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I woke up and changed into leggings and a crop top since I was going out with ondre I looked in the mirror and saw the scars on my waist and sides of my stomach I gently touch my skin and realise what I've done To myself

"why am I so stupid" I mutter and a year falls down my cheek I look away from the mirror and look for a tank top I sigh knowing I was going to sweat but I couldn't risk someone seeing my scars not again

I go downstairs and grab a granola bar and apple knowing it probably wouldn't be the best if I ate right now I get into my jeep and drive to the hype house I knock on the door and saw ryland open the dooor in just a towel why is everyone so comfortable everywhere he waves and I smile as he let's me in

"ondreaz is getting changed for the fourth time" ryland says smirking causing me to giggle

"shut up ry" ondreaz says walking downstairs he looks at me and his cheek turn slightly pink I was a bit confused but I didn't want to think much of it

"did I come to early?" I ask slightly worried he shakes his head in responce

"no you came at a perfect time actually" he says smiling I nod and we drive to the studio I decided to let ondreaz drive since I didn't know where it was

We practiced for a while and came out with a really good duet I walk over to my towel and used it to wipe the sweat of my face I looked over and realised ondreaz was staring at me

"what's up?" I say confused when I realised he was looking at me he walked over to me and put one hand on my waist and the other cupping my cheek he leans in and I do the same what the fuck evie what are you doing??!!!!

Our lips touch and it felt nothing like bryce's seconds later we both pull away and ondreaz smile I did the same but I couldn't help but think of the brown eyed brunette

we went to the hype house since we winter and see that everyone is looking at is we were confused until we both realised our hand were interlocked we pull them apart and people started smiling

"I ship" larri says

"me too" Alex and kouvr say

"me three" Anthony says as his arms were wrapped around avani waist

"have you guys seen Bryce" "I say I thought it was best to talk to him since he was angry at me yesterday but I don't know why

"yea he went to the club house tell him to bring back my cat food" Thomas says I instantly knew what he was going to do it didnt take a genius that's didn't know Bryce that he was going to annoy Sebastian

I grab my keys and drive to the club house I saw Abby who smiled weakly at me she let's me in and leads me to the back garden

I look on the grass and saw Bryce in Sebastians face I run over to him he notices me and smiles but when he realised I was disappointed his smile disappeared

"Bryce stop" I say grabbing his arm pulling him away from Sebastian as they both made stupid comments back and fourth

"ill see your friends later" Sebastian says causing bryce's head to snap back at him he walks over to Sebastian

"why won't you see me" Bryce says getting in his face


"no you got that on cam right why won't you see me" Bryce says I try to stop him but he couldn't

"hit me" bryce says turning his face slightly

"no I'm right here hit me I dare you I dare you" Bryce says

"bry-" Abby puts her hand on my shoulder signaling I should stop I hit her hand off my shoulder she let this happen Bryce picks up the cat food and walks away kio walks to his car

"coming Bryce" kio asks but he shales his head

"ill head with evie" Bryce says sighing knowing I was probably going to lecture him

"I wasn't going to hit him I promised Abby I wouldn't" he says avoiding eye contact with me

"you wouldn't have to think of that if you kept the promise you made with me not to do anything about it but obviously content is more important" I say sighing

"I'm sorry and nothings more important than you evie that's the reason I did this he does know what should be public and what shouldn't" Bryce says making my cheeks turn pink slightly I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from smiling

We drove back to the sway house since Bryce didn't want to go to the hype so I drive him back to sway

"are you mad at me" Bryce asked and I shake my head in responce

"not mad, just upset" I say sighing as I got out of the car

"how was your date with ondre?" Bryce asks

"it wasn't a date and it was great actually" I say smiling he smiles and puts his arm around my waist

"anything unusual happen" he asks should I tell him

"I mean we kissed" I say trying to sound as in bothered as possible bryce's arms unnake around me

that's when I knew he was mad I looked back at him and he sat on his bed looking at the floor

"it didn't mean anything" I say trying to hold his hand but he pulls it away

"then why did you kiss in the first place" Bryce says looking at me for the fist time in the last minute

"Bryce..." I wasn't really sure what to say I didn't know why I did it but I knew when it did it didn't feel right

"no it takes to people to kiss Everlynn" Bryce says raising his voice I cringe at my name he's never used my full name in a long time I didn't know what to how to respond so I stayed silent

"I'm sorry" I say looking down Bryce didn't talk to me so I decided to just leave but before I could Bryce pulls me in smashing his lips on mine kissing me passionately he puts his hand on my waist tightly and he locks the door he moves down to my neck causing me to moan quietly he takes of my top and he notices the scars around my stomach and waist I realise that's what he was looking at I suddenly look away and try to cover my scars but bryce puts my arm away

"youre beautiful baby girl" Bryce whispers

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