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enjoy reading the first chapter!. also i just want to say that if any of you are experiencing this.. i just want to say that i'm here for you and i will listen to you, no doubts. in here, we only spread love and joy so do remember you are loved and deserve to be happy ❤️

 in here, we only spread love and joy so do remember you are loved and deserve to be happy ❤️

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"it's all your fault" i tried to hold all of my whimpers as she kept hitting me with a belt. i continued to cover my head which angered her more so she pulled apart my hands and hold it with a tight grip

"why are you avoiding it? you deserve it you little bitch" i shut my eyes tightly as she screamed to my face with extreme rage lacing her voice.

she hit me once more with the belt before releasing my hands which made me fall to the floor harshly. she threw the belt near my head before stomping away - leaving me on the cold floor.

i tried to sit up but my hands almost fell out as i was too weak to support myself. i heard her heading towards me which alerted me but i still stayed on the floor with my head looking down

i heard her chugging on a drink - most likely alcohol, she took a step closer to me and when i felt her crouching down - i flinched and immediately covered my head, a big habit of mine.

she let out a low chuckle before lightly slapping the bottle against my head before putting it on the floor beside me.

"throw it away, the ones in the kitchen as well" then she stood up and i heard her footsteps went out the door. i crawled to the wall near me and rested my aching back on it

i tucked my knees in front of my chest and cried. cried until i feel a little better, i raised my head and rested it on the wall as the sniffles continued. after feeling pathetic for myself, i slowly stood up and ignored the pain throughout my body

i grabbed the bottle on the floor and headed towards the kitchen

'it's all your fucking fault, you deserve it'


i woke up with soreness spreading throughout my body, i ignored the pain and head towards the bathroom to get ready.

as i was putting my uniform on, my eyes went over to the bruises on my arms, collar bones, even on my back. i look at the fading ones and the new ones - made just yesterday, i let out a small sigh before quickly buttoning my top

i grabbed my bag and of course not forgetting to wear my hoodie first then i went downstairs. as i reached the bottom staircase, i caught the woman whom i called mother sitting on the couch watching tv accompanied by the leftover chinese food boxes on the table.

knowing myself that i never have the appetite to eat especially in the morning, i went pass behind her and put on my shoes before leaving the house. i never bid goodbye to her since she said it's annoying to hear my voice.

𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚎 ➶ 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝚕𝚎𝚎Where stories live. Discover now