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"you don't have to be here you know" chaewon said to the male not from her her, sitting on one of the stools inside the convenience store.

"i like keeping you company"
"liar liar pants on fire"
"what the fuck chaewon?"

the girl only laughed as she walked towards him to wipe the already clean tables, she just has nothing to do since there's no customers for the last 20 minutes.

"you're just here because you hate being alone at home" "okay you got me" mark raised his hands up as if he was surrendering which made chaewon chuckle

"might as well buy something, i fucking need money" chaewon said as she grabbed his wallet that was placed on the table. "go on" he motioned with his head towards the girl - saying she can buy whatever she wants in the store with his money

"eh? seriously?" he nodded before standing up from his seat and walked towards one of the aisles. chaewon was stun but she knew better to be a gold digger so she followed him and shove his wallet to his stomach

"i was just joking, i ain't that desperate for money.. or maybe i am" she murmured the last sentence as she crossed her arms at the boy. "well, i was serious. also, i'm getting these" he held out two banana flavored milks

"isn't someone greedy"
"one's for you chae"

mark walked towards the counter leaving her all alone at the drinks aisle. once again, chaewon was stun and didn't snap back to reality until he called her, "is this a self check out or what?"

chaewon quickly head towards the counter and scanned the milks, "anything else kind sir?" she wore a wry smile on her lips. "can i get you?" chaewon stared at the male blankly as he chuckled before waving his hands around

"it was a joke chae"
"it better be"

she sighed before holding out her hand, "2000 won" just like last time, he gave her an amount more than he needed but this time chaewon didn't protest about it

after done with the purchase, mark took one of the milks and opened the lid before handing it to her.

"what a gent"
"you're welcome" after she took the milk, mark took the other one and opened it before drinking it

"how's your mum?" "nothing changed much but she hasn't drunk again so i guess all is well?" her tone at the end was unsure but mark didn't give much thought about it

"tell me straight away if something happens okay?" "why you?" she drinks her milk as she made eye contact with him

"fine, just tell someone if something happens" he rolled his eyes as he felt annoyed with her question earlier. chaewon chuckled before swiftly placing her hand on top of his, she doesn't even know where she got the confidence from

"don't worry, i'll always tell you first" "i think my heart just did a thing" "shut the fuck up mark"


"are you sure you don't want to accompany me? i'm all alone chae.. it's really sad" mark whined at the girl beside him as they walked towards her house after finishing her shift at the convenience store.

"i swear to god if you keep asking me that, i'm going to choke you"
"ooh kink- ow sTOP HITTING ME"

chaewon sighs and left the male wincing in pain as she started to walk again, then footsteps neared her.

"was a joke chae"
"you need to fix your humor mark"

"let a guy down gently will you?" he jokingly placed a hand over his heart which made roll my eyes at him,

"you seriously need other friends mark"
"nah thanks, i already have you"

those were really simple words and it may mean nothing to mark but to chaewon, it meant something to her. her heart warmed at his words but she quickly brushed it away

"i'm not always around you mark"
"that's why i'm always around you"

after having her heart all warm, now it's her cheeks turn. "are you flirting with me?"

"why? is your heart fluttering?" he gave chaewon a teasing smirk as he leaned his face closer to hers

"fuck no" mark chuckled before patting her head lightly, "don't worry, you're the only girl i flirt with"

now her heart started to beat rapidly, chaewon grew worried of these symptoms - she knows what's going on but she felt like she shouldn't feel this way. good thing, they arrived at her house which made her so relieved

"oh look, we're here. bye mark" she spoke quickly and lightly pat his arm before running inside her house which made mark chuckle at the adorable girl

he made sure you're inside first before he started to walk home. he eyed your figure that's inside the house and turned around to head towards his neighborhood


"fuck why are you so fucking weak?" chaewon took deep breaths as she kept angrily insult her heart. she took of her shoes and was surprised to see the living room all empty

"maybe she's in her room.. has she eaten?" chaewon decided to check the kitchen to see if there were some dirty plates or food on the table. but it was all clean and empty

"i'll just ask her" she shrugged before making her way upstairs. she whistled on the way and when she arrived in front of her mum's door, she knocked first as an act of politeness

she leaned her ear on the door and didn't hear any sounds, "is she asleep?" chaewon muttered before saying loudly to the door, "mum?" and there was no response so chaewon decided to open the door

ever since her mother changed to being herself again, she never locked her door again so chaewon was pleased to see the door unlocked.

she took a step inside as her eyes stared at the ground. "mum?" she called out quietly since she's afraid her mum's asleep and she may disturb her. but still no response

she closed the door and turned around and was shocked to see what was in front of her. her eyes widened as her mouth went wide opened, her body froze from the shock. in front of her was

her mother's body.. hanging from the ceiling with a tight rope wrapping around her neck

 hanging from the ceiling with a tight rope wrapping around her neck

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