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"so... Did you move far to get here or what?" jazlyn asks we've both finish our dance and grabbing a drink catching a break

"not that far I was in bel air" I say smiling weakly

"not that far? Do you casually travel in a space ship or something" she says making my laugh

"okay it's pretty far but I can't do anything about it you know?" I say

"did you leave someone special?" i asks my mind instantly thought of bryce the way he made me laugh with his inappropriate jokes or comments or the way he'd laugh backing down on an argument or the way he'd make fun of how short I am or how he'd bite his lip and stare at me everytime I was in a bikini or his stupid mischievous smirk showing he was going to do or say something stupid

"kinda my bestfriend for years he got upset after I left but I understand why i-"

"wait... He?... Bestfriends? How long" she asks

"since first grade" I say confused on why that was important

"holy shit I can't keep a friendship that long with a boy clearly he really cares about you just give him time to come around as long as you know that non of this is your fault" jazlyn says putting her arm on my shoulder I sile weakly in responce and we decided to go back to our dorms I couldn't sleep I was way to scared for tomorrow I got a facetime call I smile but realised it was kio my smile fades slightly I hoped it was Bryce I really did miss him

"hey" I say smiling at my phone screen

"aloha" he replies

"does he hate me" I ask he knew who I ment

"how was your first day" kio says ignoring my question

"it was great" I say quietly knowing if he ignore my question then its probably true

"hate would be a very srong-"

"-strongly way to put it" I hear josh says cutting kio off earning a glare from him

"...oh shit you were gonna lie oh.. Be loves you he misses you so much" josh says

"he doesn't mean that he's drunk" kio says

"he does.. I knew it I shouldn't have came why did I even do this" I say looking away from my screen

"no don't be your happy okay if your happy he should be happy he's just really sensitive with you and i have no clue why" kio says

"yea he's like a full blown pussy when he's with you I've never seen him that way" Griffin says

"right.. Hi Evie I miss you to much I'm gonna cry" jaden says coming into the camera

"hey jae, Holy shit kio your face... What happened with you too" I ask

"speaking if you owe me 50" josh says making me roll my eyes

"it's nothing I he was trashing his room and I told him not to be so chaotic that she's doing something that makes her happy I called him selfish and he started lashing our on me but oh well it makes me look hot for when I meet Olivia for the first time" kio says making me laugh slightly

"finally your smiling how is it over there meet anyone?" kio asks changing the subject

"yea my duet parter jazlyn she's actually really nice which i have to audition for tomorrow" I say looking down

"what if I fuck it up" I say slightly upset

"you won't trust me your and amazing dancer" kio says me and kio talk for a couple of hours ai talked to everyone else except Bryce and fell asleep


I woke up and wore spandex shorts and crop top I went into the studio and saw jazlyn stretching

"wanna go over it one more time or?" jazlyn asks

"actually that would be great.. I'm so nervous" I say look ignore down

"no need I'm probably just gonna look bad in front of you anyway your amazing" jazlyn says

"thanks" I say smiling

We rwherse the dance a couple of times and everyone comes in streavhing at getting ready

Miss Evans comes in the room with a clip board in her hand

"hello guys welcome to your second day of visceral I hope you guys are ready and I'm so exited to see all your dance pieces ill read the list in order as you go along" see says not looking up from her board writing on it we saw people dance it moved swiftly it was completely nerve racking Bryce would be the one to usually calm me down but know he acts like i don't even exist I snap out of my thoughts after miss Evans calls out name

"jazlyn and Everlynn" miss Evans says

A massive weight was lifted off my shoulders now that the dance was done

"Hele-fucking-lujah" I mumble which made jazly laugh eventually everyone was finish and they were about to leave I was about to do the same and Peter walked up to me

"hey Lynn" Peter says

"back with that stupid nickname" I say

"I like it so it's staying" Peter says making me playfully roll my eyes

"your a great dancer I forgot how amazing it is" Peter says

"thanks" I say opening my water bottle

"and there's this duet I've been working on... Can you help I asked someone else but its just lacked chemistry" Peter says nervous hoping he's not pushing being my friend again

"sure what is it" I say we worked on it for a while and it turned out pretty good

"Holy shit that's beautiful" jazlyn says standing on the doorway

"wanna get a drink later?" Peter asks

"yes in like an hour lemme just get out of this" I say he smiles and I walk off with jazlyn to my dorm

"he's cute" she says nudging my shoulder.

"what ew no way we already dated and it did not play out well" I say

"what so you know everyone the second you were born?" jazlyn says sarcasticly making me laugh

"trust me I don't know as much people as you think" I say

"wait here I gotta change" I say looking for an outfit arriving to my dorm

𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒| 𝐁𝐑𝐘𝐂𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋 (Continuing) Where stories live. Discover now