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1. that can't ruin your night, right?

"I JUST KNOW WHO I'LL DANCE WITH!" Meg chirped, a big smile planted on her face as she was feeling excited

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"I JUST KNOW WHO I'LL DANCE WITH!" Meg chirped, a big smile planted on her face as she was feeling excited.

"Who will you dance with, Jo?" Amy asked the girl, Flo snorting at the question thrown on her older sister, knowing her answer quite well.

"You know I never dance."

"We'll dance together Jo, don't worry!" Flo spoke sarcastically, still smiling as she stared at Amy. 

"I can't dance," Beth muttered, making Flo turn her way and give her a small smile with a playful wink. 

"Why can't we all go to the party? It's not fair!" Amy whined, combing her hair as the other sisters were scattered around the room. 

Beth was sitting on Flo's bed, staring at her three older sisters as Jo did Meg's hair, covered with papers. While Jo was curling Meg's hair, the oldest sister ran her fingers on Flo's hair, just brushing as she liked it out straight. Meg crossed her legs down next to Flo, trying hard to fit in a pair of fancy slippers. 

"Just wear your regular shoes-" Jo was interrupted by Meg, who was now forcing her feet into the slippers.

"These fit last year!"

Amy was putting jewelry on herself, playing with her nose as she lifted it. 

"My nose will simply not look refined!"

"I like your nose..." Beth whispered to herself, allowing no one to hear her. 

"Now, Jo-" As Amy reached to Jo, she slapped her hand away. 

"I already feel ridiculous, I don't want to look it!"

"You could be pretty if you tried..."

"Don't want to, won't do it..." Amy sighed, going back to the jewelry box, staring at herself in the mirror. 

"I don't want to go, but I wish I could hear all the music..." Beth spoke up all of a sudden, expressing her love for the classic music. 

"I'll keep it all in my head and try to sing it for you when I get home!" Flo jumped up from where she had been sitting, going next to the ginger as she stroked her sister's hair. 

Jo went back to working on Meg's hair, both Beth and Flo watching her handle the tongs, looking slightly worried. 

"Ought they to smoke, like that?" Beth asked Jo.

"It's the dampness drying," Jo spoke confidently. 

"What a queer smell- it's like," Amy stopped for a second, trying to think for the right term, "burnt feathers!"

"There, now you'll see a perfect ringlet." Jo removed the tong, a burnt clump of hair following. Jo screamed, causing Meg to copy her.

"You're ruined!" Amy gasped, half delighted by the mistake the girl had done. 

"Why is her hair off?" Beth whispered to Flo, who looked shocked but was forcing herself to stop the laughter inside her. 

"Meg, I'm so sorry!" Jo reached her hands over her mouth that stood open. 

Meg rushed to the mirror and ran her fingers through her hair, "What have you done?! Marmee I'm spoilt! I can't go! My hair!"

"I'm sorry! You shouldn't have asked me to do it! I ruin everything!" Flo watched her two older sisters panic, and she ran next to them, reassuring the two girls. 

"Meg! You look gorgeous! You can't even tell that there's anything off with your hair! That can't ruin your night, right?" she watched as her sister's shoulders fell slowly. 

"And Jo, you don't ruin everything, it was just one mistake, and that's alright! We all make mistakes, that doesn't mean you're bad at everything, look at how gorgeous Meg's hair look, right?!" Flo put her hands on Jo's shoulder's, forcefully pushing them down as she waited till her sister smiled at her, and she jumped up and down, happy to see her sister's smiling again. 

"Now, hop into the dress I made you Meg, or else we're gonna be late!"


JO AND FLO WALKED, THEIR ARMS LINKED into Meg's as she told her two younger sisters what to do and not do, talking especially to Jo.

"Don't stare, don't put your hand behind your back, don't say Christopher Columbus, don't say Capital, don't shake hands, don't whistle-" Meg was interrupted when a girl jumped in front of the three siblings, pulling the oldest away as she began to speak. 

"Meg March! You look so pretty!" she complimented as she dragged her away into one of the big ballad rooms, leaving Jo and Flo, awkwardly standing there, not knowing what to do.

"Well then, every man for himself!" Flo giggled, wandering off the party as she left her sister, alone.

[hello lovelies! I just wanted to say thank you for reading and I hope I'll see you at the last chapter:)]

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