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Evie has never really had a conmited relationship mostly because Bryce either scared them away or because they were ass holes but there was an exception Peter Stan the first time they met Everlynn told him a fact after he called her pretty everyone knew that he didn't want her in the way she wanted and was told countless times Bryce was never found if the idea of picturing Evie with a guy other than him Bryce hated Peter more than anything and wasn't afraid to show it even though Evies friends didn't like him they wanted her haply but Bryce commented on everything he said and continuously told her that she deserved better which she never believed in her eyes Peter was already perfect until one day he asked for nudes after she already said she wasn't comfortable the begging didn't stop so she gave in and sent the picture and woke up checking her phone as saw her nudes on Peters friends Instagram feed tears filled in her eyes as her knees felt week she was physically sick but she knew it was her fault even though Bryce always told her it wasn't her fault and its normal to do something your not comfortable with when pressured making them both promise when someone said no the decision was final

✣✬✭present ✤✬✭

"n-not in that way I... Just missed you a lot" Bryce says making my smile fade luckily it was dark so he didn't see my smile in the first place

"o-okay" I say quietly

"now let's go home it's not safe for you here" he says and lowers his back I wrap my arms around his neck and jump as he held my thighs

"how are you so light" he asks

"I'm not" I say laughing slightly

"yea you are" he says we get home and we get to bryce's room he sees my face and clenches his jaw I knew violent thoughts came rushing to his head

"Bryce I'm fine okay" I say quietly but he keeps quiet as if he didn't even hear me I walk over to him and crease his cheek reassuring him he leans in slowly and I do the same b. I someone walks in

"hey Bryce have you seen my charger?" josh asks causing my and Bryce to instantly pull away

"nah i think it's by the couch" Bryce says he nods and walks out

"I should probably... Uhm get ready for bed" I say quietly and walking out I wore the same silk set but I decided to stay downstairs I crept into kios room I kncok quietly and he opens the door

"what's wrong?" he asks

"I almost kissed Bryce" I whisper yell and his eyes go wide

"what" he whisper yells and I nod he started fangirling

"anyway do you have a spare blanket" I ask he nods getting up walking to his cupboard to give me one and I sat on his bed

"so why didn't you guys actually kis did he like pull away or?" kio asks

"no josh came in" I say

"does he know?" he asks

"I don't think so because he'd probably comment on it right" I say

"definitely" kio replies

"well I gotta go in tired night" I say

𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒| 𝐁𝐑𝐘𝐂𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋 (Continuing) Where stories live. Discover now