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i think i like writing in 3rd person more but ugh idk

i think i like writing in 3rd person more but ugh idk

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"WE'RE FINALLY DONE!!" chaewon flinched from mark's loud voice but he didn't care as he kept cheering before standing up.

after the trip to the flower shop. both of them head towards mark's house to finish the report by adding the said picture and a few information from the florist.

"wanna eat?" chaewon shook her head, even though she said no, she actually feels hungry but she kinda shy eating in front of others, especially a guy.

"then why are you following me?" "so you won't burn the house"

mark opened the refrigerator as she leaned her back on the counter - waiting for him to pick the ingredients. "okay i have nothing" he closed the refrigerator before opening the top cabinets beside her.

"you sure you don't want to eat? it's ramyun" he wiggled the said item in his hands in front of her, "i'm no-" a growl stopped chaewon from talking, she then looked away from embarrassment

'why now stomach? you're betraying me you little shit'

"sure you're not" he chuckled before grabbing another ramyun from the cabinet. "you can wait, i'm a pro at making ramyun"

chaewon followed his words and sat on one of the stools as she wait for him to start cooking their food. "so how do you like your noodles?" he asks as he opened one of the packets and drop them inside the pot filled with water, but something was off

chaewon was perplexed on how dumb he was as she shook her head in disbelief. "you didn't turn on the stove you idiot" "huh? oh fuck" mark quickly picked the wet - stiff noodles and put it aside before turning on the stove

"i don't trust you. move" chaewon walk towards his side and pushed him aside, just like their first cooking session. "i got this.. i just forgot.." he didn't leave the stove and lightly pushed chaewon away

she grew annoyed so she sighed before saying, "let's just do this together"

it was kinda hectic cooking with mark, chaewon has never felt this frustrated with someone. well can't blame her, i mean how could you crack an egg and let the shells got in the pot, chaewon feels really sorry for his future girlfriend

"aye we done" he clapped happily before grabbing their plates and was going to walk but he stopped, "wanna eat while watching?" she shrugged before throwing away all the trash from their cooking, "up to you"

and that's how they ended up on the floor while watching lion king as they eat their food. "why lion king?" chaewon asks him as she swallows her food, "just because"

"i love lion king" chaewon blurts out of the blue which made mark smiled - he felt proud for choosing the right movie. "why?" "i love lions.. tigers too.. and cheetahs"

"so basically any feline?" chaewon nods as she cooed quietly at how cute simba is. "i want to have a pet tiger" mark confesses as he slurps his food

"that's freaking cool, i want one too" mark felt happy that she was getting talkative with him now, "should we own one together?" chaewon's hand paused from getting the food inside her mouth. she turned her head aside before shoving the food into her mouth

they never broke eye contact until she finished swallowing, "you adopt one and give him/her to me" she then faced forward and continue to watch the tv. mark let out a chuckle before faced the tv as well

then it all went silent as they focused on the movie and their food. as chaewon slurps her food, she watches simba eat a bug with disgust but enjoyed it in the end with, "ugh gross" she muttered

the more she watches the movie, she can't help but realize something, "you kinda look like him" "who?" "simba"

mark paused from eating his food and tilted his head at chaewon, "is that a compliment?" chaewon huffs before replying without taking her eyes off the tv

"maybe? think of it as you want" then he shrugged before letting out a small smile as he muttered, "i'm taking it as a compliment since you said you love lions"

of course, chaewon didn't hear it since he said it really quietly. they continued watching even though their food was already finished. when the movie ended, both teenagers were arguing about who's going to wash the dishes

"what's wrong with doing it together?" "i don't trust you mark" mark pouted before wearing a serious face, "i don't care.. it's either i'm the one washing it or we both wash it"

chaewon looked up as she tried to calm herself, she then sighs before raising her hands up. "fine"

both teenagers head towards the kitchen while carrying their bowls. "i'm going to clean it then you'll rinse" he nodded and leaned on the counter beside her as she started to wet the dirty dishes

"wanna know something?" "what?" he paused for a moment so she turned to look at him and his eyes were looking a bit hesitant but at the same time, it looked at her with so much adoration

"do you know why i chose gladiolus as our flower?" "nope" chaewon replied as she continued to clean the pot with the dish soap. "each flower has a meaning.. gladiolus means strength"

"so?" chaewon turned the pot upside down to clean its bottom part.

"i felt like that's the perfect flower for you.. i hope it can give you strength- not that i'm saying you don't have it.. i mean like i hope the flower can remind you that you are strong chaewon.. strong to overcome anything in this world- okay i don't think i'm making any sense now.. just forget about it"

mark covers his face from embarrassment - not wanting to see her reaction. chaewon quietly continue to clean the dishes until she's finally done, she washes her hands with hand soap before drying it quickly by shaking it.

she then turned to face mark whose face is still covered. "your turn now" mark slowly uncovered his face and look at chaewon who's looking elsewhere. he muttered a small okay before taking her place

chaewon took his place from earlier and looked up as she tried to think of a reply. "is it obvious?" "what is?"

"that i'm broken.. pathetic .. sa-" "not to everyone" chaewon was stun by his reply but she was kinda glad that he didn't deny it.

"it was kinda hard for me to see it.. but i started to notice all of the littlest things.. i don't know what you're going through but ... i know you can overcome it.. because you're strong chaewon.. you may not notice it, but i do"

damn mark i think my heart just did a thing whoops

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damn mark i think my heart just did a thing whoops

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