I look myself in the mirror
I am not there
A distorted image smiles back and waves
"Hello there"
I miss my reflection
The real me
Only thing that's left
Is "me" the product of their making
Taken a hold on me
The real me
This distorted image
Pretending to be me
Tells me to give in
There's no use in fighting
"She" smiles at me
Tells me I'm pretty
That she would like to live my life
Trade places
If I would allow it
I tell her no
Her face turns bleec
She's no longer smiling
I tell her we could be friends
The room turns violent
She screams
But all is silent
The mirror shatters
As I try to comfort her
"Hey it's not all bad "
She becomes silent
She reveals her arms
The cuts I made reside deeper on her
Her horrid voice
"This is what you did to me"
Tears begin to stream down her cheek
"Your pain is my pain
But your happiness isn't mine
The cuts never heal
No matter the time"
"I'm sorry"
"Your apologies are lies"
I touch the mirror
She smiles
"Let me in"
Just for a little while
I give in
The room goes dark
I turned on the light
The mirror is brand new
I am the one in the mirror
As she stares back at me
A Willowed Rose
PoetryPlease leave a star if you like ~ 💖 Thanks for reading my luvs ~ ❤ These are poems I write when my heart calls for an answer. .. these poems are very meaningful to me and are a look into my world ... the real true Devine me 🖤