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"Everything about her is perfect" I gushed as I watched Camila a few lockers away from me with her friends smiling "her smile is perfect".

"Okay Y/n/n" why don't you just ask her out or maybe say a word to her" Zendaya flicked my head.

"Ow" I rubbed my now sore head "what was that for".

"I helped you before she caught you drooling at her" she smiled at me.

"Oh thank you wise Zendaya what can I ever do to repay you for your kind act" I joked.

I suddenly felt two arms on my shoulders making me jump.

"Got you" Megan laughed as I looked at her I could see Camila behind her walking by us trying to hold back her laugh.

"Why are you blushing" Megan asked and Zendaya responded.

"Cause her and Camila made eye contact again and that will probably be the only contact Y/n will get with her if she doesn't decide to stop being such a simp" that made both Megan and I gasp.

"Did she just" I started.

"I think she did" Megan continued.

"You used the simp card really Ze".

I was walking out of my art class when I felt a soft tap on my shoulder, I turned around and of course me being me bumped into two people, I apologised before meeting eyes with the girl I was staring at for that whole class.

I think she caught me staring and is probably going to tell me off.

"Y/n" I heard Camila say breaking me from my thoughts.

"Oh sorry, hey what's up" okay didn't mess any words up so far so good.

"So you in" she asked making me blink back to reality.

"Sorry what" I asked making her laugh.

"You're funny Y/n I asked if you wanted to come to my pool party this weekend" my heart just fell into my ass.

Okay Y/n don't make it obvious that you're literally dying inside right now.

"Yeah sure just text me your address" I went to walk away before I embarrassed myself more until she spoke again.

"Well I'm gonna need your number for that".

I threw my bag on the floor after rushing into Zendaya's living room "I got her number" I shouted making Zendaya laugh.

"Who's number" Ariana came in from the kitchen.

"Let me guess" Zendaya pulled her thinking face "name begins with a C you've been crushing on her since the dinosaurs were around and today is probably the first day you've had a proper conversation with her" Zendaya said making her moms eyebrows furrow and me fake laugh.

"Very funny Ze and yes you are correct and you want to know what else, she invited me to her pool party this weekend" I said feeling proud.

"Shut up" Zendaya sat up on her couch "are you for real" I nodded.

"What's so special about this party" Ariana asked.

"Mom this party is like one of the parties that you've always wished to get invited to when you think back on your days in high school but never did but finally my wish is finally being fulfilled and I won't be thirty years old thinking back on what could've been" Zendaya held her hand on her heart.

"Well you can't go" was all Ariana said making me trying to not laugh at Zendaya's face.

"Guess I'll bring Megan with me" I said making Zendaya scoff.

"No you are not and why can't I go" she asked her mother sounding like a baby.

"Because" was all she said making both Zendaya and I confused "it's a pool party" she finished.

"And" Zendaya questioned further.

"I am your mother and I don't feel comfortable letting you go to a pool party" she was about to walk out until Zendaya started to beg.

"Mom please you cannot not let me go" I found this amusing to watch "tell her Y/n" Zendaya caught me off guard.

"What" I asked.

"Tell her that I need to go" my eyes shifted to the intimidating beautiful mother of my best friend staring at me directly in the eyes, I hate eye contact.

"See Y/n knows that you should listen to your mother" Ariana fought back to her daughter.

"I'll take care of her Miss Grande" I stopped both of them arguing.

"See" Zendaya stood beside me "if you don't trust me, trust Y/n".

Ariana stared at me clearly on two minds about her decision making.

"You're lucky I trust your friend more than you".

Zendaya smiled in victory and her mom walked out of the room "so tell me everything Camila said to you".

The next day I found myself once again with my eyes glued to the back of Camila's head, how can the back of someone's head still look good. I looked at everyone else's back of their heads but they just didn't look as good as Camila's. Am I getting an obsession with her.

I felt a piece of paper hit my cheek, I looked at who it came from to see Pete smiling at me.

He pointed at the page for me to open it.

He asked me if I was going to Camila's party and this is the first time I'm saying yes. He always gets invited and asks me every time, I'm now finally saying yes and I genuinely couldn't stop the smile from forming on my face.

I looked back at him nodding my head making him write on another piece of paper and throw it to me.

'It's about time I get drunk with you' I laughed at what he wrote making Miss Lively stop talking to stare at me.

"Care to share with the rest of the class what you find so humorous" my face instantly heated up at the fact that I just get embarrassed so easily and that I could feel Camila's eyes on me.

"Sorry Miss" was all I said and was all she needed to hear.

"That woman doesn't give you a break" Camila said as she walked up beside me.

I laughed "tell me about it" I'm so nervous right now.

"If I'm being honest I think she has the hots for you" she said making me confused.

"Why would she have the hots for me" I asked.

"What is there not to like about you" was the last thing she said before giving me a smile and walking off leaving me with my face as red as a tomato.

Sorry for any mistakes and thank you for reading:)
Also what are your thoughts on what's going to happen so far I'm curious.

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