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"I can't belive I get to meet you again" I say currently facetiming Bryce getting ready to see him
"I know it's been so long I've missed kio you" Bryce says
"honestly same" I reply
"honestly? We're you expecting not to miss me" Bryce asks
"yea your not the best to be around" I shrug and he dramatically gasps making me laugh
"Bryce my plane is here I have to go" I say and hung up the phone I enter the plane putting away my luggage la here I come
I found myself in front of the sway house playing with my fingers exited aswell as nervous to see what everyone else will think of me I finally knock on the door and Bryce opens it instantly engulfing me in a tight hug

"your gonna kill me" I say as a wrap my arms around him he introduces me to everyone else

"hey guys this is e-"

"Everlynn yea we know she's all you talk about" josh says cutting bryce's sentence short

"that's not true" Bryce says giving josh a look

"oH GoD I MiSs Ev sO mUcH" jaden says attempting to mock Bryce

"I don't sound like that" Bryce says rolling his eyes grabbing my hand and pulling me upstairs

"oh look they gonna fuck" josh says smirking making Bryce roll his eyes once again he pulls me to a room which I'm guessing is his and I sit on the bed

"you came so early" Bryce commented

"really it's only 8" I say laughing slightly

"your proving my point" Bryce says

"sorry" I reply playing with my fingers

"it's cool but let me shower first then we can go do something" Bryce replies and walks into his bathroom minutes later he comes out with only a towel wrapped around his waist

"what's wrong" Bryce asks turning to me realizing that I was staring

"did you know that The hashtag symbol is technically called an octothorpe?" I say looking down making Bryce laugh

"you haven't changed one bit ev" Bryce says smiling and I just look down

"sorry it still happens" I say quietly

"don't be you taught me more in one day than school had in a year" Bryce says making me laugh he finishes changing and we went out to get some breakfast since I didn't have any

"so hows Georgia ?" Bryce asks

"she's okay" I reply

"is she still hot?" he asks I roll my eyes and push his head

"we don't talk much actually she's in uhm... Rehab" I say

"oh shit I'm sorry" he replies looking at me I smile weakly causing Bryce to put his arm on my shoulder we get to ihop and Bryce holds my hand making me blush slightly

"did you know that children of identical twins are genetically siblings, not cousins" I say quickly

"wait really?" Bryce replies

"yea it's because-"

"hey Bryce can we please take a picture?" someone asks walking up to us

"sure" bryce replies letting go of my hand to take a picture

"are you guys dating?" someone else asks

"nah were just close friends" bryce replies I just look down and sigh and play with my fingers

"friends" I mumble to myself quietly we finish out food and started walking back to the sway house we get home and we see loads of people

"Bryce I was wondering where you were" a blonde girl says walking up to us

"hey cutie" Bryce says to the girl hugging her

"addison this is my friend Everlynn" Bryce says pointing at me slightly

"hey" she says bluntly I just wave scared I was going to say something random I didn't know practically anyone in there so I just sat on the couch and went on my phone

"hey stranger" I hear someone say I look up and see kio

"you came here to see Bryce what happened" he asks taking a seat next to me

"Im gonna be here for a while so I don't need to be with him every minute" I say

"or is it because he's with addison and you like him" kio says raising an eyebrow I liked Bryce for the longest time but I knew he never liked me back I usually deny it but for some odd reason I couldn't get myself to say no to kio

"it doesn't matter" I mumble

"yea it does try talk to him about it" kio says "I know he likes you" he smiles

"how's anyone ment to know when Bryce likes them and he doesn't like me in that way because of he did he wouldn't be making out with addison" I reply kuo stayed silent and looked over at them

"I'm sorry i-"

"yea let's skip the pity party" I reply and walk upstairs into the bathroom I since it was the only quiet place in the house I sat on the floor with hot tears rolling down my cheeks I knew Bryce liked me but sometimes the way they talk just gave me hope

I redo my makeup and walk downstairs at this point everyone has started leaving I grab whine from the cupboard and bake cookies the were finally finished and I took them upstairs walking upstairs onto bryce's room about to play Harry styles on repeat because he only knows how to make sad songs I hear a quiet knock on the door

"come in" I say
"what are you doing" kio asks

"pampering" I reply holding up face masks

"oo can I have one?" kio asks I laugh and started to apply the mask for him we started messing around in the room having cookies no whine i didn't even play Harry styles since I wasn't sad anymore

"do you think th-" I couldn't finish my sentence because Bryce walked in and we both notices his jaw clench

"ill see you later evie" kio says getting up and leaving the room after he did Bryce looks at me

"what?" I ask confused not in a mean way

"whats that?" Bryce asks I shrug my shoulders

"nothing" I reply.

"do you like him or something" Bryce asks

"I don't know why?" I reply

"just asking" he says I nod and take the wine back downstairs aswell as my face mask packets in the bin and i got myself ready for bed

"just asking" he says I nod and take the wine back downstairs aswell as my face mask packets in the bin and i got myself ready for bed

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I went back into bryce's room and he wasn't there which wasn't a issue but I just fell asleep on his bed

𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒| 𝐁𝐑𝐘𝐂𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋 (Continuing) Where stories live. Discover now