Part Fifteen: The Start Of Something

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When Angel stirred from his sleep there was a feeling of being cozy and safe, like he was wrapped in a cocoon of warmth with a soft whirring noise. He couldn't remember a time previously he had woken up feeling like this.. Even as a child in downtown Little Italy living under the roof of his mobster father there was always the threat of a police raid and everyone being separated if arrested. Because of the various traumas of his lives and unsafe living conditions he had experienced he was used to getting little or broken sleep. Even staying here in the hotel he struggled to settle, sleeping lightly in fear that Valentino could find him and take him away. But for the first time in his life and afterlife he had slept soundly.

He felt.. content..

He could feel his lips curved upwards and they dipped as he knew this moment was a pipe-dream but he wasn't ready to open his eyes and have it slip away into reality just yet. He nuzzled his face into the soft fur it was resting in that smelt faintly of smoke and yesterday's cologne. A small frown came to his mind as he tried to name the scent but he couldn't. It definitely wasn't one of that belonged to him. It was far too masculine smelling but it was pleasant and he inhaled it deeply. It had a woody smell with a hint of spice to it and it wasn't overpowering, like the cheap shit he was used to smelling on clients, co-stars and film crews on the porno sets.

Slowly he opened his odd sclera eyes and the first thing he saw was scarlet red feathers with a few black and white markings. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust and begin to see that he was looking at feathers which formed a similar pattern to playing card suits. He then realised that what he was actually looking at was the inside of Husk's left wing that was curled around him like a blanket. Angel could feel Husk's left arm holding him loosely against his side as he slept soundly on his back, those claw-like fingers resting on his waist unmoving. His head was resting on the crook of Husk's grey furred shoulder leaning into the white fluff of his chest. He couldn't help but smile as he noticed that the whirring noise he thought he had been hearing was actually Husk purring soundly in his sleep. The large on cat with wings was clearly a deep sleeper as he was still laid on his back breathing deeply and not moving.

So this is what it's like to wake up next to someone.. The spider demon let out a quiet exhale unsure what he was supposed to do. He'd never spent the night with anyone. Ever. Even in his living life he had slept around. He'd never been able to see himself in a serious relationship because of how disappointed his father had been in him. He'd always kept his heart closed after having it ripped out of him by his father's cruel words and utter rejection of him. He had let others use and abuse him because he felt that that was his punishment for being such a disgrace to his family. His father thought he was a whore, so why not be one? When he came to Hell he carried on, it was all he'd ever known..

Usually he had sex with someone he left or was dropped off in a car and he never saw them again. He never stayed over or shared a bed with them. But here he was waking up after sharing a bed with Husk and they hadn't even had sex! They had just talked and then came to Husk's room because it was closer, shared a couple drinks, talked some more and he had stayed since he was allowed to 'crash'. This was completely alien to him. Angel was still fully dressed in his white shirt with a couple of top buttons undone, his black pants and socks. He must have removed the rest but he couldn't remember doing it..

At this moment the purring stopped with a slight snort and the arm curled around him tensed a little as Husk's breathing subtly changed. For a brief moment the wing around the slimmer spider unfurled as the cat stretched out with a slight growl before he relaxed and the wing returned, wrapping back around Angel after his moment in the cold room. The spider demon had propped himself up using his lower limbs so he could look at the demon cat with wings and Husk blearily opened his eyes.

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