Part Twenty-Two: Bringing Up Morale

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Alastor breathed a heavy sigh of relief as the doors shut behind the TV Demon and his minions, the sound of their cars driving off into the distance. Finally, there would be peace in the hotel.

"Alright! What the hell Smiles? Ya just let that asshole come in and rail everyone? Why didn't ya stop him!" Angel Dust marched over to the Radio Demon, all four fists balled in fury. "And don't fuckin' say it was for "entertainment" cause ya didn't look fuckin' entertained t'me.." He added as his bottom set of arms folded tightly as his top hands resulted on his slim hips.

"I couldn't—"

"Sono stronzate!!" The spider demon snapped cutting him off looking even more pissed off, not wanting excuses. "I saw what you did to Sir Pentious. What about the stories, huh? Where's the guy that topped Overlords?"

"That was a long time ago Angel, when Vox and I were more evenly matched. He was always a megalomaniac and now he has evolved beyond my abilities, that's why I keep our dear Husker close. He's the only one that can handle him though it seems even he has a limit on how much he can bear.." The soft-grey skinned demon with somewhat sad red eyes and soft smile pointed one maroon red gloved finger to the bar where the demon cat now had his head face down on the bar top holding a bottle of Cheap Booze close to him. "It's up to you and I to boost morale in this place now. You take him and I will go find our lady cohorts.." He then clapped Angel on the shoulders as he passed, his grin finally widening with the sound of a crackle and soft eerie humming could be heard.

"Unbelievable.." Angel muttered rolling his odd eyes at the fact that the Radio Demon could still hum before his expression twisted into concern as he walked up to the bar and set his top set of hands down on the counter.

"Whatever this is I don't give a fuck." Husk's voice sounded as his head remained down and he made no attempt to look up.

"Y'know, bein' that I am your boyfriend an' all I could take offence t'that.." The pale furred spider said in a soft voice this seemed to finally make the demon cat lift his head.

"Oh it's you. I thought you might be Alastor.." Husk said propping his head in one hand and swiping the bottle next to him in the other and taking a long drink. "How much did you see?"

"I saw that TV asshole givin' you the gushy screen, I gotta say I ain't too happy with that. Might be hittin' in close to one'na my red lines." Angel threw him a disapproving look which made the tall demon cat scowl.

"And what? You think I want him doin' that shit? I don't! Got enough fucking problems without him adding to them.." He shot back in a defensive manner then took another drink.

"Ya drink when your upset.." Angel suddenly stated with a slight smirk twisting his mouth and flashing his gold tooth almost amazed that this hadn't clicked before.

"So what." Husk's voice uttered in a low depressive voice but before he could take yet another drink of the bottle the pale pink spider took it from him.

"So talk t'me. That's what couples do, right?" Angel added leaning forward across the bar so that his face was closer to the white muzzle of the demon he loved.

"I don't wanna talk.." Husk said flatly making to grab the bottle but the spider demon was faster, switching the glass container to a different hand and pulling it further away. This meant if the cat demon wanted it he would have to lean closer to the slimmer pale pink furred spider.

"Oh.. I get it. Ya stressed, want me to come back there and help ya relieve it.." Angel purred as his eyes narrowed playfully as his brows jerked suggestively.

"What? No!" Husk responded sharply.

"It's either this or talk big guy.." The spider's grin widened as he now pulled himself up onto the bar top sitting on it as he inched closer. "Heh, I'll make it a quick one but it'll feel real good I promise."

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