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double update whoop whoop

double update whoop whoop

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"great job you two" ms. oh complimented us when we turned in our work to her. "out of all of the reports, i must say that yours are one of the best" we both thanked ms. oh for the compliment then she left first, saying she has some business to do

"we totally killed it. i'm glad ms. oh didn't change our partners" he gave me a wide grin and i only nodded awkwardly at him, i mentally facepalmed at my awkwardness. his words from last night never left my mind, it kinda touched my heart because no one ever said that to me.

"it was kinda hard for me to see it.. but i started to notice all of the littlest things.. i don't know what you're going through but ... i know you can overcome it.. because you're strong chaewon.. you may not notice it, but i do"

i didn't even notice a small smile appeared on my face from remembering his words until mark asked about it, "oh, this is the first time i've seen you smile" "h-huh?" i turned my gaze to him and quickly wiped off the smile from my face

"i wasn't" "yes you did" i brushed him off before saying, "i'm going first, bye" but then he suddenly gripped my wrist which made me stumble back

"what do you want" "let's get ice cream after school" i raised a brow at him and i was bout to reply 'no' until he cut me off, "come on, don't you think we deserve a reward from our hard work?"

he noticed my unsure face so he quickly wore his puppy eyes and i already know i'm doomed because puppy eyes are one of my weaknesses, "i- uhh.. fine" i sighed before looking elsewhere - not wanting to see his happy jumping, or else it'll make me broke into a smile

"okay, you can go now chaewon" he pushed my shoulders to start walking and waved happily at me as i only gave a small awkward wave and left to the library

"what's the matter with you ryu chaewon" i murmured


"hurry up chaewon" mark said to me impatiently as he stood by my desk. "be patient will you?" i muttered as i pack my stuff back to my bag before standing up.

then we both walked out of school but of course, stares followed us. i mean, i never interact with any of the students here so for sure they would be surprised to see me walking and talking with mark. they are also surprised that mark always hangs around me, they never expected the new student with happiness radiating off of him to hang out with an anti social girl, but good thing they never bully me since most students are afraid of me. that's also another applause from the students to mark because he's the only student who's not afraid of me

"you don't have a shift today?" i shook my head then he cheered happily, "that means we can hang out till it's late" "i don't want to hang out with you"

i saw his face pouted from the corner of my eye, "why not?" he whined. "i don't like being around people" mark frowned from my answer, "but it's just me" "you're no exception mark"

"you're no fun" "i know". mark clicked his tongue from annoyance before he suddenly stepped in front of me and placed his hands on my shoulders then he started to shake my body furiously

"come on, hang out with me" he whined as he kept shaking my shoulders which made me dizzy so i furiously slapped his arms to stop shaking me, "s-stop it" "not until you agree to hang out with me"

i closed my eyes from frustration, trying to calm myself from strangling the boy in front of me. "fine fine now fucking stop shaking me"

he then released his grip on me and cheered happily, "come on" he grabbed my arm to start walking and since the dizziness hasn't worn off yet, i kept stumbling and i almost slammed myself into a tree until he pulled me aside

"jeez are you fucking drunk?" "it's all your fault dumbass" i slapped his shoulder as i wait for the dizziness to fade away.

after a few minutes of walking, we finally arrived at a convenience store near our bus stop. we both stepped inside and in like any convenience store, the bell rang

"welcome to komarty" the girl behind the cashier greeted us which we replied, we both head to the ice cream aisle, which is the definition of heaven. my mouth gape at the variety of ice creams being displayed in front of me

"what do you want?" i gaze over the tons of ice creams there and finally made my choice. "bungeoppang?" i nodded then he chose his, "you like cookies and cream?" "it's one of my favorites"

then we both head towards the cashier, "separate payment? or joined?" "sep-" "i'll pay for both" i shot a look towards mark who only winked at me

'excuse me?' i gaped at him and i didn't even notice he already finished paying. mark chuckled before closing my mouth with his fingers, "come on" he turned my body around and gently pushed me towards the exit

we both stepped outside of the mart and opened our ice creams together. "i'll pa-" "no need to pay me back" i didn't realize i just pouted at him until he cooed at me, "aw cutie" my face immediately went blank before muttering, "shut up" the faint blush on my cheeks went unnoticed by me

both of us take a bite of our ice creams and we were just peacefully eating it until a small exclamation was heard from mark. "oh wait" "what is it?"

"i forgot to buy something, can you wait here?" i nodded, he gave me his ice cream and said 'i won't be long' before running back to the mart

i huffed before eating my ice cream but it was kinda difficult since my other hand is occupied - holding mark's ice cream

i hummed out a tune as i ate my ice cream but suddenly i got pushed forward by a random person, i raised a brow at his running figure. he was running across the street, not caring that the walkers' light was red.

then a car was coming towards his direction but since he was in the car's direction, he went to the left and rolled on the ground while the car went to my direction

then a car was coming towards his direction but since he was in the car's direction, he went to the left and rolled on the ground while the car went to my direction

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totally not inspired by hi bye mama lmao

nah im joking loved that drama, i kept crying the whole time since im an emotional ass girl

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