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hehe issa bonus chapter whoop whoop. also i made a mistake in the finale, so i meant to write it has been 2 years but i wrote a year, i already fixed it tho but sorry for not doublechecking the chapter before i posted it.

disclaimer : this chapter contains a sensitive matter about bullying

disclaimer : this chapter contains a sensitive matter about bullying

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it has been a year after chaewon's mother's death. mark already graduated from high school and already started college while chaewon?

she's redoing her last year of high school since she couldn't focus with her studies after the incident and she was also absent during their national exam, the national exam determines whether you'll graduate or not and if you don't join the exam then.. let's just say you already lost your chance

she actually wanted to just drop out but mark said she mustn't and after a long talk with her boyfriend, she finally decided to follow his words. of course, there were a lot of talks about her when she came back to school

some were pitying her, some were insulting her, and some minded their own business and ignored her. the last kind was chaewon's favorite. 3 years going to this school, she's known as the anti-social girl, she didn't have any friends at all not that she cares about it

but a year ago, she met mark and she loves being around him. she never felt lonely before and now she does because she has to go to school all alone now. mark feels bad for leaving her alone but he knows his girl is a strong one and besides, they still live together so they can spend time at home

"i'll pick you up later" mark says as they both reached the front of the familiar school gates. "okay, i'll wait" chaewon nods at the smiling boy. mark pulled chaewon close and placed a soft kiss on her temple before patting her head gently

"i'll be going now" chaewon nodded with a small smile and waved her hand at him as he started to walk away, backwards while waving too.

as soon as his figure was nowhere to be seen, chaewon's smile immediately left her face. she sighs as she scans the school as students pass by her. she started walking inside with heavy steps as she looks down to not make eye contact with anyone

she doesn't like going to school anymore. back then, everyone ignored her and chaewon's fine with it but now, all eyes always went to her. the students threw lots of insults towards her and some even bullied her

those students only bothered her because she has to redo a year with the excuse of 'her mom died' to them it sounded so stupid and that made chaewon got looked down by everyone in school.

the good thing is that they never went physical with her, they only vandalize her locker and table or sometimes they will throw paper with foul words written on it. chaewon tried to never care about those people but she's also a human being so there were also times where chaewon just broke down crying when she's alone

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