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is the story getting boring? or is it doing alright?

is the story getting boring? or is it doing alright?

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"you didn't ask your mum to go with you" "she said she'll go by herself tomorrow"

both teenagers started their way to go visit chaewon's father. it's not that far from their neighborhood - they only need to take a cab

mark hailed a taxi to the side and both of them went inside. chaewon told the address and the driver started to drive

"is it far?" "not that far" mark nodded as he stares at the passing cars as well as people walking around and some were cycling. his eyes caught the sight of two cyclers who looked very professional with their gear and bike but then his brows furrowed at a figure behind them wearing a bucket hat and riding a bicycle that looked rather cute because of its basket

wasn't that a sight

"are you sure i don't need to bring anything?" chaewon sighed before turning to face mark

"how many times should i tell you?? it's literally alright mark" mark sighed before turning aside to face her as well, "i feel bad if i came empty handed"

"jeez you worry too much" chaewon shook her head before pointing a finger towards him. "this is the last time i'm telling you.. it's alright mark" he pursed his lips before nodding

then it went all silent and without them noticing, they already arrived at the memorial house

[i don't know the exact term in English so i may be wrong but where they're going is not the cemetery but more like a place (like a building or house) where the family kept their loved ones' ashes as well as photos and etc. the photo in the media is a reference from hi bye mama hehe]

they paid the fee and stepped out of the cab before it drove off. "it feels so peaceful here" chaewon chuckled before saying, "it's filled with dead people.. unless you want to get haunted by them then be my guest on being loud"

mark shut her mouth with his hand before muttering, "you talk too much" chaewon rolled her eyes before biting the flesh on his hand. "the fuck chaewon?" "that's what you get"

then both of them stopped bickering and head inside the building. the guard on the front desk greeted them which of course, they replied. mark gaped when they stepped inside, the memorial house looked really pretty to him - the decors are really neat and beautiful, he was sure the people that had passed away felt in peace here

then they stopped walking and stood in front of glass shelf with a marble vase inside it as well as some pictures. "here we are" chaewon mumbled as her hand touched the glass.

"hi dad, how have you been?" she let out a small smile as she stared at her dad's picture that had a wide smile worn on his face, "i hope you're doing all well up there... i'm still sorry for what i've done back then... i felt like i didn't deserve happiness after what i've done... like i should always be drowning in guilt"

chaewon felt tears piling up but she held it in and inhaled silently before continuing, "but now.." chaewon let out a smile as she felt so relieved to say these next few words,

"i'm finally starting to notice that i shouldn't keep holding on to the past.. i should start on being a better person so your heroic acts did not go to waste.. you died saving me dad.. even though we were fighting, you still saved me.."

chaewon turned her head to the side - the warm smile never left her lips as she makes eye contact with mark, "i think i'm finally starting to move on.. to forgive my old self.. and i feel my usual self is coming back - my usual happy self.. thanks to him dad"

mark's heart warmed at the girl's words, not to mention the sweet smile she's currently wearing on her lips. chaewon turned her head back again to her dad,

"i hope you'll forgive my wrongdoings dad... i'm sure you know already but i want to tell you that mum asked me to cook for her yesterday, it was really surprising for me but i'm really happy, and i hope you are too... i love you dad" she whispered out the last sentence as a tear ran down her cheek but she quickly wiped it away before stepping back

"do you want to say something to my dad?" "can i?" she nodded and motioned him to get closer to the glass shelf. mark took chaewon's place and cleared his throat before bowing slightly

"hello sir.. i'm mark, chaewon's friend.." mark paused and turned his head to the side to make sure what he said was right and chaewon nodded before gesturing him to continue

"i was going to come here without empty hands but chaewon said it's alright.. so i hope it is alright sir.." mark mentally cursed at how awkward he's being right now but the girl behind him had no different mind, she shook her head at mark's words with a small smile on her lips

"i just met chaewon a week ago sir.. and i feel like i've known so much about her but i'm sure there are more to know about her.." mark took a quick glimpse at her with a grin, chaewon can't help but feel her heart warmed at his words

"she's doing really well now sir.. she finally opened up to someone and i feel very honored to be that person. it's really nice to see a genuinely happy smile on her face and i bet you feel the same way sir" and just like what he said, chaewon's lips tugged upwards into a smile without her notice

"i promised to stay with her and i'm planning to keep that promise.. i will do my best to take care of her sir. everyone deserves a shot of happiness, and she's no exception so please do rest well sir" then mark bowed again before stepping back

"done?" mark nodded and chaewon stepped forward and grab his arm so he'd be next to her. "we'll be leaving now dad, see you on my next visit" she bowed which mark followed, then both teenagers head out of the building

"i'm glad you came with me" "i'm glad too"

i didn't know how to end it and also idk if i wrote that scene well enough ugh

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i didn't know how to end it and also idk if i wrote that scene well enough ugh

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