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"chaewon-ah" i felt a small nudge on my arm which woke me up, i was almost going to fight the one who disturbed my sleep but when i saw it was ms

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"chaewon-ah" i felt a small nudge on my arm which woke me up, i was almost going to fight the one who disturbed my sleep but when i saw it was ms. kim, i immediately sat up

"yes ms kim?"
"can you do me a favour?"

i stopped rubbing my eyes and looked towards her, "depends" i know my answers may appear rude and cold but it's just how i am now, quite difficult to change it. thankfully, the teachers got used to it and never spoke about it again since i never change.

"can you tour mark around? since you're the only student i can trust" ms. kim noticed my unsure face so she held out a finger - making her look desperate.

"please? i'll pass your grades, but i'm sure you'll pass even without my help" even though she murmured the last sentence, i still heard it

after a few contemplations, i agreed with a heavy sigh and ms. kim was pleased. "thank you so much, chaewon-ah. i already told mark so i'm really happy you agreed" i only nodded and she left.

i lightly slap my cheeks to wake my dead ass up before standing up. and just when i was going to leave the classroom, mark walked inside.


"i'm only going to this tour once, so pay attention" mark nodded slowly and i began the tour. thankfully, the tour went on smoothly without any interruptions so it ended quickly.

"okay, that's it. any questions? no? okay" i didn't leave him a chance to reply and started to walk away. i know he's shocked about my attitude but i could care less about it.

then i heard footsteps coming towards me from behind, i still walked until a hand grabbed my shoulders. out of defense, i immediately swatted the hand away and gripped on it harshly. "o-oh umm.. s-sorry" mark's face screamed regret and fright

i released my grip and crossed my arms in front of my chest, "what do you want?" he stopped rubbing his arm and looked at me with his doe eyes.

"o-ohh u-umm can.. w-wait.. w-whe-" "speak properly will you" i closed my eyes from frustration and mark flinched.

"i umm.. forgot where's the direction to the classroom" he replied with a small voice as he looked down to the ground. i sighed before gesturing him to follow me


after a long day at school, i dread at the thought of staying at home but then i realized i have a shift today at the mart. 'thank god'

i stepped inside the house and breathed in relief to see the living room empty, i only hoped this house is actually empty. i walked upstairs and straight to my room to change my clothes, not forgetting to bring my book and stationery to do my homework later at the mart.

"where are you going?"

i stopped at my tracks when i heard that voice, i craned my head to the side to see my mother, well i never called her that since then. "to work" i mentally thanked god when i saw her nod and motioned me to leave

i quickly left the house and released the breath i didn't even know i was holding. the mart isn't far from my house and it only takes 8 minutes by foot

when i stepped inside the mart, the bell rang - announcing my arrival. "oh you're here?" my co-worker, areum greeted me from the cashier. i nodded at her and went straight to the staff's room to get my vest.

i put my bags there and grabbed my homework before going out, "you can go home now areum" the said girl nodded and went to the staff's room. i went behind the cashier and put my stuff on top of the counter.

"i'll be going now" "go home safely" we both bid goodbye to each other, i puffed out my cheeks as i sat down on a stool behind the cashier. since there are no customers at the moment, i decided to do my homework for the time being.

time passed quickly as i only did my homework and served the customers. "please go home safely" i bowed my head to my last customer before going back to do my homework

"2 more numbers and i'm done" i continued to do my homework and all left is the last equation until the mart's bell rang - announcing a customer's arrival

"welcome to kma-" my words came into a halt once i looked up to see a familiar figure by the door. i cleared my throat before greeting properly, "welcome to k-mart"

mark bowed his head awkwardly before going into one of the aisles, i continue my homework - waiting for him to finish getting his purchases. after a few minutes, i saw him nearing me so i put aside my books.

"is this all?" i asked as he put his stuff on the counter, he nodded and i took it as a sign to scan their prices. "do you not have banana milk?" he asks me as i scanned the last item, "we're still waiting for it to arrive, it should be here by tomorrow" i replied as i add up the total

i gave him his total and he fishes out his wallet, he took out an amount more than he needed which confused me. "i on-" "you can keep the change" he cuts me off before grabbing the plastic bag filled with his purchases

"umm.. bye now um.. chaewon" i only nodded slowly at his awkward self and he left the mart. "i guess he lives around here"

i shrugged before getting my books again and continued my homework.

i shrugged before getting my books again and continued my homework

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