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We pull away a while later to catch our breath

"let's go back" I say he nods in responce and I try to get out of the hot tub but I was struggling until I felt a pair of hands right under my ass on my thigh it took me a second to realise what he was doing

"Bryce get you hands off my ass" I say causing him to laugh

"I was just trying to help you" Bryce replies acting clueless I roll my eyes and get out of the hot tub I look up and realise it was already bright outside

"ugh I can't sleep in this" I mumble

"then don't I need to work out anyway you can join me" Bryce says flexing his muscles causing me to roll my eyes I showered and wore a sports bra and leggings and went into the garage to work out with Bryce

"image being so damn lazy" Bryce says looking at me as I was just eating his sour patch kids once again I didn't even work out I just sat on the floor listening to the music

"imagine containing so much stupidity" I mock Bryce causing him to roll his eyes and making me laugh

"were going hype house today by the way" Bryce says

"no I'm not" I say

"no please" Bryce begs

"I'm going out with Peter today anyway

"right" he mumbles

"I promise I'll come back straight after we're only going to be there for a while plus I need to pick up my jeep today because its finally coming" I say smiling

"why do you like that jeep so much?" bryce asks

"so you don't was my to apreacite your gifts?" I ask

"I didn't mean it that way" Bryce says quietly

"anyway it's almost 10 I need to get ready for this I'll probably be back before you leave anyway" I say to Bryce but he wasn't amused I wore

"anyway it's almost 10 I need to get ready for this I'll probably be back before you leave anyway" I say to Bryce but he wasn't amused I wore

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I went downstairs and saw jaden on the couch eating cereal

"where are you going" jaden asks I couldn't tell him because I know he'd flip

"to pick up my jeep" I say smiling so technically I wasn't lying I just wasn't telling the full truth jaden wasn't paying much attention he just nodded and I walked out my uber arrived and I went to ten hospital waiting a while and Peter got released and I noticed he just stared at me confused

"didn't know I looked that bad" I say

"hey... Sorry I wasn't expecting you to come" he says scratching the back of his neck

"it's okay I didn't expect me to come either" I say shrugging my shoulders

"so you would've stood me up?" Peter says I nod causing him to dramtically gast and hold his chest making me laugh

"well I didn't so what should we do first" I ask

"were getting ice cream" he says smiling

"it's not even 11" i say confused

"okay?" he says making me even more confused

"ugh just come on" Peter says grabbing my arm and pulling me to an ice cream parlour

"can I have a-"

"can we have 2 cookies n cream 2 cones, see I told you I remembered and may I say you look dazzling today" Peter says in his posh voice at this point I knew he didn't have any money on him he was going to flirt his way out..of course he would but hey, its free food

"aww thank you" the cashier says laughing she ended up giving us the ice cream for free just as we suspected

We walk out of the parlour and Peter flicks his imaginary hair making me laugh slightly

"I knew i still had Britain in me" he says causing me to laugh even more and a smile appeared on his lips

"so what people from Britain steal" I say raising my eyebrows

"you'd be surprised and I didn't steal it was an offer that I put on the table" Peter says

"and what exactly was the offer" I ask smirking slightly

"Look if you don't want it" Peter says and takes the cone out of my hand and keeping it put of my reach

"what are you- what no I want it- Peter!" I say he starts running off but I quickly run up to him and jump on his back making him almost drop the come but I took both out of his hand and get of his back giving him his ice cream back who was shock and I give him his eye cream back

"and that's on being 4'11" Peter mumbles

"okay I'm 5'1 and a HALFFFFF" I say

"same thing" Peter says rolling his eyes slightly

"it's not its 2 and a half inches" I groan

"do wanna know how many things are two and a half inches that people still classify small" Peter says

"your dick" I mumble making Peter roll his eyes

"shut up" he says annoyed we ended up hanging out a bit more and Peter decided to go home i picked up my jeep and drove to the hype house since Bryce messaged me they were going to be there

"Evie what the hell I messaged you like 20 times" Bryce says ad I walk into the hype house

"why you knew where I was" I say

"do you wanna know what else I know that Peter is dangerous" Bryce says almost sassing

"wait what I thought you went to pick up your jeep?" jaden asks I glare at Bryce who is now looking away realising the shit that could go down and he caused it because of jadens really bad anger issues

"technically I wasn't lying" I say avoiding eye contact

"but you weren't telling the truth either you saw what he did to Bryce" jaden says

"Peter looks way worse trust me" I say confidently knowing I was the only person that ACTUALLY saw him

"your taking sides already" Bryce asks

"Bryce you know I'm right, your face was wrecked Peter has a broken arm, a bruised face, stitches on his head and he didn't even say anything you just attacked him!" I shout making everyone quiet

"Look can we just appreciate I'm still in one piece and safe" I say they all nod but Bryce mumbles something to himself and walks away

"seriously" I say

"I'm gonna talk to addison" Bryce says ignoring me I roll my eyes and sit down at a table scrolling on my phone

𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒| 𝐁𝐑𝐘𝐂𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋 (Continuing) Where stories live. Discover now