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happy moonie day to our moon taeil!!

happy moonie day to our moon taeil!!

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"my father's body.." chaewon whispered out - not noticing that her breathing startedto get heavy, her chest rose up and down from the unsteady breathing with dark thoughts clouding her head

"i k-killed my d-dad" she choked out as she gripped her hair from aggravation. "i k-killed m-my d-dad mark.." chaewon covered her face with her hands and felt it got wet quickly from the tears, she sobbed hard as her body shook from the guilt

mark sat quietly and only hear sobs from the girl beside him. he didn't know what to say nor do but he wanted to comfort her so he mustered all of his courage and softly asked her, "do you want me to hug you..?"

the girl didn't reply and kept sobbing, she heard him but she felt like she doesn't have the energy to reply. mark took her silence as approval and scooted closer to her before slowly wrapping his arms around her, chaewon didn't mind and cried to his chest. mark felt his shirt getting wet but that's the least of his problems now

mark tried to arrange his next few words nicely to comfort the girl, "it's not your fault chaewon.." his gentle voice whispered onto her head. "i-if only i didn't r-ran out of the h-house.. h-he would s-still be h-here"

"he saved you chaewon" chaewon didn't reply but only continued her little sniffles. "my mum blames me for it.. she's right" she whispered the last sentence

"no, she's not chaewon.. hey" he tried to look at her eyes but she looked elsewhere, "hey.. look at me" he gently cupped her cheeks and turned it so her eyes will be met with his

"you didn't know that would happen chaewon.. you didn't kill your dad, your dad saved you because he loves you chaewon.. he loves his daughter so much that he can't see her getting hurt" another tear ran down her cheek which he was fast to wipe it

she took a deep breath before leaning her cheek on his hand before continuing her story, "after that, i decided to keep studying hard till this day.. i successfully got to be the top of my year for the past 3 consecutive years .. but my mum changed.."

"she became distant.. she keeps drinking every night to help with the grief and loss. each time she's drunk she always hits me.. but she forgets everything in the morning - when she's sober-"

she paused for a moment before hesitatingly asked him, "do you want to see it?.. the bruises?" "only if you're comfortable"

chaewon nodded her head and parted from his arms and before carefully taking off her hoodie. he watches chaewon as she curled her shirts' sleeves to her shoulders - to show the bruises on her upper arms. he didn't say anything and only traced the bruises with his finger which made her skin tingle

"i have more on my back" he raised his head which made their eyes locked, he then looked down again before asking, 

"what about these?" she looked towards what he pointed and she bites her bottom lip nervously as she traced the fading scars on her lower arm. "she didn't do this" "then.. you did?"

a sad smile appeared on her lips as she nodded slowly, chaewon knew he was shocked - she only hopes he won't see her differently now. "i tried to stop... but it's hard"

"when was the last time?" "maybe a month ago? during dad's birthday.."

"you didn't tell anyone about this?" she shook her head before pulling down her sleeves again and wear her hoodie - feeling chilly of the night's wind, "i've been shutting people out since the incident, you're the only one i can call a friend since then"

mark stayed quiet before hesitatingly asked, "do you wanna stay with me?" chaewon gave him a small smile while shaking her head. "i can't leave mum alone.. who knows what will happen to her"

"and besides, she's the only family i have left" then all went silent until an idea came through chaewon's head

"wanna join me visit my dad next week?"


"are you sure you wanna go home?" chaewon nodded as they walk together towards his house. "it's quite late, i'm sure she's asleep already"

a few minutes passed and they already arrived in front of her house, the light's inside chaewon's house are already dimmed - a sign her mother already fell asleep.

"thank you for walking me home" "it's not big of a deal" mark mumbled awkwardly which made chaewon lightly chuckle

chaewon stared at the male in front of her. how his brown hair will move lightly because of the wind, even though his hair's a bit messy - it still looked very decent. his eyes that always holds so many emotions which can mesmerize chaewon so much, his nose would scrunch each time he laughs, his cheekbones highlight his face beautifully, and not to forget his lips have a very natural color that's really pretty and always makes the most charming smiles

all parts of him always made her heart flutter which was something she never felt before, she felt herself becoming her usual self ever since she met him. she felt herself getting happy again

"chaewon?" chaewon snapped out of her thoughts when a finger snapped in front of her face. "huh?" "i've been calling you for the past minute.. was my face that handsome?" chaewon rolled her eyes at the sight of his teasing smirk worn on his lips

"you wish-" chaewon paused before calling out his name gently, "what is it?"

"will you keep your word? that you won't see me differently?" chaewon's eyes anticipated his answer to be yes but she's afraid he would lie, just like everyone else

"i'm a man of my word chaewon.. i won't think of you differently. each person has a story they're fighting at the moment and no one has the right to judge that person's story"

chaewon felt relieved by his reply, she felt his answer was really genuine. "i'm scared mark.. i'm scared that when i finally opened up to someone.. there's a chance they'll leave me and i'll be alone all over again"

"i'm staying chaewon" she turned her gaze to his eyes and his face looked serious - it was like he meant what he said.

"i care about you chaewon" she stayed quiet but kept looking to his eyes. "even though we just met a week ago, i care for you deeply. it may sound like bullshit but i'm serious, it's a bit hard to explain it.."

mark took a deep breath before stepping forward so they're gap will be much closer. he bent down and grabbed the side of her shoulders before gently but earnestly said

"so i'm going to show it to you chaewon. i'm going to show you how much i care for you"

when mark said he's a man of his word i suddenly thought of my man elijah damn wasnt he hot 🤭alsodid i write that scene good enough? i suck at sad scenes ughi kinda cringed at the last part BAHAHA oh well

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when mark said he's a man of his word i suddenly thought of my man elijah damn wasnt he hot 🤭
did i write that scene good enough? i suck at sad scenes ugh
i kinda cringed at the last part BAHAHA oh well

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