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"YOU DID WHAT" Bryce shouts making my jump a little i look down playing with my fingers avoiding eye contact

There was currently a storm outside, rain continously hitting on the  window

"youre not going, no way are you crazy" Bryce says wait? What? Bryce can say I'm stupid and ignorant but he will not stop me from going this is his fault

"wait what? This because of you you wrecked his face you were completely barbaric and what you don't understand is no matter what happens its the girls fault I will end up looking bad somehow you just don't get that I don't expect you to but I am going and I don't care so thank you for listening but I don't agree" I say

"thanks for hearing me" Bryce says walking away rolling his eyes

"Bryce..." i say quietly he turns around

"he will hurt you and I wouldn't help myself" Bryce says as a tear falls down my face

"don't worry ill be okay" I say wiping his tear of his cheek he leans in and I do to same feeling his soft lips once again Bryce pulls me to his bed hovering above me I wrap my arms around his waist pulling him closer

"hey guys I'm Gonna get grociers with jae do you want anything" georg shouts from downstairs me and Bryce instantly pull away and practically jump of the bed

"uhm no im good what about the storm" I say

"it's cooled down a bit its just rain now look do you want anything or not" Georgia shouts from downstairs once again

"yea just get some takis and sour patch kids" Bryce says

"bet" she shouts and closes the door which we all heard


"what is this Bryce?" I ask looking down I could tell Bryce was taking back

"Ev..." he says looking down

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything but-"

"I like you but Im not good with feelings Evie and you know that so let's just keep this on the down low until we actually know what it is" Bryce says and I nod smiling slightly

"okay well I should probably go" I say walking to the door

"wait" Bryce says grabbing my arm making me turn around and cock my brow

"are you mad" Bryce says

"no of course not" I say he smiles slightly I kiss his cheek

"that's new" Bryce says

"are you complaining?" I ask

"nope" he says I smile and walking downstairs looking for some snacks

"ugh you ran out of snacks there were like 50 pags of chips yesterday" I I mumble slamming tbe cupboard door

"I've got some spare chocolate if you want any" Anthony says walking into the kitchen causing me to jump slightly and turn around

"oh... Hey" I say

"jesus what are you so scared your sister is the one out there in the rain?" Anthony says laughing

"yea I was practically dying out there" Georgia says walking in with jaden Bryce runs downstairs and looks for the takis and sour patch kids 

"happened while we were away" jaden asks sitting on the couch

"I was playing fortnite with kio and josh what about you Evie and Bryce?" Anthony asks

"sleeping, peacefully" Bryce says a bit to quickly causing everyone to give him an odd look

"move up I wanna sit" I say to Bryce who was sitting on a ball chair trying to change the subject quickly he smirks and pulls me to his lap causing me to blush slightly

"what are you doing" I mumble

"nothing baby girl " he says I can feel him hiding his smirk I roll my eyes and go upstairs since I was getting tired and sleep


I woke up and it was still dark outside I check the time and realise it was almost 4 am I saw Bryce sleeping next to me I try to go back to sleep but I couldn't all the bad things started sworming above me and I wasn't even tired I got up and wore a marble bikini which looked like this

I woke up and it was still dark outside I check the time and realise it was almost 4 am I saw Bryce sleeping next to me I try to go back to sleep but I couldn't all the bad things started sworming above me and I wasn't even tired I got up and wore...

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I heated up the hot tub and stole Bryces sour patch kids trying to taking a minute to realise all the shit I've cause to people

"that better not be my sour patch kids" Bryce says causing me to stop my train of thought I turn to him an saw Bryce shirtless in shorts

"sorry" I mumble

"what's wrong?" he asks getting into the tub looking at me

"nothing" I say looking down but Bryce lifts my chin

"tell me" he says

"so many things have happened because of me and its always you fighting for me i-"

"no, don't say that ev don't feel bad about it I care about you and I fight because you don't deserve the things that happened to I know you don't think that but I do and other people need to if they don't hell with them but if they say something I have no fear to send them six feet under"Bryce says making me laugh as he tuck a piece of hair behind my ear

"you know....Everyone's asleep" bryce says smirking oh my god no matter what mood I'm in hell still make a dumb comment like everything is okay

"oh god Bryce what even runs in your mind" I say playfully rolling my eyes

"you" he says smirking or smiling at this point knowing him almost my whole life I still couldn't tell the difference he pulls me to his lap and leans I'm kissing me again I wrap my arms around his neck and he does the same with my waist which turned into a heated make out session

𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒| 𝐁𝐑𝐘𝐂𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋 (Continuing) Where stories live. Discover now