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how to have motivation to keep writing 😔

how to have motivation to keep writing 😔

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we both stayed quiet from our similar words but then he broke into a laugh which made me chuckle as well. "come here" i motioned mark as i grabbed 2 new eggs

i explained him how to cook eggs properly from the start till the end. when the eggs were done, i served it on a new plate. "here" i turned around and was frozen for a second - i didn't notice all this time we were this close. like literally, he's too close to me

"thanks" he happily took the plate from my hands and went to one of the stools, but before that - he lightly patted my head

'uh? huh?'

i snapped back to reality and went to his side, totally blind to notice the faint blush on my cheeks. "how is it?" it's been a long time since i cooked for someone, that mother of mine never liked my cooking again so i usually cook for myself

he finished swallowing his food before showing me a thumbs up, "you should keep cooking for me" he took another bite and i only rolled my eyes playfully, "you wish"


"aren't you hot?" i shot a surprised look at mark whose face is concerned. "h-huh?" he raised a brow before realizing what he just meant, "oh w-wait i meant like uh.. well since you're wearing a hoodie and the ac's .. not on"

i stared at the flustered boy as i try to process his words, "o-oh.. it's fine, i'm not... hot" okay why did i paused, literal facepalm there

"o-oh okay" we both turned quiet and focused on our own tasks. it's really confusing how well we go along but at the same time, we can get awkward real fast.

"do you want me to turn the ac?" "no, it's okay"

a few minutes passed and i finished writing down all of the information needed. "you're finished?" i nodded and stretched my back. "did you find a place yet?" he nodded before moving down to the floor and sat beside me

"what do you think?" he passed me his phone, "it's quite nice" i scroll over the store's website and my eyes caught something. "it's a bit far though" i pointed out

"we can go by train" i pouted my lips out of habit as i thought of it before agreeing, "this saturday?"

"the sooner the better" i passed back his phone. i felt my baby hairs going everywhere in my face so i pulled back my hoodie's sleeves to tie my hair properly

"chaewon" "what is it?" i replied as i tie my hair, totally not noticing that my lower arm is exposed now

"are you alright?" i finished tying my hair and huffed out before craning my head towards him. "what do you mean?"

he pursed his lips before slowly pointing at my arm, i followed his finger and mentally cursed at myself. i slowly pulled down my sleeve before replying, "i accidentally scraped my hand a few days ago" i replied calmly - hoping he'll believe it

i glanced at mark to see if he's believing it or not, but his eyes were unreadable. he looked away before nodding his head with his lips pursed, "it's fine if you don't want to talk about it, sorry for asking"

i didn't know what to reply so i only sat quietly, well both of us sat quietly. until one of our phones rang, i look at the table to see it was my phone

i look at the caller and held the urge to roll my eyes before answering

"where are you"

"i'm a-"

"get home now you bitch"


"5 minutes"

then she hung up, i sighed before looking to mark. "i need to go home now" i stood up and smoothed my skirt, "do you want me to walk you home?"

i shook my head as i grab my bag, "it's fine" mark gave me an unsure look but i quickly reassured him, "i'll be fine mark"

he sighed before nodding and led me out of the house. we both bid goodbye to each other and i start to walk home.


"where were you bitch" a sudden pain shot to my head as my hair got pulled harshly.

'seriously i just opened the door'

"it's been more than 5 minutes. are you that dumb that you can't count?" she tugged on my hair and pulled it backwards. i winced as i tried to choke out a reply, "i'm so-"

"were you with a boy?" "no-" "i bet you were, you little slut" she pushed me onto the ground and quickly undid her belt. "w-wai-" she smacked the belt so hard on my back that a loud scream got out from my mouth, and i know it never ends well if i scream.

the more i scream the harsher she gets and that's just what she did. she whipped my back with the belt so powerful that it stung so much, i tried to hold my screams as the pain worsen. i kept covering my head with my arms as she continues to hit me

"why are you so useless?!!" she screams into my face, the stinky breath of alcohol hit my face. she throws away the belt harshly as she huffs angrily - her chest rose up and down repeatedly, the anger never left her mind

she looks around frantically - like she was searching for something, i became alerted so i ignored the pain all over my body and quickly tried to stand up. my eyes went horrified when i saw her grabbing a bottle and started to stride towards me with large and powerful steps

i tried to quickly come up with a plan as she neared me. when she raised the bottle high, i quickly pushed her by the stomach with all the strength i have left and made a run for it


i held the railings as i tried to catch my breath from all the running i just did. i'm still surprised that i haven't gave up on my legs yet. i took deep breaths slowly as i got lost in the scenery in front of me

i suddenly ended up in han river, thankfully there weren't many people around - only a few cars passing through. the scenery in front of me was too beautiful to the point i didn't notice my breathing was already steady

i placed my folded arms on the railings and rested mg head against my arms - slowly feeling myself getting calmer at the peaceful scenery there.


there have been too many fluffs so i decided to tone it down a little hehe

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there have been too many fluffs so i decided to tone it down a little hehe

𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚎 ➶ 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝚕𝚎𝚎Where stories live. Discover now