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guess who had another seminar today lmao

guess who had another seminar today lmao

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"why didn't you die instead of him" my head turned to the side from the harsh slap i just received. "why just why??!!" she angrily hits my body before dropping down the floor as she cried

i stood quietly not bothering to feel the pain from the hits. "it's all your fault" i felt tears coming up as my heart broke as from her broken voice while she wailed on the ground - bursting into sobs

suddenly she stopped crying and stood up before slowly pulling out a pocket knife from her pockets. my eyes went horrified from the weapon she's holding, her face was emotionless but i knew she was furious

her chest rose up and down before screaming loudly and ran towards me with the weapon hold up high. i immediately tried to run away but she was a lot quicker to grip my arm, she kicks me down and straddled me. she pins both of my arms on top of my head as her other hand traced the knife on my cheek

i tried to not squirm too much or else the knife will graze my cheek. "you should've died" she whispers as her face wore a wicked smile, "you should've and you will" all of my tears came running down from fear of what's going to come

"aw poor baby, don't cry" she mockingly cooed as she wiped my tears gently, "now be ready now.." she let out a low chuckle before raising the knife up high

my eyes shake as i tried to think of a way to escape. then when the knife came close to my head, i immediately moved my head to the left so it missed which it did. the sudden move made her grip on me loosened so i quickly swatted my hands away from her grip and pushed her away. she fell back and her head hits the floor, her hand that was holding the knife flung away and grazed my arm

i winced at the cut and hold it as it started to bleed. i immediately stood up and left the house


my legs kept running and finally stopped at a familiar place, han river. i exhaled heavily as i supported my weight on the railings. i slowly steady my breathing as i got lost in the scenery in front of me

when my wound grazed the cold metal railing, i immediately flinched. "it's not that deep right?" i muttered as i stare at the wound as blood kept oozing out of it. i sighed before mustering all the strength i have left and ripped my shirt's lower part

i then wrap it against my wound and tied it tightly to stop the bleeding. i sighed and leaned on the railings

it was all peaceful until a familiar voice called out to me




"i uhh.. had a bad feeling earlier" mark said awkwardly as the two silently sat on one of the benches in the park. after the unexpected meeting at han river, chaewon asked mark if he wants to accompany her at the park so here they are, sitting quietly in the park

"about what?" "about you.." "why?" "i don't know i just did.. is your uhh.. arm okay?" mark scowled at his question before frantically said, "wait.. dumb question.. do you want me to buy something for it?" chaewon shook her head

"i'll treat it later at home" "it'll get bad soon if you don't treat it now" "i know" mark pursed his lips before sighing heavily

"do you.. want to talk? oh wait.. you might not be comfortable enough to talk it with me.. nevermind" mark mentally cursed at his stupidness. "can you handle it?"

mark turned his face towards her who's already looking at him, "i'm sure i can handle it" "will you think of me differently after this?" "no" chaewon was stun at how stern his answer was, it sounded like he didn't hesitate one bit

"you better keep your word.. or else you won't see daylight the next day" mark nodded his head in determination which made chaewon chuckle slightly

chaewon took a deep breath before unfolding all of my dark memories,

"i used to be really happy - that's all i could felt back then. until last year of middle school, i started to get tired of school to the point i stopped caring about my grades so it went down really far. at first, my parents still let me be but then they also grew tired of my behavior. one day on a school night, i just got home from school since i had club activities and it was already late like maybe 6 or 7 pm. i just got home - feeling tired and dread out, my dad started to ask about my grades again - me being the hormonal teenager i used to be" she let out a sad chuckle before continuing

"i got mad at him so i was really rude to him - which i regret. he got mad as well so we ended up fighting.." her breath hitched as she felt tears coming up, mark noticed but he didn't know what to do because he wants to respect your space

chaewon inhales silently before continuing, "we fought and it was really bad, mum tried to stop us but we ignored her. then i got really annoyed so i ran out of the house - i just wanted to get out of there. so i just ran and never paid attention to my surroundings, i wanted to go to the park near my house but i had to cross the road" chaewon felt a tear running down her cheek but she didn't stop telling her story

"my thoughts were really clouded so i didn't even think about seeing the traffic lights before crossing the road.. i crossed the road with small steps even though i was running - i guess i got a bit tired.." she wiped some of her tears and cleared her throat as a lump was formed inside

"i didn't notice a car was coming towards me-" mark's eyes widened but he kept his word and stayed quiet and wait for her to finish. "my eyes were really blurry from the tears so i thought it was only light from the street lights and i don't even know why i didn't hear the car. when it got closer, i finally realized that i was almost going to die.. i was too shocked to move-"

chaewon bit her lips as she remembered the painful memories while tears kept running down like a waterfall.

"then somebody s-screamed my name but i still s-stayed t-there, then all of the sudden i got pushed and the car hit something, a b-body" she turned to face mark with her teary eyes and flushed cheeks, not forgetting the red nose from all of the crying

"my father's body"

the tea just got spilled y'all

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the tea just got spilled y'all

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