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What am I
Why am I here
They said I am a healer
A healer of what ?
I'm a mere mortal that adds nothing to this earth
I do the same routine each day
With minor changes
I am no god
No bestowet of authority or high honor
I am not gifted a special gift not given a special task on this earth
Not destined
So what am I
Why am I here
I thought I was special
That I was making a difference
An impact
That one day I could be of high honor to the gods
But my mind had to soon come to the realization that that'll never be
I am a tiny footprint in a BIG DITCH
Nobody even knows my name
The divine could read a short list on my life and it's small gains


I cried last night for the first time in awhile all this healing and connecting just to end up the same way
Not understanding the meaning of life
Surrounded by a bunch of programmed people
Not realizing that their lives is only meaningful to them
To others we're all the same
Mere souls in vessels

I've failed them once again
They sent someone back into my life to show me that my life hasn't changed
That I am no different
That I am not the whole rice nor the pot but a single grain
This person with an established life showed me mine did not matter
No matter what I do
How I do it
There is no high honor
Just a mere million views then death and forgotten over a couple of years
How many people right now can say they were better now have met me then before ?
A mere few

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