• Chapter 10 •

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Small (A/n), Im going to make up a planet so yeah just pretend it's actually part of the star wars universe lol. Droch is pronounced (D-r-uh-c)

I woke up to my alarm which I had forgot to turn off last night seeing as I'm still not training. I got out of bed and I was surprisingly feeling much better, still not one hundred percent but better. I had a nice warm shower and changed back into comfortable clothes, I wasn't going to do anything today so I may as well have been comfy. I sat back down on my bed, when I felt a presence different to Katia's or Ras' outside the door, it was Kylo.

I got up and opened the door just as he was about to knock.

"Yes?" I said leaning against the door.

"(Y/n)? You could feel my presence before I was able to knock?" He questioned me.

"Yeah obviously, everyone can do that" I laughed.

"Hm interesting...I didn't teach you anything about that." He looked confused. "I'm here because I wanted to ask if you would like to come on a small mission with me. It would be good experience for you as my apprentice"

"Uh I don't know if I want to." I said sarcastically.

"It was more of an order than a request." He replied with no emotion.

"Yeah I know, it was a joke."

Kylo looked me up and down. "Not that you don't look alright already but you should change into something more formal."

"Sure thing, where do I go when i'm changed?" I asked.

"The hanger, we will travel in the finalizer. Katia will take you."

"Alright. See you in a few" I replied.

He nodded and walked away so I shut the door. I was guessing when he said formal that he meant the black robes in my wardrobe. I thought I was just going to be comfortable for the day. I changed into the black robes and attached my lightersaber to the belt. I decided to have a look in the mirror in the bathroom. It didn't look too bad, I was pretty used to wearing all black at this stage so other than that they looked pretty cool.

I was walking with Katia, and I realised I didn't even ask Kylo what the mission was or where we were going. I need to think more before just agreeing with him. We arrived at the hanger and Kylo had also just arrived from a different direction. He stopped before boarding and waited for me to walk up next to him. As I came to his side he put out his hand.

"What are you doing?" I laughed.

"Oh I- uh. I must have forgotten that you no longer need help with walking because of your injuries." He was most definitely lying, he wasn't great at it. He put his hand back down.

"I guess I do feel a little wobbly" I smiled and took his hand from his side.

I think I got butterflies when I took his hand, but I dismissed it. Don't be silly, you don't like him. No you can't like him. I told myself. I couldn't tell what he thought of me taking his hand since he had his mask on but he didn't pull away so? I'm guessing he didn't mind. We got onto the ship and we were the control room. Hux was at the front of the ship giving orders to someone, he noticed Kylo and I enter. He looked over at us and looked down at our intertwined hands. Hux rolled his eyes and scoffed at us. I didn't pay any attention to Hux but I felt Kylo's grip on my hand tighten.

"Oh by the way I forgot to ask what are we actually doing and where are we going?" I looked at Kylo's masked face.

"I need to...negotiate with a business partner on a piece of equipment The first order needs for a new weapon. The location is the planet of Droch" He said still looking ahead.

Oh no...

"Droch?" I said hoping I just heard him wrong.

"Yes, what about it?" he replied.

"Oh no. Nope nope nope." I said pulling my hand away from Kylo.

I tried to make my way back from to the door but I was just not fast enough at all with my leg and back still not one hundred percent. Kylo walked up to me, he didn't even have to run to catch up with me. I probably looked pathetic trying to run to the door like that.

"Where are you going?" He asked walking beside me.

"I can't go to Droch, I need to get off this ship." I stopped trying to catch my breath, Kylo stood in front of me.

"What are you talking about about?" He asked.

"Listen, let's just say there are people there who don't like me and i'd rather not deal with those people" I answered, without telling him exactly why.

"You won't have to deal with them, you'll be with me." He sounded weirdly understanding.

"I still don't think it's best for me to go and frankly i'm scared of what might happen and-" I got cut off my him looking into my eyes and just saying my name,

"(Y/n)..." He said putting his hand on my shoulder.

I don't know what came over me, it was like I melted and without another word I turned around and we walked back together. This man...how does he manage to make me feel comfortable and safe in such a weird way.

"Thank you for coming with me" Kylo said in his robotic voice.

"Yeah well i'm coming with you but I have a bad feeling about this..." I said still wondering why I was doing this.

It took a while to get to Droch but we arrived and landed on the planet, we were just on the outskirts of the main city. Droch wasn't a great planet, it was completely crime ridden. There was always a lot of sketchy things going on, on this planet. Kylo, a few stormtroopers and I walked towards the city.

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