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Evie POV

paramedics and the police came through the door minutes later I could barely make anyone's faces because my vision was so blurry because of the crying

bryce had his arms around me he was silent not knowing what to say he stopped asking me what happened because I didn't know how to respond

"If both of you guys could sit down that would be great I'm Dr mavelson" a middle aged woman says

"Evie I know now inst the right time but you have to tell me what happened" Bryce says his suit was covered in blood as my dress

"I-i saw Georgia here with a knife in her hand and i-i... I don't know she just left" I say sighing and looking away

"You've got to come back tomorrow and you can't stay here tonight" the middle aged I sigh nodding and looking over at Bryce

we walk back to the car and Bryce looks at me sympathetically but I looked straight out of the window he puts his hand on my thigh reassuringly

I turn to Bryce instantly pulling him for a hug and soaking his shoulder again last time it was painful but I saw my parents killed

Bryce decided to drive back to the sway house he practically snuck inside because he didn't want anyone asking questions

"Hey guys how did it- what the fuck" Noah says coming out with pizza Blake probably left on the counter

"What the hell happened you guys literally look like you just cake out if elite" Noah asks looking at us wondering why we were both covered in blood (it's actually a really good show)

I didn't answer and just walk upstairs as tears filled my eyes I run into Georgias room and she looked at me in horror

"What the hell happened" I say wondering why she killed our parents

"I-i don't know I let the anger get the best of me-"

"No shut georg you killed dad and Sophie" I yell she looks at me annoyed

"I really thought you'd be happy after what she did to you" she says avoiding eye contact

"I don't care what she did you killed her" I say looking at her

"If your not fucking careful it'll be you" she says grabbing her gun from her draw Bryce bursts through the door pulling Evie out before another person'swas laying lifelessly

"Jesus Evie-"


"I gotta go" I mutter looking away

"Where are you going to go" Bryce says looking at me symptomatically and following me downstairs

"Babe please don't-" I didn't hear the rest of what he said because I walked out I sigh walking to Josh and jadens house even though it was 2am I knew he'd be awake

I knock on his door ready for what ever they were going to ask me it wasn't unusual since to be fair I was covered in blood

Josh opened the door looking at me covered in blood he looked at me worried and questionably

I sigh looking at him shrugging my shoulders "Is jae home" I ask he nods letting me through

I knock on Jaden's door opening it and his eyes widen at me he stuttered on his words not knowing exactly what to day

"Not now I just wanna get high" I say sighing not wanting to deal with my problems Jaden hands me a rolled joint


I wake up sighing I looking around and see that Jaden wasn't around I wore one of jaden's shirts since I didn't want to be wearing bloody clothes anymore

I sigh walking downstairs I look at my home realising I had so many calls and message from Bryce

"You gonna explain you you were covered in blood" Jaden says looking at me I shake my head looking away

"I fucked up" I mutter Jaden looks at me wide eyes in response shaking his head

"Yea no shit" Jaden says looking at me

"I gotta go I'm sorry" I say looking at the time realising it have to meet the detective

"Evie, everly-" I close his door running to my house in nothing but Bryce's boxers and jaden's oversized t-shirt

I arrive at my house and Bryce stays outside tubing over to me I sigh inaudibly

"Evie you can't be here" Bryce says making me raise my eyebrow in response laughing slightly

"What" I say confused looking back at him

"Georgia she...framed you somehow you just cant-"

"WHAAT?" I yell he covers my mouth placing his index finger on his lip signalling to be quiet

"Jesus Evie you just can't be here" Bryce says I sigh and he puts his arm around me pulling me close to him

(Just found out outer Banks season 2 is coming out my life is complete 😌)

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