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"that isn't fair you won't ever let us talk again" I say looking back at Troy who was just smirking i roll my eyes in responce and troy brings me outside and puts me in the car

"where are we going" I say slightly panicking

"can't tell you till we get there" he says smiling throwing my things in the car trunk he rolls his eyes when he realises my eyes were starting to water

"stop being a baby you whore" he says hitting my head on the window continously my vision starts to get blurry I fell my head noticing the blood on the window and my eyes close


"bout time" Troy says as I open my eyes I sit up and looked at him

"you ere out for almost 3 days" he said I looked at the door probably six times since I've been here I don't feel safe her at all

"cam I have something to eat" I ask looking at him

"no you need to get skinny" he says I look away remembering when my mom used to shout at me that way I looked at the door once again I felt a pit on my stomach and I instantly ran to the bathroom

once I found it I went back I to the room my legs were aching but it wasn't a lot so I wasn't bothered it's probably because I didn't streach them

"oh yea and you might be pregnant" he says shrugging his shoulders

"w-what" I say hoping I miss heard him I looked at him raising my eye brow and he didn't seem fazed

"what u got bored but I got you these" he says handing my two pregnancy tests I roll my eyes I knew I would probably get I trouble if I didn't keep the baby I I went back into the bathroom and took the pregnancy test two minutes later I checked it

"of course" I mutter sarcasticly I walk back into the other room showing troy the pregnancy test he smirks making me roll my eyes it didn't take me long to realise I was ina motel

"so when are we leaving" i say

"this is our home baby girl" he says I roll my eyes and cringe at the name he called me remembering that's the name Bryce gave me

"well here" he says passing me a plate of soggy cereal

"I can't eat that troy" I say he just rolls his eyes on responce

"fine I'll go the diner" he says leaving the motel room I sigh and looked around hoping I'd wen I'm pregnant I'm having a child that I'm not even ready for a child but I know I can't keep it if I don't want to I could tell him right i mean he doesn't mean anything to me right on cue he came into the motel

"hey troy...im not ready for a baby" I say avoiding eye contact

"I didn't ask because I don't care but your keeping it" Troy says handing me a beer and a bag

"I can't drink this troy I don't know if you knew but you just used my body" I say shouting at the end he grabs a knife and cuts my exposed stomach

"you don't want the baby, fine, it's gone" he says throwing the bloody knife on the floor I barely could process what just happened

"what" I could barely process anything let alone say anything he walks over to Mr and grabs my jaw making saw i was looking at him but I stared at tbe ground to afraid to look at him

"Look at me when I'm talking to you" he says I looked up but only to glance at the door once again

"Look at me!" he says realising his voice causing me to look at him

"you got what you wanted right" he says smirking tears we'll in my eyes and he tosses me some tissue and the beer

"clean yourself up I've got business to do" he says walking out slamming the door I started cleaning the deep cut but it didn't seem to be working I looked over and saw a needle and thread

"don't be scared this is what they do in the hospital right?" I mutter to myself walking over to the needle picking it up I stitch the cut wincing many times in the process I clean the blood around it and ate the burger I got tired and ended up falling asleep again


I woke up but not peacefully troy grabbed my arm throwing my off the making my fall on my stomach causing me to groan

"get the fuck up whore" he says I stand up and he grabs my arm

"where going shopping here" he says passing me some stained jeans and oversized shirt I sigh and I grabbed the shirt I decided to just wear shorts instead troy walk out as I did and we hen I got the the car to meet him her rolled his eyes

"what took you so fucking long" he says I ignore his comments and we drove to a store

|Bryces POV|

"what do you even do in louisiana?" I say throwing my body on the couch in a house tayler rented once again

"I don't know but this fridge is dry" kio says opening the fridge I sigh in responce

"we should get some food" I say sighing getting up

"no way your going alone" Anthony says getting up with I shrug my shoulders knowing I'm probably get into some shit we get an uber and got to the store

"shit I forgot something stay here I'm not kidding" Anthony says walking into another Isle I sigh and rest on the Isle taking my phone out really here put of all the Isles

|Evies POV|

"stay here you better not fucking move" he says I nod but I then remembered I needed new sanitary towels I walked into the health and beauty Isle I saw a dark haired boy look up from his phone

"evie" bryce's says walking over to me I look around to see if troy is around

"hey what are you doing here" I say slightly concerned I didn't know where I was but I knew I wasn't in LA anymore

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