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punch promotions are over and bbys can finally rest whoop whoop. now's the time to focus on wayv bbys

 now's the time to focus on wayv bbys

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i froze at the familiar voice, i craned my head to the side and lock gazes with a certain male. my teary eyes locked with his worried ones

"wait, what happened to you?" he took a step closer which made me flinch. each time he took a step forward, i stepped back. he notices my actions so he stopped and held his hands out in front of his chest - a gesture meaning he meant no harm

"hey, it's me chaewon" i took small breaths to steady my breathing before wiping my tears away. i didn't say anything and started to walk past him but then his hand gripped my wrist.

"chae-" "let go of me" my voice was kinda hoarse from all the crying, "let go mark" i glared at him with my red eyes but he still had a tight grip, "not until you tell me"

i grew annoyed by him so i sighed heavily before harshly flung my arm away from his grip. "mind your own business"

then i left him and didn't bother to look back


i breathed in relief went i successfully went out without meeting her, i hold my bag straps tightly and started to walk towards the bus stop

last night, after i left han river i went straight to the park near my house and waited for a few hours to pass before going back home. mum's only abusive when she's drunk so when she's sober she's just quiet and distant.

but she knows about her abusive antics, she notices my bruises and scars. but she never asks about it and she never said sorry as well

like just any school day, i arrived at the bus stop just at the right time the bus arrives as well. i hopped in and paid my fee and went to find a seat.

the bus moved towards its next stop, which is mark's. i sighed at the memory from last night, i only hope we won't need to see each other until at school's grounds.

a few minutes later, the bus stopped and i spot a familiar figure outside. i quickly louden my music and put on my hood, and pretended to sleep. i heard footsteps passing me and one specifically stopped and sat behind me

i didn't open my eyes and without my realization, i fell asleep.

later then, i felt a tap on my shoulder which woke me up. i raised my head to be faced with mark, he cleared his throat before pointing backwards with his thumb, "we arrived at school already"

i looked around to see the familiar street where the school is, i gave him a small nod and stood up from my seat, i grabbed my bag and went past him


"chaewon" i look up from my book to see mark standing in front of my desk. i averted my eyes back to my book before letting out a small hum as my reply

"can we.. talk?"
"about?" i continued my doodling as my eyes never left my book

"last night?" my hand stopped drawing and i slowly look up to him, "what is there to talk about?" my monotonous tone got him all nervous, i can see it

he pursed his lips as he tried to think of a reply,
"i want to say that .. i'm sorry.. i was out of line for asking you to te-"
"it's fine"

his eyes widened at my reply - like he was stun, "i said it's fine" i repeated my words before closing my book and stood up. "o-oh great.. i was afraid we'll be awkward.. or something" he rubs his nape sheepishly

"clear your schedule for today, we need to finish the report" that was the last thing i said to him before i left

"OKAYY!" i didn't a little smile creeping up my face when i heard that


"all left is the photo" i stretched out my arms before leaning to the sofa. "what time do you wanna go tomorrow?" i pursed my lips as i try to think of a perfect time.

"how about 1 pm? so we won't get home late" mark nodded in agreement before clapping his hands once, "then it's settled"

"do you want me to pick you up?" i shook my head, "let's just meet at the subway station" mark shrugged before agreeing

then i felt my phone vibrating in my skirt's pocket so i fished it out to see it was my alarm ringing.


i stared at my phone's clock to see it's nearing 6 pm so i stood up and smoothed my skirt. "you're leaving?" i nodded and packed my stuff into my bag again.

"i have a shift soon" i grabbed my bag and turned to face him, "bye mark" he stood up and nodded, "i'll lead you out"

we both walked to his door then he opened it for me, "see you tomorrow chaewon" i nodded and bid a small bye before leaving his house


i stuffed my worn uniform to my bag before wearing the staff's vest

'good thing i remembered to bring some clothes' i shivered at the thought of working while wearing a god damn short skirt

i head out of the staff's room and took my place behind the cashier. a few minutes later the ball rang but instead of a customer, it was my boss

"oh chaewon-ah help me stock these up on the shelves" he said as he put down a box before heading out again, probably to grab another box

i quickly hopped off my seat and went to grab the box, thankfully it was light. i looked inside it to see it mostly tissues and a few wet wipes. i went to its aisle and stock them up

it kept going like that until i reached the last box. i huffed before picking it up with arms and i look inside to see it filled with tons of milk. i head towards the milk aisle and start to stock them up

as i did that, when my eyes came across a banana flavored milk - a memory came across my mind. i grabbed one of it and put it aside and stock the rest up. after i was done with all of it, i stood up from my crouching position and head towards the counter, not forgetting to bring the left out milk

"he would like this right?" i muttered before shrugging, "if he doesn't want it then i'll drink it" i scanned it and paid for it

"i'll give this tomorrow" i pointed at the milk before the bell rang and i raised my head to see a customer,

"welcome to k-mart"

damn chaewon be kinda cute uwudont forget to vote!

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damn chaewon be kinda cute uwu
dont forget to vote!

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