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2. I wouldn't mind some company!

LAST YEAR, when Jo had refused to come to the same party with Meg, Flo was dragged into the same fancy house, getting ditched by Meg, once again

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LAST YEAR, when Jo had refused to come to the same party with Meg, Flo was dragged into the same fancy house, getting ditched by Meg, once again. She had been very bored and had found herself a nice hiding spot, drawing sketches, and reading books in the secret room behind a curtain. 

After she had left Jo alone, she got herself some very delightful food and went to her secret room before anyone would force her to dance with them. 

She sighed throwing her cardigan on the couch as she preferred to sit on the floor, warming herself in front of the fireplace. Deep in her thoughts, she did not realize when a boy walked in till he cleared his throat, which caused Flo to slightly flinch. 

"Excuse me, I did not know this place was already occupied." the boy said, causing Flo to jump up from the ground. 

"Oh, sorry, I'll be out in a second." she ran to the couch, grabbing her body warmer as she secretly begged the boy to tell her to stay. 

"Stay, miss, I'll leave." Flo turned her heel around, admiring the boy's curly hair before she rushed over next to the boy. 

"I wouldn't mind some company!" she smiled, the boy returning her one. 

"Miss March? Isn't it?"

"Florence March, you can call me Flo though, Mr. Laurence."

"Flo it is, I'm only Laurie."

Laurie's smiled at the blonde girl and sat on the couch while he watched the girl plop onto the floor in front of the small fire. The boy admired the girl as she went back to focusing on the orange flame in front of her. 

"May I join you?"

Flo hummed a yes, not taking her eyes off the chimney.

"What would you be doing here, missing the ball out there?"

"Not a fan of crowds, but I still like parties, the music, and the food, and well, this secret place is my new place to have some time to myself, but look at how that turned out." Flo turned to the boy, who had felt bad for interrupting her alone time, but he felt better when he saw her smile.

"Why are you here?"

"I don't know many people, and felt strange at first, you know?" Flo nodded at the boy, both feeling quite awkward, but enjoying the other one in front of them.

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