Bonus 3: Teasing

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With a heaving sigh Alastor got out of his high-backed seat, setting down the book he had been reading, soft electro-swing playing in the background. He had been enjoying the peace until this knock disrupted him and the Radio Demon stalked over opening the door to find the soft pink furred spider demon grinning with the small spotted piglet clutched in his bottom arms.

"Hey Al, hate to bother ya but—" Angel Dust immediately thrust out his piglet making his squeak out in surprise. "-do ya mind?" The Radio Demon blinked in confusion first at the piglet then at the spider demon.

"I— I don't follow.." Alastor tilted his head to the side, his detached smile not matching the curiosity sparked in those glowing red eyes. The next second those same eyes widened in shock when the spider forced his tiny piglet into the Radio Demon's arms as he answered him.

"Welp, your the one always goin' on about "not sullying his innocent little eyes with our perversions" so your babysitiin' him cause we're gonna be busy, if ya catch my drift.." Angel had air-quoted with his upper hands as he had pushed Fat Nuggets onto Alastor flashing a wolffish grin that made the single gold tooth glint in the dull hallway light. For a second the smile on the Radio Demon's face looked like it might falter as his eyes widened at this unwanted information. Then without even giving a verbal response he seized the tiny pig and slammed his bedroom door shut loudly making it judder a little.

"Knew ya'd see it my way!" Angel called out in amusement only to hear the sound of electro-swing music increase from the other suite of the door. The spider demon chuckled lightly, turning away from the door and wandering back down the hallway with both hands behind his back..


"You got him to agree?" One long red plume-like eyebrow shot up with some disbelief over the racing form Husk had been reading when the pale pink furred spider returned without the small piglet. He knew his partner had taken him to Alastor to see if he would 'babysit' Fat Nuggets. Angel smirked hugely looking very pleased with himself and flopped down on the bed below to his boyfriend.

"I have my ways.." He purred out in a low seductive tone, quickly pulling all four pink gloves off with his sharp teeth and tossing them off the edge of the bed, not caring where they landed. Then with a predatory twist in the lithe spider's smirking expression he began to crawl up over Husk's body before wrenching the forms out of his older-looking boyfriend's claw-like fingers. Angel threw them carelessly away so that his lover's attention would be entirely on him as his small rear settled perfectly into the semi-circle of white fur that was his partner's groin.

"Should I be concerned?" The demon cat asked half-jokingly, his large hands reaching to automatically grip Angel's slim hips and he drew his knees up in support.

"Hehe, no. Of course not, mi amore.." The spider cooed leaning back against his boyfriend's knees like it was his favourite seat, which it really was. Unable to resist teasing the much older-looking cat demon further he deliberately slouched a little, letting his own knees part as he posed provocatively, his smirk tweaking cockily as he ran his ungloved fingers down the front of the fluffy 'bust' of his white and pink striped blazer.

Husk couldn't help but swallow thickly to hold back his lust, not yet wanting to succumb to his boyfriend knowing that he was being teased. He had always thought that Angel was a stunning creature, even before they had started dating he had secretly admired the feminine-like beauty of the spider. He had never voiced this out loud due to the aggressiveness of the perverse persona but after being charmed by the abused and emotionally fragile boy behind it seeking affection and approval he had found it easier to admit his infatuation. In this way they were true kindred spirits.

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