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6. I love my job!

THE FIVE MARCH SISTER WALKED DOWN THE STREET, arms linked together as they bundled against the cold

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THE FIVE MARCH SISTER WALKED DOWN THE STREET, arms linked together as they bundled against the cold. Meg was in the middle of their line, as she had Jo and Beth to her left, and Amy and Flo to her right, the smallest sister on the edge as they were headed to school.

"It's so hard to go back to work after such good times!" Meg whined, each of the girls wishing that they could have the day off.

"I wish it was Christmas every day..."

"Or New Year's, wouldn't that be exciting?"

"We're a bunch of ungrateful minxes!"

"Not me! I love my job!" Flo smiled, enjoying sewing for rich people, who did not have good style taste.

"Don't use such dreadful expressions!"

"I like good strong words that mean something!"

"Well, I have to go to school and I don't have any limes," Amy said, out of a sudden.

"Limes?" Flo asked, looking at her left to face Amy.

"The other girls are all trading pickled limes. I'm in debt. I owe ever so many limes." Flo reached to her pocket and handed her a quarter.

"Will that do?"

"Why did you do that for?" Jo asked Flo, confused as Meg answered for her.

"We know what it is to want little things and feel less than other girls."

"Between that and the drawings, I should wipe out my debt!" Amy cheered.

"What drawings?"

"Nothing!" Amy answered Jo defensive, as Beth shuddered.

"I'm just glad that mother doesn't make me go to that school with all those girls..." Flo nodded, and Jo reminded Beth of her to-do list.

"Beth, after your shopping, I need you to work your way through the new sums and spelling and I'll check it all when I get home!"

Meg looked at the sun, and speeded up, not wanting to be late.

"Hurry! I'll be late!" Meg said as they all broke apart from each other at the fork of the road. Beth, Meg, and Flo running in one direction as Amy and Jo in another.


FLO WALKED INTO THE SMALL SHOP, greeting daily customers as she made her way up to her boss.

"Sorry I'm late, it won't happen again!" Flo explained the man, taking off her bag as she stripped her coat layers down.

"Don't worry Florence, there's a new, young man here, he's very important, so make sure that you turn him into one of our daily customers. Don't let him become another pray of that evil Charlotte Samuels!" Flo smiled and nodded at him, tucking a few needles on her sewing belt as she knocked at the private dressing room, before stepping in.

"Hello- Laurie?" she looked up at the boy, who stood in a very large outfit, his straight mouth turning into a smile as he made contact with the girl.

"Well hello there, Flo! This is my tutor, Mr. Brook, had to find a reason to get out of the house, and this seemed to be the best one!" Flo sent a small wave at his tutor and approached the boy.

"Well then, I'll take my time!" she smiled, before checking the big blazer, and long-legged pants he was wearing.

"We should get you a smaller blazer, first of all, then I can help with the pants!" she went up to him, looking at what size the blazer he had on was.

"Do you want one similar or?"

"Get me whatever you think would look good on me." the boy smiled, as the girls exited the room, looking at her boss as she decided to have a chat with him.

"Why didn't you tell me that it was Mr. Laurence?"

"Well, didn't think that you would know him, darling, now come on, get to work, and if you get Mr. Laurence to leave with what you got him, you can have the rest of the day off!"

"I'm on it!" she raced into the shop, picking up a grey team, pants with brown striped on them that had the same pattern on the blazer. As she was going back to the room, a vest caught her eye. She quickly went over there and picked up the yellow vest with red raisins on it.

"Here, try these!" she stepped into the styling room and handing the clothes to Laurie, who stood uncomfortable.

"Do I just?" he asked her, not wanting to get changed in front of his tutor, or the March girl he had just met a few nights ago.

"Oh, I'll pull the curtain!" she said, doing the exact thing as she said so as the room divided into two.


"THANK YOU SO MUCH FLO!" Laurie thanked the girl, they had offered her a ride back home, and they were now just waiting for her to get her bags.

"Stop thanking me, it's my job!" she smiled as she walked with the two boys.

"Mr. Brook, what do you teach Laurie?"

"It is quite hard to teach anything to Laurie, and please call me John!" Laurie blushed, seeming embarrassed as they all stepped into the carriage, staying in silence for a few minutes as the carriage moved.

"Would you like to come over for some tea, Flo?" Laurie asked the girl, who thought for a second and nodded, going back to watching out from the window.

"Only if I can watch you work," she smirked at the boy to her right, before giving a thumbs up to John.

"I hate this already..." Laurie mumbled to himself as he buried his head into his hands, while John and Flo simply laughed at him groaning.

[this is soo short but it's kind of filler!]

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