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|kio's POV|

"seriously though how could she be so insensitive like its bit fair I wouldn't do that to her and-" was he really talking to addison about this

"cut the shit Bryce" I say rolling my eyes as I walk fmdown the stairs evie took a nap so I showered and came downstairs

"what do you mean" he says raising his eyebrows at me

"you can't act like your the victim here" I say

"she threw a bowl at me" Bryce says

"if you put the pieces together you pretty much told her you wished she was dead and that's how she sees it" I say sighing

"I get that but I asked her one question" he says

"stop being stupid you know she likes you and you like her so obviously she's going to hate any girl that is closer with you than she is and even if she didn't like you she's been your best friend for over a decade and you rather choose the side of someone you haven't met for a full year yet so stop being a little butch and go talk to her..
Not now though I don't like her in the morning" I say

"I don't like evie kio I'd never like her like that I don't know why we did all of that it was a mistake" Bryce says as he ends the call with addison

"okay I do like her but she doesn't deserve someone like me I just keep hurting her and if I have to lie to her then it's best she stays away from me" Bryce says looking away causing me to sigh

|Evies POV|

"I don't like evie I'd never like her like that I don't know why we did all of that it was a mistake" Bryce says ending the call with addison I sigh quietly and run upstairs trying not to make any noise I went back into kuos room went on my phone seconds later kio came in

"hey" I say he smiles in responce but it doesn't last quiet long

"I talked to Bryce and-"

"I know what he said he doesn't like me and-"

"-he does like you just doesn't wanna hurt you" kio says I sigh and get up knowing I probably have to clean the floor anyway I went into the kitchen mad grabbing the broken bowl peices

"hey" I hear someone say I turn around and see Bryce I half smile for a second

"Look I didn't mean-"

"I know" I say throwing the pieces in the bin

"you know we could never work right" I say avoiding eye contact he sighs

"I know" he says sighing and sitting on the counter I finish cleaning everything after I put it in the bin he feel arms on my sides and I was liften of the ground causing me to scream

"Bryce!" I yell as he walks to the back garden

"yes?" he replies innocently my hand grip on his arms hoping he wouldn't drop me

"BRYCE I'M NOT KIDDING DONT YOU DARE DROP ME" I say he drops me but because I was holding on him he fell in too

We were both laughing at each other since we managed to get each other in I look into bryce's brown eyes

"fuck it" he mutters he cups my cheek pulling me in for a kiss I feel his lips in mine his hands move to my waist and mine moves to his neck our lips move in sync until we hear a voice

"FUCK YEA FINALLY" kio shouts causing us to pull away everyone comes out to look at what he ment I glare at kio not to say anything

"EVIE FINALLY LOST A BET" kio lied they all stared at me making me confused I look down and realised I was in a white top revealing my orange bra

"alright stop gazing boys it's wierd" Bryce says standing I front of my and putting his arms out

"stop getting jealous Bryce " tayler says rolling his eyes and walking away kio smiles at us excitedly I raise my eye brow at him

"uhm YEA ONE MINUTE TAY" kio says acting like someone called him

"you better get me a fucking hoodie" I mutter causing him to laugh I jump on his back to hid the front side of my body we get to his room and he trhos me a hoddie and shorts

"there" he says as handing me the hoodie as I dry my hair with a towel

"thanks" I mutter he stays in the room causing me to raise his eye brow

"can I get changed in here" I ask wondering why he was still in the room

"fine" he mutters walking out I wore his hoodie and joined Bryce downstairs

"hey you guys want take out" tayler asks i nod in responce

"sure since I haven't eaten today" I say glaring at Bryce he holds my waist and pulls me in his lap

"still sorry about that" Bryce says wrapping his arms around my waist I smile lightly

"jesus crist guys" tayler says fake gagging making me toully eyes

"shut up" I say throwing a pillow at tayler

"so do you wanna eat or not" tayler asks pulling out his phone and looking back at me I nod in responce

"yea get me a-"

"i remember" tayler says everyone was on thier phones so I decided to get up but bryce grabs my arm

"wanna leave?" he asks I nod shrugging my shoulders what is the the worst that could happen

𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒| 𝐁𝐑𝐘𝐂𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋 (Continuing) Where stories live. Discover now