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a month has passed and chaewon felt herself is getting close to how she used to be. her mother stopped drinking so her abusive antics also went away, she's still distant but her care still shows which chaewon didn't mind. chaewon thought maybe slowly by slowly her mother will be back to her old self, she thought that she just needs to be patient

her relationship with mark is still the same, friends. even though most people can see through their white lies, they feel something towards the other but never had the guts to say it. mark can't confess his feelings for her as he felt the girl hasn't opened up her heart to him fully whilst chaewon felt he doesn't deserve to be with a broken girl like her

yes she said she's finally releasing all of the past. but she can't help but get second thoughts, she's scared she'll go back to being the depressed anti social girl which she knows will devastate mark, but mark promised he'll stay. if chaewon suddenly lose her happy self again then mark will try no matter what to get it back. of course, chaewon never thought of that

she has always been a pessimist girl and she knows she will always be, that's one of her flaws. a flaw that she felt will taint mark, that's why she has been trying to set a wall between them. to make him stop having feelings towards her. but of course, it won't be easy for mark to back down

"here you go" chaewon snapped out of her thoughts at mark's presence beside her. "thanks" she took the sandwich from his hands and took her time to open the wrapper.

"are you sure that's all your eating for lunch?" mark asked with concern lacing his tone, "i'm not that hungry yet" she replied before taking a bite

"are you not eating?" mark took out his lunch from beside him - showing it to the girl, "do you want some?" chaewon was about to decline until she saw what was inside the box

chaewon's mouth watered at the sight of rolled egg, if you know chaewon then you must know her love for eggs. mark chuckled before picking the egg with his chopsticks and held it in front of her mouth

"ah~" he said to her as he waited for chaewon to open her mouth. chaewon was contemplating on opening her mouth or not and mark got impatient, "just open your damn mouth chaewon" chaewon chuckled before opening her mouth and mark's spoon went in

"is it good?" she chews the food with delight before swallowing it, "yes, i bet you bought this because there's no way in hell you cooked this"

mark gave him a wide grin before pointing a finger towards her, "you know me so well"

then the two teenagers continued to eat their lunch until it was all gone. "do you have a shift today?" chaewon shook her head before turning to face him

"why? are you asking me to hang out with you again?" "yeppp" his lips popped of the 'p' to emphasize it

"where we going?" mark gave her a smile before replying, "that's a secret for now"


"are you fucking serious?" chaewon's mouth went agape as she stood in front of the cafe, mark smiled widely at her before nodding his head. "i'm fucking serious"

chaewon turned to face him before wearing a wide smile on her face, "yOU TOOK ME TO A CAT CAFE?" mark stared happily at the ecstatic girl, he nodded his head once again

"we should start small first before owning our tiger later" he winked before pulling on her arm to step inside the cafe. now chaewon will be lying if she said her heart did not flutter at what he just said

as soon as they stepped inside, chaewon just busted all of her uwus at all of the cute cats present in that cafe. she crouched down as she felt a cat rubbing itself on her legs, "aww baby, you're so cute" she cooed as she pets the cat's back

"welcome to meow cafe, how many people are there?" the waitress approached the two teenagers, "two" mark answered then the waitress motioned them to follow her

chaewon pouted as she parted from the cute cat before following mark and the waitress. "here are your seats" both teenagers then took a seat as the waitress pulled out two menus

"i'll let you take a look first before taking your orders" she bowed slightly before leaving the two. "order first then you can play with the cats" mark said to the girl whose eyes kept staring at the cats around the cafe

chaewon huffed before following his words and eyed the menu in her hands. as her eyes were looking through the menu, she felt something brushing against her leg which made her skin tingle. so she looked down the table to see the cat from earlier

chaewon grins as she put down the menu and picked up the cat to her lap. "hey sweetie, help me choose will you?" she said to the cat with her baby voice. mark can't help but coo at the adorable sight in front of him

"oh this one?" chaewon pointed at the menu as the cat kept rubbing its body against her hand, "i'm getting the mango bomb smoothie" "okay, i'm getting watermelon rush"

mark called over the waitress from earlier and ordered their refreshments then the waitress left to make their drinks. mark turned his gaze towards the girl in front of him and at first, he was really happy to see her enjoying herself so he secretly took a picture of her playing with the cat.

their orders came and chaewon still kept herself busy by playing with the cat which of course, made mark jealous since the cat's got all of her attention

"chae" "yah chaewon" "ryu chaewon" "what is it mark lee" mark frowned at her annoyed tone. "you're not giving me any attention" he muttered before leaning back to his chair in disappointment

"well you're not a cat"
"but you said i'm a lion"
"well you're not an actual lion are you?"

mark pouted from her reply and pulled out his phone to busied his self, chaewon shook hear head at him - a bit stun from his antics

"come here" mark raised his head from his phone and raised a brow. chaewon huffed before motioning him to come here, mark's face immediately turned into a smile and happily went over to her side.

once mark sat beside her, the cat immediately grew an interest towards mark so it walked towards him. mark happily played with the cat as chaewon stared adoringly at him

"you're not a lion, you're a baby lion"
"did you say something?"
"no no, keep playing"

mark obeyed her words and kept playing with the cat, chaewon decided to take advantage of the situation and secretly took a photo of mark playing with the cat. then she scoffed remembering his words earlier

"you said you wanted my attention but now you're busy with the cat" mark stopped playing with the cat and gave her a sheepish smile before tugging her arm

"let's play with our child together then"
"o-our child?"

"let's play with our child together then" "o-our child?"

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oomf mark u smooth lil shit

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