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Me and Georgia run into the hospital trying to look for our father frantically pacing around the hospital looking for the room we found the room and sat on the chair as the woman already told us we couldn't see him just yet but the doctor will tell us when we can

Georgia pulled me into a tight hug telling me it was okay but we both knew as broken as she was inside she wouldn't be seen crying until she got in a more private place a while later the doctor came out of the room

"fortunately your father has a cracked rib and broken arm we found loads of drugs in his system and we have attempted to was it all out which was successful however he isn't awake and.. We don't know when exactly he will it's not looking great right know" the doctor admitted making my sigh shake as a tear roll down my cheek we stayed in the room with my father and stayed with him a bit but I couldn't look at him it only made everything worse

"ready?" Georgia asks I nod weakly and leave the room arriving back at the sway house Georgia's sighs walking in first

"lets bring this a bit low kay?" Georgia says and I nod still trying to process what's going on right now

"sup losers" Georgia says smiling they all give is sympathy but realised that I'm here they all ran over to me and hugged me tight

"we missed you so much" kio says hugging me longer

"Bryce it's your baby girl" jaden says mocking him since that's what he usually called me

"shouldve stayed back in chicago with her ballet boyfriend" Bryce says rolling his eyes and walking away

"Bryce......" I start but he walks upstairs I was about to follow him but jaden stops me

"give him some space" jaden says

"it's been a ninth jae I'm tired of waiting don't let me spare myself questioning if he's going to talk to me or not when he's right here and can tell me what he really wants" I say walking upstairs

I walk into bryce's room and see him sitting in his bed rolling his eyes when he saw me

"what do you want?" Bryce asks

"what happened to you?" I asked

"I should be asking you that" Bryce says still avoiding eye contact with me

"Bryce why are you upset with me you left me all the time I leave once and you act like I don't exist you don't answer my text calls or anything you make no effort" I say

"the difference is I came back ev" Bryce says annoyed actually looking at me this time

"aren't I here right now?" I say slightly annoyed

"your bit here becasue of me your here because you dad can't fucking drive" he says tears we'll in my eyes and Bryce face softens

"shit i-"

"-what your sorry that's what you always fucking say that you don't mean it that your sorry and still make the same fucking mistake I don't care how angry you are with me but I know deep down you care because you wouldn't waste your life on someone you hate but you don't know when you take it to far" I shout slaming the door I walked into the balcony and saw kio he patted a seat next to me to sit he didn't even talk he just out his arm around me

"why does my life always have to be so fucked" i mumble

"it's not your fault Evie people you know just make a lot of mistakes" kio says sighing we talked for a while and left the balcony

"Evie!" jaden says walking over to me

"hm?" I say confused

"come here" jaden whispered before I could respond he grabs my arm and pulls me to a closet I was confused and scared if I have the wrong impression as my mind instantly thinks of make out sessions in the closet back in high school

"calm down your lips belong to Bryce, I need your help" jaden says noticing how confused I was

"with what?" I ask confused

"I think I like Georgia" jaden says she likes Bryce there's no way shell say yes to jaden but I couldn't stand him being upset so I thought of the first thing that came to mind

"uhm... Now probably isn't the best time to admit feelings with everything happening with us right now" I say

"no obviously I get that but I'm just asking do you think she likes me back?" jaden asks what the fuck am I ment to tell him

"I actually don't know but doesn't mean you shouldn't try we haven't talked often" I say

"oh" jaden says I've never felt so bad for him I had no clue and he probably expected me to know the most more than anyone about my sister yet here I was being the useless one again

"I'm sorry" I say quietly

"it's cool... Really" jaden says smiling and walking out of the closet I follow him out and got myself a cup of water minutes later everyone decides to play video games upstairs and Bryce comes into the kitchen.

"hey baby girl" Bryce says wrapping his arms around my waist as much as I liked the feeling what he said hurt a lot so there's no way I wont do something about it

"can you not" I say Bryce takes his arm off my waist

"Look Evie I'm sorry okay i-"

"it doesn't matter if your sorry what you said hurt bryce" I say

"here we go" Bryce mumbles

"what's that ment to mean" I ask turning away from the sink looking at Bryce for the first time today other than our previous argument

"you always act like your life is the worst when you always been privalleged you couldve gone to a private school but you'll rather go to a public one and live in you 3 story mansion to make everyone else feel jealous" Bryce says rolling his eyes

"is that was its turned into money?" I say

"that's what's it's always been you bailing me out of jail getting me shit like your my sugar moma or some step mother trying to buy me bailing me out of jail and shit" Bryce says

"money can't buy happiness Bryce" I say gripping to the counter turning my knuckles white

"it always had for you? Going on cruises a different country every holiday hell Evie you've probably been to every country" Bryce says

"my mother who was once a singer is a fucking abusive alcoholic because I ruined her life what money could fix that?!" I say

"my dad left my mom because fame go to her they lied about thier reletionshio to my face for two year Bryce they got back together and turns out he had been cheating on my mom with some chick he found in Costa Rica do you know what I'd fucking feels like for everyone to look at you like your a fucking million dollar bill when everyone you actually think care about you treat yoh like shit under thier feet I didn't want tk go to a private school because I wanted people to look at me like I was normal not upper class why can't you see me that way?!" I rant

"fuck you Evie don't talk to me again I'm sick of your fake shit" Bryce says walking away tears flooded down my face wow

𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒| 𝐁𝐑𝐘𝐂𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋 (Continuing) Where stories live. Discover now