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"hi chaewon" a voice called out to me. i raised my head from my phone to see a waving mark. ".. hi?" fuck why are you awkward ryu chaewon. last night's events never left my mind to the point i had trouble sleeping.

he chuckled before grabbing the handle on top of him as the bus started to move. our position right now was just like our first meeting. him standing beside me while gripping on the handle on top and me sitting down on a single seat

"all safe?" his gentle tone warmed my heart, i nodded and felt my cheeks getting hot.  i only prayed he won't notice.

"are you sick? you're really red?" ah fuck, i quickly covered my cheeks before blurting a loud no. great way of embarrassing yourself ryu chaewon

mark chuckled before patting my head, "you're too cute" i puffed out my cheeks before lightly slapping his hand away, "i am not" i turned my head to the side and looked out the window

"yea sure you are"


"so we're going on sunday?" i nodded as i munch on my lunch. "you can go right?" mark nodded and we continued to eat our lunch. to stay out of the crowd, me and mark decided to eat at the rooftop where it's quiet and peaceful

"should i buy something?" i looked at him in confusion, "what for?" "i don't know.. respect?" i chuckled before shaking my head

"your presence is already 'respectful'" i quoted him which made him rolled his eyes at me. "okay then"

"do you usually visit alone?" i nodded, "mum doesn't like it if i bring dad up so i always visit alone.. maybe she visits dad too? i don't really know" i shrugged before drinking my water as i was done eating

"does she often hit you" i felt his hesitance in his tone, "i guess you can say it as a regular activity" mark frowned at my answer so i quickly added

"but she doesn't overdo it ... well sometimes" i whispered the last sentence but i guess i was unlucky since he heard it

"chaewon" "she's not in her right mind, i don't blame her" i quietly reply as i looked towards the high buildings around us.

"should we tell the po-" "no. if she gets taken.. i'll be alone mark" he sighs before rubbing his face in frustration

"i don't want you to be like this forever chaewon.." i can't help but sigh at his words. i know he wants me to live a better life but i'll lose it if my mother gets taken away as well.

"me too mark.. but it might just be" i whispered the last sentence and this time he didn't hear it


"ryu chaewon" i halted in my steps as my eyes widened from the sudden voice.

'did she just call my name?'

i turned around to see my mother leaning on the wall as her arms crossed in front of her chest. "are you going to work now?" i was surprised to hear her talking normally. she usually talked to me either angrily or monotonously

"not yet" "cook me something first then you can leave" and once again, i was stunned by her. "why are you standing there looking all confused? go to the kitchen now" she muttered before walking past me to the living room

i was still frozen for a few seconds until snapped back to reality. "what do you want?" i approached her and stood nervously as i waited for her answer. "just whatever.. it's up to you" her eyes never left the tv as she answered me

i then backed away and head towards the kitchen in disbelief. "did she seriously just wanted me to cook for her?" a grin crawled up to my face, i never thought this day will come again. "for once, i felt everything's going to be alright" i mumbled as the grin never left my face

i started cooking her food. since we're short on ingredients - i only cook her kimchi fried rice, simple but i knew it tastes good since i learnt it from herself. "are you done yet?" i flinched from the sudden voice, i looked back to see her standing beside the dining table

"just a second" i served the fried rice on a plate and grabbed utensils for her and head towards her direction. "here" i put the plate in front of her as well as the utensils

she was going to start eating but paused before looking at me, "are you not going to eat as well?" i was baffled from her question, "i uhh.. a-already ate a w-while ago" then she nodded and motioned me to sit

i was still shocked from her sudden different self, i'm not saying it's a bad thing but it's been a long time since i've seen it so i was really flustered

she took the first bite and munched on it before swallowing it then she paused and turned to face me. "you still have it" then she continued eating.

i look down as i tried to contain my wide smile, i raised my head and i've never felt so happy seeing her eat my own cooking again

'i got to tell mark about this'



"welcome to k-ma- eh mark?" chaewon stared at a waving mark from the store's door. "what are you doing here?" he happily walked towards the girl then leaned on the counter

"to see you of course" he winked which made chaewon roll her eyes then she suddenly remembered something. "oh i have something to tell you" "what is it?"

mark was shocked to see a wide smile on her face then out of nowhere chaewon slams her hands on the counter and leaned forward to close the gap between them. of course it made mark really nervous, "y-yah wha-" "my mum just asked me to cook for her" she whispered happily before leaning back and squealed happily

"h-huh? what?" "my mum just asked me to cook for her" she repeated and smiled while remembering what just happened minutes ago at home

"really?? i'm happy for you" mark's face had a wide smile which made hers even wider. "but why so sudden?" chaewon shrugged, she didn't really care why because she felt too happy that her mum is acting like her old self before saying,

"it doesn't matter why.. maybe she's going back to her old self" i giggled happily. mark couldn't help but felt his heart flutter at the sight of chaewon being so happy

he only hoped this happiness will last long.

he only hoped this happiness will last long

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will it last long?

𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚎 ➶ 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝚕𝚎𝚎Where stories live. Discover now