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fun fact i actually finished writing this book in a week a few days before i published the prologue.
enjoy reading the finale!


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2 years have passed and the couple is still going strong. chaewon has gotten better from her depression but she hasn't fully healed. the couple never gave up and kept trying until chaewon will be fully healed

she tried to go to a psychiatrist at the first few months but then she felt her method of counseling her isn't working so she tried to busy herself by doing a hobby she just started which is embroidery

her embroidery skills definitely evolved in the past year and now she has been selling her handmade goods. she finished high school a year after mark, so mark's already in college now. she decided to skip college and focus on working, she opened up her own website to sell her handmade stuff and fortunately, lots of people loved it so you can say she's quite successful now

"honey, i'm home"
"what the fuck mark"
"i've always wanted to try saying that"

chaewon chuckled as she let herself getting kissed on the head by her boyfriend

mark decided to move in with chaewon since his parents already got back 6 months ago and fortunately, their relationship was approved. mark's mum totally fell in love with chaewon and treated her like she's her own daughter

"anyways i have a surprised for you" mark wiggled his eyebrows at the girl as she raised a brow at him. "you and surprises never go along.."

mark pouted before motioning her to close her eyes.

"do not open your eyes until i say so"
"yeayea now hurry up"

chaewon closed her eyes as she felt really curious on what's his surprise

she heard mark shifting an item and his footsteps heading towards her. "open your eyes" chaewon slowly opened her eyes to see mark holding a box

she raised a brow as she took the box into her lap. "you got me a box?" mark rolled his eyes at her,

"open it"
"if something pops up i'm going to fuc-"

chaewon froze at a familiar sound she just heard, "w-was that a m-meow?" mark smiled widely before hurriedly motioning her to open the box

chaewon carefully opened the box and immediately gasp at what she saw. she grabbed the kitten and hold it in her arms.

"y-you got me a kitten?"
"aren't i the best boyfriend in the whole world?"

chaewon ignored him as she was still in awe with the living creature in her arms, the cat snuggled deeper into chaewon's arms which made her squeal

"now you better not ignore me now that we own a cat"
"i don't know about that"

mark frowned at his girlfriend's words before taking a seat next to her. "if you're going to ignore me then i'm placing this one back" chaewon gasps and moved away from him

"you are so not going to touch my baby"
"what the fu-"
"do not curse in front of my baby mark"

mark frowned as he leaned his back on the couch, "i did not get a cat to be treated like this" he whined which made chaewon chuckle

"i'm sorry love" chaewon pulled on his arm which he was going to ignore but hearing the endearment she just called him totally change his mind

"love? i love the sound of that" chaewon rolled her eyes at his attempt of making a pun.

"is it a he or she?"
"i think it was a she"

chaewon furrowed her eyebrows before shrugging, "well there's one way to find out" she raised the cat to examine her before putting her down on her lap again

"it's gir- why are your ears red?" chaewon raised a brow at her boyfriend who's looking away with his ears flaming red. "i feel bad because i just stared at it earlier"

chaewon bursts into fits of laughter which made mark smile seeing her cute laugh. "why are you so weird mark lee" he only shrugged

"this will be our first pet before we own that tiger" "that's on my bucket list"

"what are you going to name her?" chaewon hums as she tried to think of a name for their cat, suddenly her eye caught something which settled an idea for the cat's name

"byeol? star?" chaewon nodded as she pointed on the cat's body, the cat's fur was black and white and there was a spot that looked like a star on her body so that's why chaewon named her byeol

"i like that name"
"i bet she likes it too"

the couple spent the evening playing with their new adopted cat as well as a cooking session which almost didn't go well but in the end, the couple with byeol all cuddled on the couch as they binge on watching disney movies

and all felt really happy

that's a wrap for not alonethank you so much for reading, voting, and commenting on this book  (⌒▽⌒)♡

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that's a wrap for not alone
thank you so much for reading, voting, and commenting on this book (⌒▽⌒)

it definitely wasn't an easy ride on writing this book but nonetheless i tried my best and this is how it came out

do tell me your opinions on this story!! i accept good and bad critics

anyways, let's meet in my other future books hehe.
sending you all virtual hugs (つ≧▽≦)


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