• Chapter 16 •

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For a moment it was like we were frozen in time and I was just staring at him. I stood there contemplating what to do or say. I started to walk towards him as he walked towards me. He really quickly took off his mask and threw it aside. We were standing there face to face in silence. 

"(Y/n) I shouldn't have brought you to Droch I apolog-" Before he could finish his sentence I wrapped my arms around him.

He stood there for a minute stiff, but he eventually wrapped his arms around me too. I stood there in his arms feeling so happy just laying my head on his chest. He was so warm and holding onto him in that moment felt like home. I didn't want to break the silence again so I just thought as loud as I could. I've missed you so much Kylo. He didn't respond but he definitely heard me because he squeezed me tighter and closer to him. It was like nothing else mattered, just being close to Kylo was my world right then. I didn't want to let go, but I knew we couldn't stay there forever.

"Everyone's staring at us" I whispered pulling away slightly.

"I don't care" He replied. His voice sent shivers down my spine. I forgot how much I loved how he sounded without his masks voice changer. We may have only been standing there for seconds but it felt like years. I hadn't realised how much I missed him until then. Even if he had held me I still didn't know how he felt towards me, he's a very conflicted and confusing person. I had decided to take Mando's advice and just talk to him, not right then...there was no way I was going to ruin the moment

"Let's walk." Kylo said pulling away from me leaving me cold but still somehow warm with him by my side.

"You came back..." Kylo said as we walked through the halls of the Starkiller base. I wasn't even paying attention to where we were going. I was just staring at Kylo.

"Well, Mando took me here" I really did want to go to the resistance and here but seeing as Kylo's here, I had to.

"You've forgotten I can hear your thoughts?" Kylo asked.

"Shit...yeah. I came back. I heard you were out looking for me though." I smirked.

"Yes. Of course I was." He said making eye contact as we walked slowly together. I felt the heat rise in my face.

He stopped for a moment so I instinctively stopped with him. He turned to face me, and I was stuck there gazing into his cocoa-coloured irises. He lifted his hand and placed it in my cheek gently as if I was the most delicate thing he had ever touched.

"I'm glad you decided to come back to me" He said not breaking eye contact.

I practically melted at his words. I put my hand on top of his that was still resting on my cheek.

"Me too" I looked behind him and we were already at his quarters. I took my hand away and so did he. "Well we should probably get some sleep huh? we've both had a long trip" I said starting to walk towards my door.

"Wait!" Kylo said just before I was about to open my door.

"Yeah?" I turned to him.

"You could stay in my quarters tonight. It'll make up for me bringing you to Droch in the first place." He gestured for me to come back over to him.

I jokingly pretended to think about it but I already knew I was definitely going to stay with him. I walked back over to him saying goodbye to Katia. He pushed a button beside the door and it opened up. woah this is big. I had presumed that it would just essentially be a bigger version of my room but boy was I wrong. There was a few different rooms.

I followed him down the hallway, it was all dark colours, there wasn't too much decoration. He opened another door that lead to what I could only assume was his bedroom. It was minimalistic but still much nicer than my room. I felt sort of awkward and just stood there as he walked over to his bed. I didn't really know what to do.

Kylo took off his robes and was just in sweats. He laid down on the huge expanse that was his bed.

"(Y/n)? Aren't you coming over?" I think it was only then that I realised he actually wanted me to sleep in the same bed as him.

"Oh yeah! Sorry I was just zoning out. Yeah right 'zoning out' sureeee (Y/n), I was literally staring at him get undressed.

I think I might've noticed him smirk. He must of heard my thoughts again. I slipped off my shoes and got into the bed. I scooted a big closer to him. We were lying face each other and I put my hand up to his face and ran my fingers through his long fluffy hair. I felt so safe but confused. I was just lying beside him with my eyes closed thinking. I can't believe this is happening. Am I being weird? Why did he even ask me here.

"Kylo why did you ask me here?" I whispered. There was no response.

"Kylo?" I opened my eyes and he was fast asleep. He looked so peaceful sleeping, like all the tension in his face was gone.

As much as I wanted to just cuddle into him, I felt weird seeing as he was asleep. I just turned so that we weren't facing any longer and tried to get to sleep.

Kylo had  mumbled something in his sleep, "(Y/n)...".

I let out a small quiet chuckle He must be dreaming. All of a sudden I felt his arm around my waist with his hand resting on my stomach.
My heart was practically fluttering. He still in his sleep, pulled me closer to him. I was so happy, even if this was just a one night thing and he didn't really feel for me, I didn't care because in that moment it was just bliss. I fell asleep in his arms. It was probably the best I had slept in all the time I was here.

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