Part Eight: One Helluva Show

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Angel remained sat on his bed for a little while after Husk left. He was just thinking about what the tall demon cat wanted of him. He wasn't sure if he was emotionally ready to face the others staying in the hotel but Husk wanted them to come down to the bar and see something as some kind of favour. What had been going on in his absence? Surely things hadn't changed that much? Maybe the jaded grey and white cat demon with large red wings just wanted him to check out the newest patron to become subjected to Alastor's twisted 'reality entertainment' game.

Still, did he want to leave his room?

Suddenly something pressed itself against his long thin leg and started rubbing with a grunting noise. Angel jumped with a start before peering down and seeing that it was only Fat Nuggets greeting him affectionately, obviously missing him in his extended absence.

"Hey, I've missed ya too ya little donut.. I see someone's been feedin' ya in my absence. I'll have to figure out who to thank later." He drawled scooping up the ink piglet and hugging him tightly, letting the piglet's snout snort and snuffle around his head. He then let Fat Nuggets settle on the deep pink comfort on the bed beside him sighing.

"Do you think I should go downstairs?" Angel asked his small pet and the piglet snorted a couple of times. The tall spider demon stood up sharply and grinned. "Alright then.. But am I fuck wearing this suit.." He added pulling his striped jacket off, happy for the bruising on his back to be free. He then pulled a pink long sleeve soft sweater and pulling it on. His 'bust' of fluff was gone but that wasn't his main concern. Since he still felt sore from the beating Valentino had given him he was more interested in comfort than looking hot. Feeling immediately happier as the skin under his pink fur with few spots of rose pink spots could breathe easier. Thanks to the alcohol Husk had dabbed on the pain was starting  to lessen already and Angel smiled. He didn't have to do that but he was happy that he had shown such care.. No guy ever showed him such kindness without expecting him to put out in return.

He sat at the distressed white French style dresser and began to paint concealer around the bruise of his shiner, planning to blend it out before powdering his face. As he continued to do his make up he considered the fact hat Husk might not be so apathetic as he claimed. Maybe he did care? Perhaps he had been approaching the demon cat all wrong. He had been flirting with him as if he were a punter, maybe that was the problem. He wasn't showing interest in Husk as an individual. He didn't know anything substantial about the cat demon other than the fact that he was clearly a raging alcoholic.

It had been a long time since he had ever bothered to get to know a man on any personal level. It was something Valentino or 'Big V' as he preferred to be called by his 'hoes' strictly prohibited. He could hear the Pimp Demon's words fresh as the day he had spotted them.

'Don't make it personal. You a hoe. You make it personal then it gonna get messy. And who's gonna clean up the mess. That be me.. And you do not wanna find out what happens after things get messy. You feel me.'

Angel Dust exhaled heavily. Even though he knew he was safe and far out of Valentino's reach he still felt a stab of fear at the mere thought of his voice. He hadn't dared to turn in his phone since coming back. He was scared at what messages or voice mail could be waiting for him. He might wait a few days before checking it out when he felt a little more stable emotionally.

He looked in his reflection and smiled at his appearance. Nobody apart from Husk would know he was injured. That was good. He sprayed himself with soft smelling perfume before kissing the piglet in the snout.

"Don't wait up." He grinned before leaving the room.


"What the fuck is all this?" Angel Dust queried as he slipped up to the bar behind which Husk was sat. It wasn't hard considering the room was darkened apart from the stage where the Radio Demon manifested. "Is this Al's new form of torture?"

"Nope. Apparently this is a talent show.." Husk grunted pushing a drink towards the spider demon and Angel smiled as this was his 'usual'.

"Seriously? Who's dumb idea was that?" The spider demon asked but he never got his answer as the Radio Demon's eyes lit up as he came out of apparently being on standby.

"Hello Hazbin.. Welcome to our first annual talent show and if there's any talent out there we might do it again. Who knows.."

"Pfft.... Who's gonna enter this shit show?" Angel smirked in amusement sipping his cocktail. Not wanting to admit that he kind of missed the glass of cheap booze that he usually got from Husk, even if it did have his spit in it he didn't care he just liked the fact that the cat demon was willing to share his hard liquor with him.

"No me.." Husk responded gruffly, leaning back against the side of the bar sitting directly opposite Angel, both of them watching Alastor with disinterested expressions.

"—It's no secret there's drug dealers in Hell, the place is full of them. I bought a pair of shoes from one the other day, I dunno what he laced them with but I was trippin' all day!" The Radio Demon exclaimed to the room. Many groaned at the joke but Charlie, who was sitting at the judge's table with Vaggie giggled a little.

"You know, I started a new book this week about anti-gravity and I just can't seem to put it down!"

Again Charlie was the only one that laughed.

"BOO!" Angel cupped his hands around his mouth and hollered from the bar.

"Thought I would try a little experiment so I ordered a chicken and an egg.. I'll let you know how that turns out."

"It wasn't that funny.." Vaggie said with an unimpressed expression and her arms folded as Charlie continued to laugh.

"It's not the jokes Vaggie, it's the look on his face when he does.." The Princess of Hell stifled a giggle.

"Why can't a bike do stand up. It's two tired!"

"Get off the stage you hack!!" Angel yelled out and this finally got Alastor's attention.

"Oh.. You think you can do better Angel, then why not come up here and show us what talent you have.." The Radio demon's red eyes narrowed.

"Nah.. You don't want me to do that.." The spider demon responded with a smirk.

"Angel! Your back!" Charlie finally seemed to notice him and beamed, stealing herself from rushing to hug him as she was supposed to be judging.

"Made it out of Valentino's in one price I see.." Vaggie added with a slight smile.

"You know it baby.." The spider demon winked making her scowl and turn back.

"Very well, Husker what about you old friend.." Alastor added looking towards the sullen grey and white cat demon behind the bar.

"Uh-uh, no way! I ain't no fuckin' performin' monkey.." He snapped back. "There is no chance of you getting me on that stage.." He shit both his eyes and turned his black nose away huffily folding his arms.

"Come now, I'm sure our lovely judges would like to see one of your slight of hand magic tricks.."

"Oh my gosh! You can do magic?" Charlie squealed out looking delighted by that. "You have to let me see.."

"God fuckin' dammit.." Husk growled in a low irritated voice facepalming as the Princess of Hell bounced keenly in her seat..

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