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I saw jaden and josh, jaden was angry and josh just looked disappointed you would get why though he's given him 2 chances speaking for the fact the literally just broke up

"hey" jaden says looking over at me I we get out the car and I smile waving at josh and jaden

"we don't need you here go fuck noah" chase shouts bryce's takes no hesitance to jump over the gate and grabs chases crew neck collar in a fist

"watch your mouth man" he grits through his teeth

"Bryce" I shout he turns to me and I just shake my head signaling no he rolls his eyes he let's go of his collar and jumps back of the gate walking over to me

"you don't let me have any fun" Bryce mutters putting his arm aroundy shoulders

"it's not your fight" I say sighing he looks at me

"youre right it's yours, did you hear what he said" he says looking at me I shrug my shoulders

"I don't care dudes like 30 pounds" I mutter causing Bryce to laugh we hear another car pull up so we turn around and see paparazzi

"does everything have to be on camera I'm not even famous and I hate it" I mutter

"how do you think I feel" he mutters looking at me

"yea because recording a 15 second video must be so hard" I mock biting the inside of my cheek to contain my laughter

"youtuber" he corrects making me roll my eyes

"tiktoker" I mutter he laughs rolling his eyes causing me to laugh aswell

"everlynn and Bryce how are you guys like this, you just went on a date with noah like hours ago right" they ask IM IM NOT EVEN FREAKING RELEVENT GET YOUR ASS AWAY

"oh you mean me and Bryce, were just friends and were been friends before I even met noah" I say he nods in responce I turn around and see jaden about to throw a rock I instantly run over to him

"no fucking way" I say grabbing the rock out of his hand

"did you hear what he said I did he's a shit talking bit-"

"the real ones know the truth don't care about what some boy starts he dated two minors he's clearly bored out of his mind" i say he sighs as I drop the rock

"are you good" I ask looking over at josh I know as energetic as he is he probably wouldn't want all of this it's getting out of hand

he probably just wanted to talk about it in private he hated when people judged him because of what they saw through a screen because its never the exact same person

"try get him alone without anyone seeing you because everyone just made it worse" I say he sighs and looks over at chase he nods over to behind the tree and chase nods opening the garadge letting him in

Eventually everything died down I pretty much just had to be around Bryce and jaden so they didn't do anything stupid my eyes started getting heavy Bryce noticed and picks me up bridal style putting me in the car

"simp" jaden mutters Bryce flips him off causing him and josh to laugh the get I the car and Bryce drives me home if probably because he didn't want noah ti get the wrong idea


I wake up with familiar arms around my waist I juno slightly not expecting Bryce in my room

"Bryce" I whisper yell trying to wake him up he groans and wakes up opening his eyes

"if Sophie sees you here she'll freak" I say whisper yell once again Bruce puts on o his shirt and gets out of bed I try to sneak him out but Sophie saw me

"morning" she says I instantly push Bryce back up stairs

"hey" I respond smiling I could tell she had no clue what happened yesterday she was drunk out of her mind

"I have an interview in an hour" she says I nod as I walk back up stairs

grab the ladder in the corner of my room resting it on my winder legde until it hit he floor Bryce looks at me confused probably wanting to know why I knew what to do

"fire hazard" I say he nods and whispers 'oh'

"you gonna see me later?" he asks as he gets on the ladder I shake my head

"I think I'm gonna have a girls dah today" I say he nods and I kiss his cheek I waited for him to reach the ground and I put the ladder back in my room and decided to call Mads

"hey wanna have a girls day today" I ask

"sure I'll come over in like two hour's" she says

"perfect" I reply I ent the call and changed into

"perfect" I reply I ent the call and changed into

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I went downstairs and saw sophie

"so what job did you apply for" I ask getting a bowl out of the cupboard

"social worker speaking of I need go or ill be late bye hun" she says kissing my temple causing me to flinch slightly

"what's wrong" she asks I shake my head and smile

"nothing" I reply she could tell I was lying but didn't want to pressure me or maybe she cared about her job a bit more at this point

"okay ill be back soon" she says. Closing the door

"dont care" I mutter sighing I ate some cereal and washed my bowl getting ready for mads

𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒| 𝐁𝐑𝐘𝐂𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋 (Continuing) Where stories live. Discover now