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As if on cue Bryce stumbles on with bruises on his face

"oh my god" I mumble in horror

"hey baby girl" Bryce slurs walking over to me

"drunk? Really G it's not even 2 yet" I say raising my voice

"calm down Evie he barely drank and we saw Peter he's in the hospital right now actually" Georg says smiling like nothing happened

"your so fucking crazy you just got out and your doing shit like this already if your not careful you will end up just like m-"

"don't even compare me to her" she grits through her teeth holding my coller with her fist I push her off and sat back down

"besides I'm fine right baby girl" Bryce says sitting next to me and I move aside he tries to put his arm on my shoulder but I move it away

"ev.....everlynn"he says

"let's get you cleaned" I mumble grabbing his arm and take him into the bathroom and sit him in the counter I stand in between him legs and grab a wet cloth and clean him and stay silent

"Ev please you can call me stupid or whatever.. but I-I can't stand you hating me and not talking" Bryce says

"I'm not gonna call you stupid Bryce" I say he smiles at me satisfied with me finally talking

"what?" I ask trying not to be rude Bryce pulls me into a kiss his slides off the counter pulling me closer to him slowly walking resting my back to the wall holding my waist to using his thumb to crease my skin our lips move in sync fitting perfectly almost as if it was a puzzle we both pull away out of breath and Bryce stares into my eyes making my cheeks tint pink

We quickly get everything done and walk downstairs not saying a word to each Otherhalf probably scared of what the others were thinking I sat on the opposite side of the room talking to kio explaining what just happened I look over at Bryce who was talking to Georgia once again but he was a bit more sober

"YOU DID WH-" kio shouts but I kick his leg causing him to groan

"you did what!" he whisper yells and I nod slightly scared

"okay but.... Why?" kio says

"I don't know kio it was probably just a heat of moment I'm worrying about nothing" I say

"how can someone be so oblivious or clueless" kio says I raise my eyebrow giving him a questioning look

"there's no way that's a heat of a moment there's nothing romantic about cleaning someone's bruises he probably just couldn't keep it in his pants anymore" kio says quietly so only I could hear

"well you need to talk to him" kio says

"I will but first I think I'll go to the hospital to check on Peter I'm worried" I say kio looks at me like I'm and idiot

"wait what? He sent nudes to his friends and made it look like you were desperate" kio says confused

"so what he deserves to die? Besides your just proving my point on why I should go this is my fault" I say

"need me to come with you?" jaden says out of no where

"jae when we're you here?" I ask worried he heard what we were talking about earlier

"just got here I get where your coming from but there's no way your going alone" jaden says

"sure you can come" I say we leave and both go to the hospital jaden decided to stay outside and we saw Peter in the hospital bed and he looked way worse than bryce which I'd didn't think was possible he literally looks like he got ran over by a car

"hey Evie" Peter says

"what happened with you two" I ask getting straight to the point

"he was drunk and just attacked me" Peter says

"what Bryce wouldn't do that" I say denying it

"Evie you know me would I really do this to myself? I know when u take it to far and you know that" Peter says holding up his arm which was rapped in a cast

"but.. " I didn't even know what to say everything he said made sense I just didn't want to belive any of it I was in such deep thought I didn't even realise the tear falling down my face

"Evie I'm sorry" Peter says holding my hand

"no I'm sorry this is all because of me" I say quietly Peter moves over and signals me to sit next to him and he puts his arm around me

"I missed you" he whispers

"and I'm so sorry for the way I treated you before I'll never be able to forgive myself and I know you won't but-"

"it's okay" I say looking at him smiling slightly

"why are you so kind to me I ruined you" he says looking down

"but it doesn't last forever" I say gently squeezing his hand

"well jaden is waiting for your outside you should probably go but we can talk over coffee tomorrow only if that's okay with you" Peter says smiling


𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒| 𝐁𝐑𝐘𝐂𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋 (Continuing) Where stories live. Discover now