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July 31st


Hey, Mrs Hall I'm throwing
A suprise party for Bryce
and Wondering if you and
the rest of your family
We're able to come as a gift

Hey, evie I've missed
You so much! you're
An amazing friend
For throwing a suprise
Party for Bryce and he
Is really lucky to have
You but we're short on
Money right know and I
Dont think we can pay a
Flight and accommodation

It's okay I can pay for
The flight

I couldn't let you

Honestly it's fine I really
Would like to make this
Work I know how much
He misses you and I want
Him to be happy

Are you sure I Dont
want any trouble

It's fine I promise

Okay I could pay for Me
and Derek but If it's okay
with you could you pay
For summer and joey and
If they could stay with You?
(ik that's not thier real names but hop of my dick)

that's fine I'll put the flight
For 13 of August if that's

That's fine but promise
Me you'll let me pay
The next time you come
To maryland



August 3rd

The dark haired girl walked around the store worried of what to hey summer and joey were staying at evies house for a week in a couples of days and a 15 year old girl aswell as 9 year old boy is not something she's lived with before so looking for snacks would be worrying

"relax it's okay" jaden says putting his arm on my shoulder we've been spending a lot of time together lately since Bryce and kio were usually doing something with there girlfriend and nessa was back in New Jersey

"why are you gust stressing so much its just snacks" Bryce asks he didn't know of course everyone but him knew

"I-I uh- I ha- I um- i-"

"-she's got a date tonight at her house" jaden finishes

"oh really..?" Bryce asks

"yea" I lie

"cool there's some snacks here" Bryce says walking ahead I gave jaden the what the fuck look he just shrugs his shoulders and mouths sorry I roll my eyes and we both follow Bryce

"oh well I have to go see Georgia ill see you later tell me how the date goes" Bryce says walking out of the store when he leaves I glare at jaden

"what the hell was that?" I ask

"I'm sorry I should've told him that your surprising him with a party and his family" jaden says sarcasticly

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