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"Wait so she doesn't want sex" Zendaya said shocked. We're both at a little secluded spot in the park closest to us having a picnic.

"Well not exactly".

"I love it" she placed her hands on my shoulders while the both of us looked at me in the mirror "it really compliments your body" she ran her hands down my arms.

Goosebumps rose on my skin due to her actions. She brought her lips to my ear and said "I know I said I didn't start talking to you because I only wanted sex but I'm just letting you know that it's not fully off of the table" she then licked the shell of my ear before walking out of the dressing room.

"So like how did she look" she asked trying to not sound mean.

"Oh my god Ze" I pushed myself to lay on my back "she was just" I couldn't form a words to describe her beauty "so beautiful and her voice" I sighed "her voice is something you could listen to on record it's so soothing".

I felt a thump to my head making me sit up straight again rubbing my head "what was that for" I whined.

"This is just business Y/n" she shook me by my shoulders "you will not think about Tokio like you have a crush on her okay" she then let me go "you're lucky you have me".

"What's so bad with catching feelings" I asked making her scoff.

"Look at it this way Y/n, down the line if you did catch feelings for her and she found out" she leaned in closer to me "she would wrap you around her finger and not give you a penny for it, think about it, this is all just for college" she reminded me.

"Yeah you're right" I gave my head another rub "it felt nice getting spoiled" I said making Zendaya laugh.

"I bet it did" we both sat there in silence, I look over at Zendaya and knew she had something to say.

"Spit it out" she was dragged out of her thought by my words.

"What" she laughed "spit what out I mean I have nothing to spit out, actually I need some water do you need some water" she reached over and grabbed two bottles throwing one over to me.

"Ze come on you can tell me anything" she took a long sip from her bottle. I gasped gaining her attention "Perfect setting, picnic how did I not notice it, Yes, I will be your girlfriend Zendaya". I laughed and she pushed me.

"I need you to do me a solid" she said making me nod my head for her to continue talking.

She turned her body fully towards me and crossed her legs "okay so you know Valentine's Day is coming up".

"Yeah" I'm confused as to where she's going with this "more like it's tomorrow" I chuckled and so did she.

"Well you know my mom and I always make sure to spend Valentines with each other cause I was always single and you know Valentine's Day is a really hard day for her and I always make sure that day is good for her no matter how moody I get about being lonely" she fiddled with the lace on her shoe.

"You're a great daughter when you want to be" I laughed lightening up the mood.

"This year Nate asked me to go out with him" she looked up at me trying to hint what she wanted to tell.

"That's great" I pulled her into a hug "I'm so happy for you" she still looked tense "what's wrong" I asked.

"My mom" she paused "I don't want to leave her alone cause that's like the worst day to not be with her" she sighed getting annoyed at herself for dragging this out "what I want to ask is will you spend Valentines with my mom".

Wait what, I practically screamed in my head.

I laughed trying to make the best way to say no "why".

"Okay I know it's so weird but you're not doing anything for Valentines so why not" I knew I wasn't getting out of this "plus you owe me for helping you out with Tokio".

"I don't know Ze, I mean it's weird to spend a day like that with your mom of all people" she sighed again.

"I know but you're like family to us, you basically live in my house it wouldn't be that weird just don't tell anyone" I laughed.

"Oh yeah I'm gonna post being with your mom on Instagram to make Justin jealous" she laughed pushing me.

"I hate you, but is that a yes" she stared at me waiting for my response.

"You know I'll do anything for you Ze" that made her jump on me hugging me.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you" she kept repeating.

Zendaya threw her bag on her couch and I threw myself onto the opposite one "don't want to break a bone" Miss Grande said as she came into the living room, she was about to walk upstairs until Zendaya called out for her.

"I have to tell you something" she fiddled with her fingers.

Ariana looked concerned "what's wrong" she took Zendaya's state in and then casted me a look making me look away.

"Well I know it's our special day tomorrow" she said making Ariana smile.

"I went to the store and got us some ice cream" her mom said.

This is actually hard to watch.

"Well mom that boy you saw me at school with, well he asked me out for Valentine's Day" Ariana kept her smile but she did look hurt, I mean Zendaya is breaking their years of tradition, it's bound to hurt.

"Oh" she paused "well I hope you two enjoy yourselves" she went to walk away but Zendaya stopped her again.

"Well you see Y/n here " she pointed at me as if her mom didn't see me already "isn't doing anything as well and so I thought why not both of you do something together" she smiled a hopeful smile at her mother.

"Well does Y/n want to" she said unsure.

"Yeah she does" Zendaya was quick to say and looked over at me to confirm her statement.

"I'm not doing anything else why not" I shrugged and that made Zendaya's mom smile.

So let's just shed some light on the topic of smut....do y'all want me to write it or not.

Thanks for reading and my apologies for any mistakes.

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