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"hey Sophie" I say smiling she looks over at me and frowns staring at her phone

"everything okay" I ask worried

"your dad had been sick the past months and... He.. Didn't make it" she says whispering at the end tears started to well in my eyes and my stomach starting to turn suddenly feeling sick

"what" I say hoping I heard her wrong

"and you guys didn't think it would be alright to tell me" I say raising my voice slightly annoyed

"I told him not to tell you, you were jsy so happy and when we wanted to you had so much on your plate-"

"I'm almost fucking 20 boy drama is nothing compared to my dad, he's fucking dead and it could've happened any minute but you didn't think it was fine to tell me" I say yelling

"can we not worry about that right now-"

"what else is there to worry about Sophie my dad is fucking dead" I shout

"we won't be able to pay the bills in the mext to weeks if I don't find a job I'm not even a citizen I can't get a good enough job for this house" she yells

I storm out the house and slam the door that last thing I need is to have something else pilled on this I sigh and pull out my phone calling the only people that could probably calm me down

"hey baby girl what's up" Bryce says through the phone

"please come over I- I just need someone right now" I say trying not to cry

"okay do you need to to bring something or-"

"no I'm fine I just need someone right now" I say wiping my tears

"okay give me five" he says he hends the call probably to call an uber minutes later he's at my house holding a camera in the sway mobile

"turn that shit of" I say he turns of the camera and I pull him in a hug as tears finally stream down my face

"what's wrong baby girl" Bryce asks hugging me back wondering why I was crying

"my dad's been sick for the past four months and I didn't know until I found out he died today and rent is due and we can't keep a house like this I mean Sophie can barely live in America let alone get a job" I say panicing

"shh" Bryce says pulling me back in a hug my chest tightens and I start struggling to breathe

"evie calm down" Bryce says hoping I don't have a panic attack

"I-I... I can't" I say still closing my eyes and shaking my head in denial

"evie" Bryce calls my name using one arm to cup my cheek and the other on my waist

"follow my breathing" Bryce says slowing inhaling and exhaling usually it work but for some odd reason today it doesn't

"I can't" I say starting to panic even more

"your okay just-"

"I'm not though" I say Bryce stops talking weather it was because me talking wouldn't help my breath or if he knew that I actually wasn't going to be okay

"I know" he says stroking my cheek

"but he's okay and he wouldn't want thins for you" Bryce says eventually I calm down and wipe my tears

"I'm sorry" I say looking down as we get into the car

"I just wanna-"

"you don't have to explain yourself" Bryce days placing his hand in my lap I look into his brown eye and his cheeks turm pink smiling slightly I cup his cheeks pulling him in but I think wondering if were going to regret this

"do you want this" Bryce asks I nod slowly and Bryce instantly places his lips on mine as they both move in sync again I put my arms around Bryce neck and he puts on arm on my waist seconds later we both pull away

"we need to stop this-"

"no we don't" Bryce says shrugging his shoulders

"yea we do you wanna be with addison and-"

"I don't" Bryce says causing me to roll my eyes

"why are you making this so hard" I say laughing slightly he smiles

"I'm not" he says shrugging his shoulders acting stupid

"yea you are, your always sk hot and cold" I say smiling

"fine let's see if this with help" he says leaning in I do the same and our lips touch once again he pulls me on his lap

"I don't know if you remember but you brought us here too" I hear someone says I instantly jump of his lap i look in the back seat and saw 3 unfamiliar guys

"hey" he says I wave trying not ti be awkward after what just happened me and Bryce were completely red while they laugh at us

We get to the sway house and we all get out of the cars I get in and realised that noah was live we haven't really talked so I decided to take my opportunity

"give me a minute" Bryce says kissing the side of his head

"hey" I say walking over not noah he looks up at me smiling

"hey, noah" he says addressing his name

"everlynn" I reply smiling doing the same

"you guys got any beer" I ask looking around they bid pointing over to the fridge I didn't even want to remember my name at this point

"jesus slow down" Griffin asks as I jug my fourth beer bottle

"don't even, I'm going through way to much shit right now" I say walking upstairs into bryce's room

"hey" he says smiling I frouwm making his smile fade

"what's wrong" he asks

"I'm not pretty" I slurred looking dowm

"your beautiful evie" Bryce says sighing I sit next to him and shake my head

"it doesn't matter you like addison" I say

"evie please be quite I'm trying to concentrate" Bryce says I realise he was writing something down

"see you don't give me anytime of the damn day" I say annoyed Bryce looks at me confused

"well I'm sorry" he says not looking up at me I sigh and slam his door walking out his room

"you were going out" I say pointing towards noah he points at himself

"me?" he asks

"me?" yes you come on" I say mocking him and grabbing his arm

"it's raining outside" he says raising his eyebrow

"what you scared of water now get up" I say whining at the end noah sighs and gets up

"fine" he mutters putting on his shoes

𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒| 𝐁𝐑𝐘𝐂𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋 (Continuing) Where stories live. Discover now