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I went upstairs and did my hair and makeup aswell as changed I wore

I decided to just do a nude look I went downstairs and saw Sophie eyes widen at me

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I decided to just do a nude look I went downstairs and saw Sophie eyes widen at me

"you going out" she asks I nod she walks over to me and pulls up my skirt Exposing my things more

"rent is due" she jokes making me laugh I pull my skirt back down and mads and nessa knock on the door I answer it and smile

"so you'll need these" mads says handing out a fake ID she spots Sophie and hides them

"knock yourself out just don't kill yourself" Sophie says shrugging her shoulders she trusted me so she knew I would stay safe madam hands me the fake ID and we get into the uber

We arrive at the club thankfully there wasn't much of a line since we were quiet late anyway we all went over to the bartender and got some drinks

"so how was you date" mads asks knowing I'd finally be able to answer her

"let's not talk about men" nessa says looking down we all agree and took our third shot I look over and see Bryce making out with I wasn't drunk yet but I wish I was I look back over at mads who was giving my a worried look

"you okay you looks bit distant?" she asks

"yea I just remembered something I have to go" I say quickly getting my things and leaving before they could ask why

I get an uber and drove home when I got home it was around midnight and Sophie was asleep so I decided to run upstairs and cry into my pillow


I wake up and remembered yesterday I sigh and look at my phone realising I got so many messages from mads and nessa I decided to ignore them I showered and changed into

I wake up and remembered yesterday I sigh and look at my phone realising I got so many messages from mads and nessa I decided to ignore them I showered and changed into

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I went downstairs and saw Bryce sitting in the kitchen my sadness turned into anger

"what are you doing here" I say annoyed causing his smile to fade

"I was gonna ask if you wanted to go out again" he asks hopefully the thought of him kissing someone else yesterday fell into my mind causing me to violently shake my head

"n-no I can't" I say avoiding eye Contact with him


"I thought I liked you but I didn't and I think it's best we just stay friends" I lie still looking down I loved Bryce more than anything but we don't want the same things and we can't even trust each other

"oh" Bryce says looking down I bit my lip as I shattered the brunetts heart

"you should go" I say looking away he nods and walks out of the house Sophie comes downstairs

"you okay hun" she asks worried if I was upset I nod my head fake smiling looking at her

"yea I think I'm gonna do something" I say walking upstairs I changed into my old nationals costume grabbed my gym bag and drove to the studio

no one really came there so I don't think anyone would be there and I was right I sigh and drop my bag grabbing my phone ready to play music

"your amazing" I hear I get up an run over to my back grabbing my jacket to put it in so he didn't see the scars someone say I look over and see a brunette his hair just pasts his eyes

"oh I'm Troy by the way" he says I just smile because I didn't have much to say

"everlynn" I reply avoiding eye contact

"when did you start dancing" he asks as I grab my gym bag

"i was four" I say he hands me a piece of paper giving me his phone number I smile and put in in my phone as I give him mine he looks out of the window and sees someone

"what's wro-" before I could finish my sentence he pulls me into a kiss I kissed back but I didn't feel right at all he pulls away and looks out of the window again

"you okay" I say I look over at himand relied he was blushing

"do you wanna go out sometime" he asks

"sure when" I say knowing I have something tomorrow

"now" he says grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the studio I was hesitant because I was in my dance clothes but who gives a fuck

I leave my neep because there wasn't really a point driving it since Troy wanted to drive we got to starbucks and Troy drove me back to the studio I got out of his car and Troy pulls me back into the studio locking the door

"will you be my girlfriend Everlynn" Troy asks making me jump we met like an hour and a half ago

"troy we ju-"

"ill ask you again" Troy says pulling out a gun making my body freeze

"will you be my girlfriend" he asks I nod my head really quickly

"you don't seem sure" he asks pulling the saftey off shooting the bag right next to me making me flinch

"I'm sure of course" I say smiling he smirks and I look outside and see my jeep was wrecked the windows were broken lights were shattered it had dents all around the car tears well in my eyes he lit up a mach and threw it in causing me to gasp

-"happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, hapoy birthday dear evie, happy birthday to you" my family sing
"I have a gift for you baby girl" Bryce whispers in my ear I look over and see my dad and Sophie cut the cake and sharing the pieces I turn over to Bryce as he hold out his hand I take it and he pulls me outside
"HOLY FUCK YOU DID NOT" I say excited as I state and the pearly white jeep
"you told me you wanted one and jmyou just got your permit" Bryce says shrugging his shoulders i turn to him and pull him onto a tight hug

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