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I woke up and changed into

I got a text of mads agreeing but said we she should go hype because that's where they are going today

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I got a text of mads agreeing but said we she should go hype because that's where they are going today

"why are they always there what the hell" I mumble I reply and go downstairs and get breakfast I look over and see Sophie sighing

"what's wrong" I say looking at my step mother who didn't seem happy at all

"your dad went to Mexico without me" she says sighing I give her a sympathetic look

"it's fine I guess I haven't really been here for a while you know plus it feels more like home here" she says smiling I smile in responce and take a bite of my toasted waffles I finish them

I talked to Sophie for a bit when I realised it was almost one I drove to the hype house before I enter I realised I haven't talked to ondreaz since the kiss

I walk inside and see him with someone it's sorted I guess he looks at me and his smile falls I give him a genuine smile I look over at chase and josh making my smile fall I walk over to them since that's where Bryce was anyway

"hey babygirl" Bryce says putting his hand in my waist kissing my forehead I smile and look over at chase when nessa came she gave me a look shocked josh kisses her so I'm guessing he hasn't told him

"oh thanks by the way bro" chase says putting his hand put for thier stupid handshake

"what do you mean" josh asks confused laughing nervously wondering if he's fine something stupid

"sharing nessa" I cringe at the comment practically using nessa as an object

"what?" josh asks looking at nessa tears well in her eyes

"what's that ment to mean" josh asks confused and slightly worried

"what's going on how was your date babe" mads asks walking over to me I ignore her and look at josh, nessa and chase

"it means she's cheating on you" chase says smirking

"w-what is this true?" josh asks no one missed his voice crack and the tears forming in his eyes nessa stays quiet

"oh yea it totally is right evie surprised she didn't tell you actually I though she would but then again hods before bros" chase shrugging his shoulders and taking a leftover pizza he microwaved

Josh just looks at nessa and storm away nessa runs after him and Bryce stays looking at me mads left earlier she didn't want to get into drama

"you knew...and didn't tell me" Bryce asks looking at me slightly I bite the inside of my cheek confused on whag to say

"how long has it happened" he asks looking at the island

"just before the distrack but i-"

"AND YOU DIDN'T FUCKING SAY ANYTHING" Bryce shouts throwing his fist at the table making me jump slightly

"I only knew two days ago" I say he walks away I try to catch up to him but he didn't stop

"I'm sorry i-"

"go away evie" Bryce says u would chase after him but I couldn't stand one of us getting hurt more than we both are right now

"damn that was a show" chase says eating his pizza I look at him and knock the plate out of his hand causing it to shatter on the floor

"WHAT HE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM WHORE" he shouts i slap him across his face causing a red mark print on his cheek I got out of the hype house and get into my car

I arrive at a studio I thought it was a dancing one until I came in and realised it wasn't it was a singing one I looked over and saw jaden

"hey evie" he says waving at me I smile and wave back he leaves the glass room and walks over to me

"why are you here" jaden asks but not in a rude way

"no reason i thought is a was a dance studio never mind ill-"

"wait no your mom was a singer right" jaden says I nod shyly and confused

"can you help me with something" I nod

"I need a female voice and some girl was ment to be here isn't mind filling in" he asks hopefully

"uhm sure" I say slightly unsure

"what do I have to do" I say

"mind doing an original" he asks I nod fuck I'm gonna mess this up

"I might mess it up" I say looking down

"don't worry chris, deven leave for a minute" jaden says trying to make me less worried if I was to mess up

"ready" he asks I nod and he plays the beat walking into the glass room with me

I hesitantly put the headphones down and look back at jaden wondering if I messed up

"was that bad" I say

"it was perfect actually thank you" I say smiling

"so I heard you went on a date yesterday"jaden says smirking

" w-what-"

"mads told me it was with Bryce right?" he says

"how do you know?" I say confused he shrugs his shoulders

"Bryce told me he had a date and didn't know what to wear and I know you had one on the same day I won't tell if you don't want me to" jaden says I smile in responce I drove jaden to his house

"you staying?" jaden asks I shake my head

"oh spending time with Bryce?" jaden asks again but I shake my head aswell

"whats wrong" he asks walking back over the the car

"nothing me and Bryce had an argument just check if josh is okay" I say making jaden confused

"what's wrong with him" he says confused

"n-nothing wrong" I say to quickly I start the engine getting ready to drive off I got home and saw mads and nessa sitting on my porch I looked confused I walked over and realised nessa was crying

"nessa I'm so sorry" I say quietly going over to them I open the door and invite them inside

"so how are you guys" mads asks hopefully

"we broke up" nessa says in between tears

"you know what men ain't shit we're going out tonight" mads says and I agree

"where though" I say confused

"don't think about that I'll be back in an hour dress hot" mads says holding nessa arm and taking her away to get changed

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