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"hmm?" chaewon parted from the hug but mark's arms never left her waist.

"thank you" she whispered out as she stared into his eyes.

"i-i pushed you away but you-" mark quickly hushed her gently before pulling her into a hug again with one of his hands stroking her head.

"i don't know what i'll be without you" chaewon wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face deeper into his neck

"i can say so the same chae" mark replied as he rested his chin on top of her head, his hand never stopped stroking her hair

"i tried ... i tried to make myself move on from it but it was too hard" mark's skin tingled from chaewon's whispers on his neck

"i felt so weak. everything was too hard mark.. it was hard to move on... it was hard to be happy... it was hard to not fall for you" mark froze at her last sentence. he never knew she has been feeling the same way

chaewon pulled away from the hug and stared into mark's eyes. "i didn't want to like you because i thought it'll be better for you to end up with a girl who's not broken.. a girl who's not depressed... a girl who's not.. me"

mark's heart broke at her words, he raised one of his hand to cup her cheek as he began to stroke her cheek gently

"but in the end.. i did fall for you mark.. i like you- no.. i love you mark and i don't think i can live happily if you're not by my side... so let me be selfish for once and have you for myself.. ple-"

chaewon was cut off by his lips that suddenly planted on hers. mark gently cupped her cheek as he tilted his head slightly to deepen the kiss. to show her, he feels the same way

chaewon was frozen at first but then she responded into the kiss. just like mark, she also tilted her head to the side to deepen their kiss, she wrapped her arms around his neck as one of her hands stroke his hair gently

their lips moved in sync, it moulded perfectly - it was like their lips were made for each other. then they both pulled away from the lack of breath

both teenagers tried to catch their breath and never broke eye contact. mark wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes as he said

"i love you too chaewon and i will be selfish as well to have you for myself"


a month has passed and chaewon felt herself is slowly going back to normal. she hasn't fully reached her usual self but with mark's help, she's slowly getting there

"are you ready?" mark walked inside chaewon's bedroom. the couple are going to visit chaewon's mum since it has been a month after her death

"i'm ready" she took one last glance at her reflection before joining hands with mark as they walked down the stairs. "you look beautiful as always" he raised their joined hands and kissed her hand

"you're being cheesy mark"
"but you love it"

chaewon locked her house door and waited for mark to hail a cab. seconds later, mark successfully hailed a cab and they both stepped in. chaewon told the driver the address and he started to drive

"i'm sorry, i'll try to learn to drive soon" mark felt bad that they have to go around by walking or taking a buss or taking a cab like now, "it's fine, take your time" one of the things he loves chaewon is her ability to understand people

a solid 30 minutes have passed and the couple arrived at their destination. they paid the fee and step out of the cab before it drove away.

mark held his hand out and chaewon took it before they start walking inside the familiar memorial house. chaewon's mum ashes are kept at the same place as her father's in fact, they are placed in the same shelf

they walk through the familiar hall towards the shelves until they finally arrived at chaewon's parents.

"hi mum and dad" chaewon let out a small smile at her parent's picture. "it has been one month since mum's leaving and it hasn't been easy for me to live life like how you wanted me mum" chaewon took a deep breath before continuing

"it was really hard.. it was the same hard as when dad left us.. i almost ignored your words and almost took my own life mum"

"but i was stopped by mark.." chaewon turned her head aside and grab a hold of his arm so he'd be next to her. she hugged his arm and continued to talk

"because of mark... i can finally start to live happily mum and dad... i finally start to live a healthy and happy life, all because of him" chaewon threw him a warm smile

"i'm really happy that the both of you are together now and i'll join you when it's the right time" she then turned her head to mark, "wanna talk to mum and dad?" mark nodded

he cleared his throat before bowing as a sign of respect towards his girlfriend's parents.

"hello sir and ma'am. it's really a shame that we haven't met yet but from your daughter stories.. i have a glimpse of how amazing you both are... thank you so much for giving birth to chaewon .. thank you so much for raising chaewon will all of your love and care... who she is today, it's all because of you sir and ma'am. i will keep my promise and keep taking care of her... because i sincerely love your daughter"

the couple shared a heartwarming smile, "i guess that's all we have to say for now mum and dad. we'll visit you soon" they both bid goodbye to the elders and head home

 we'll visit you soon" they both bid goodbye to the elders and head home

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mark's taken now 😔 nah jk

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