk's broad shoulders as his lower set of bare clawed fingers combed upwards through his white fur of his chest, skipping his red bow-tie and cupping his rounded jawline.

"I figured you would just come in through my window and gimmie shit if I didn't.." Husk replied softly, trying to ignore the fact that he was really enjoying the gentle feeling of those tiny pale pink fingers caressing the fur around his cheeks. At his words Angel flashed a wicked smirk, the fingers on of those hands moving to seizing his bow-tie.

"Heh, your fuckin' right I would but you're here, that's all that matters.." His voice welled with emotion and he sharply yanked the demon cat into a sloppy but intensely fierce kiss. It was quickly turned into a lusty make out session as their tongues fought for the other to submit. It was only when something brushed itself along the back of Husk's grey furred ankles making a soft grunting noise did the demon cat rip his lips back and look back down his left side. His red wing sweeping out slightly to reveal a small pig that had turned it's head with the movement curiously.

"So this is your pet.." His deep voice sounded somewhat amused as Angel looked momentarily bereft without the other's lips before noticing that his piglet was indeed at their feet now sniffing at Husk eagerly, his little curly tail flicking back and forth as he grunted.

"Yeh, this is Fat Nuggets. He likes ya.." The pale pink spider demon released his boyfriend from his grip and bent down, scooped up the pig in two of his arms and brought him up.

"Interesting choice of name.." The cat demon drawled as his wing curled back into his side, merely watching as the small pig with spots of deeper pink continued to sniff at him keenly obviously interested in getting to know him.

"Well, it started out as a joke but that backfired cause it's all he answers to." The slim spider explained with a sigh barely noticing when one shoulder of his silk dressing gown slipped down his arm a bit. "Never introduced him to another guy before, unless ya count Al but then Smiles introduced himself so I don't.." Angel then set the small pig down  and led the much older-looking cat demon through the peach painted suite with white french style furniture to the bed where he sat down. This little pig trotted happily between them both.

"How did you even get a pig?" Husk quirked a brow once he was at down, his eyes lowering to watch the small pink-skinned creature move around his furry white-toed and grey feet then sit, leaning against his leg nuzzling his warm fur happily.

"One day I found him alone, abandoned amongst the trash lookin' so pathetic so I took him home.. Big Val was not happy as you can imagine, wanted me to get rid of him. But I couldn't, I loved the little guy too much so I took him and left.. He's the whole reason I'm even here in the first place.." Angel sighed heavily, the fingers of one hand running through his hair, his expression clearly reading that this had been one of the hardest choices he had had to make. His pink eyes with odd sclera dropped to the white carpeted floor with mixed emotions.

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