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I stumbled back into my room tipping half of the drink on my rug

"oopsie" I giggle closing the door picking up and drinking whatever was left putting the bottle on my shelf with the rest that hasn't fell over or shattered

"jackpot" I say looking over to see my vape pen in an open draw I took a joint minutes later someone came in the room

"nessa?" I ask confused

"oh my god evie what the hell" nessa says walking over to me taking the vape out of my hand and picking the bottles of alcohol on my floor

"how much did you drink?" she asked

"I don't know" I say she just sighs and starts cleaning everything up

"you don't have to do that it's fine" i say but she ignores me

"you shouldn't see me like this" I say

"it's fine evie" nessa says

"no it's not" I reply raising my voice nessa turns around noticing my voice crack and saw tears well in my eyes she gets up from the floor and hugs me

"everything will be okay Bryce is just blind okay" nessa says stroking my hair

"who said its about Bryce" I ask

"I know you won't admit it to me but I know you like him I see how you react when you guys do all lovey dovey stuff" Nessa says

"it's not just that everyone always leave I've only had Bryce and know my sister will take him I know it" I say biting my lip to prevent a sob me and nessa talked it out and I calmed down slightly

"okay stay here ill get you something to sober you up" nessa says taking the bottles if alcohol and walking out of my room a while later she came back in with cucumber and water

"what the hell?" I ask

"just have it okay" nessa says i ate the cucumber and fell asleep


I woke up with a a massive hangover I saw nessa on the other side of the bed and realised her and josh were asleep on face time so I went into the bathroom just incase I showered and changed into

I woke up with a a massive hangover I saw nessa on the other side of the bed and realised her and josh were asleep on face time so I went into the bathroom just incase I showered and changed into

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Eventually nessa woke up and we just started gossiping about boys and blasting and one direction and watching romance

"so what actually happened with you and Bryce" nessa asked making me slightly taken back I haven't talked about what exactly happened

"I-im sorry i- just-I thought-"

"it's fine... He told me he liked me and I got scared and ran off and when I came back tot tell him not even an hour later he's kissing Georgia" I say looking for down

"he's stupid forget about him" nessa says

"yea totally" I say fake smiling we continued messing around and hours later nessa gets a call from josh

"hey babe" nessa says smiling she put him on speaker since she was helping me clean up the mess we made

"babe the cops are pulling up right now and I've got weed on me and so does jaden... I might get deported I'm scared shitless" josh says nervously laugh

"stash whatever you have to Bryce" nessa panics

"why?" he asked confused

"just do it" I say

"okay I have to go" josh says ending the call nessa looks at me confused and worried

"don't worry they'll be fine I just have to bail them out... Again" I mumble the last part we get in my jeep and drove to Louisiana

"what if something bad happens, what if josh gets arrested, what if-"

"nessa its gonna be fine okay" I say smiling we arrive hours later and got to the prison nessa sees josh and Blake and walks over to them asking what the fuck happened

"I sware this is the last time im doing this" I mumble

"hi I would like to bail Bryce hall and jaden hossler" I say smiling the the lady who just rolls her eyes

"are you family members of any" she asks

"I'm jadens cousin and bryce's...wife" I mumble at the end nessa eyes widen at me it is so fuck in annoying that some bails can only be family

"you don't se pleased to be" she says I fake smile and as she looks down I roll my eyes

"I saw that" she says

"should I test your hearing to?" I say making her stay quiet I give her the money and they realise them both

"what the fuck happened" nessa asked I was too angry to talk so I stayed quiet

"thanks" jaden says hugging me Bryce looks over at me and just rolls his eyes wtf

"I just don't get why I had to cover for josh" Bryce says catching up with the rest of us

"because your the best liar" I commented knowing he know what I was talking about

"Look I didn't ask you to be here" Bryce says pointing at me

"well if I wasn't your ass would be eating porrage behind bars for two years" I say pushing his finger away jaden puts his arm around my shoulder and looks signaling I should leave him alone

"yea just I was definitely going to jail" bryce says sarcasticly rolling his eyes

"that what it looked like don't worry next time I'll take a picture" I say fake smiling

"what makes you think it'll happen again" Bryce says

"because it's happened 5 times and it's always me getting your ass out" I say raising my voice

"Look I don't need a mom" Bryce shouts causing attention from other people

"i don't want to be your mom Bryce I wanna be your friend you just don't make it fucking easy" I say making him go quiet we all get back into the jeep and we drove back to sway la for josh, jaden, Bryce and I'm pretty sure nessa ways going to stay since she was looking for a sway girls hours later we arrive and everyone gets out of the car after the door shuts I hit the staring wheel continously with my arms trying to relieve my anger

I suddenly felt someone put thier arm on my shoulder I look over and see Bryce smiling weakly tears pour down my face, I go into the backseat and I pull him into a hug he wraps his arms around my shoulders and I do the same with his waist because of height difference

"I'm sorry" I keep mumbling

"it's not your fault I'm just to stubbornly to realise your right I do make it hard on you and that's not fair. I really hate when we fight " Bryce says stroking my hair I nod jn responce and wipe my tears

"well I have to get going-"

"no way imma drive you your eyes are drowning you came barely see" Bryce says getting into the front seat

Bryce arrives at my house I invited him in because why not

"it looks exactly the same" Bryce says laughing slightly looking at the pictures of us on the wall

"yea I didn't have time to change it I'm sorry it looks childish" I say

"no I like it this way.. Its probaby the first room I've been in without LED lights in a while" Bryce says making me laugh slightly we just messed around and both fell asleep in each others arms

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